Hola my amigos!
You Can Call Me: Lucky Charms (Haha inside joke at school...)
Age: Almost 14!
Fav. Books: I'm more open-minded when it comes to books, I'll practically read anything!
Currently Reading: The Boyfriend Game by Stephie Davis
'If you write one story, it may be bad; if you write a hundred, you have the odds in your favor.' -Edgar Rice Burroughs
'When you give someone a book you're giving them the most imaginative of gifts, because you're taking a personal interest in what interests them.' -W H Smith
'I have been successful probably because I have always realized that I knew nothing about writing and have merely tried to tell an interesting story entertainingly.'
-Edgar Rice Burroughs
'Fiction, imaginative work that is, is not dropped like a pebble upon the ground, as science may be; fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners.' -Virginia Woolf
'It's a kind of zen question: if you write a book and no one reads it, is it really a book?' -Lee Child
'Having imagination, it takes you an hour to write a paragraph that, if you were unimaginative, would take only a minute. Or you might not write the paragraph at all.' -Franklin P Adams
‘I will never stop writing. People often ask when I will retire, but I say it’s none of their business. Writing defines who I am. I love the feeling of holding a finished book in my hands, and then I can’t wait to start the great adventure of writing the next one.’ -Barbara Taylor Bradford
Love of the Game- Story Links
Chapter 1- Pajama Outfits- http:///chapter_my_story/set?id=38559419&lid=1178028
Chaper 2- Bella, Alice, and Rosalie's outfits- http:///chapter_greetings/set?id=38589218&lid=1178028
Chapter 2- Edward, Jasper, and Emmett's outfits- http:///chapter_greetings/set?id=38588414&lid=1178028