I love writing and I have a mind full of ideas and I am always happy to find out how I can improve my stories, so please review them so I can improve my writing skills.
Name: Invisable
Age: Do you think I'm going to give out my real age?
Gender: In my stories- female
(I will try to make my profile look a little more interesting)
I love Doctor Who and I enjoy watching Pokemon. If you were to ask me who my faverite Doctors are I would say Matt Smith and Tom Baker, the rest are tied for second because I like them all and there is not one that I dislike or hate.
I love to read Doctor Who, Discworld, and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galixy.
I would like to thank my readers for reviewing and telling me what mistakes that I have made and I hope that I have improved. Thank you.
I can be found on deviantart at http:///