Just In
imsuchanut PM
Joined Jun '11


I'm not exactly a writer, I'm a reader. But I just write down random ideas that pop into my head, so here they are! I absolutely love sci-fi and mystery, so I enjoy a lot of different fandoms. Right now I'm focusing on AoS and the Hobbit, but holla at me if there's something else you'd like to see. I'm always open to prompts, so please feel free to send them!

My works in progress are the "Blast From the Past Series", which is listed as individual oneshots, "Just One Yesterday", and "The Final Option".

"Shaken and Stirred" is now on hiatus indefinitely.

I mostly write unconnected oneshots, so check em out!

Plus, my tumblr username is the same as this; imsuchanut. So follow me there, too!

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