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Meteor Gin PM
My Stories 19
10The Code That Transcends » Frontier AU. Kiry is the daughter of Izzy and Mimi, at first she doesn't know what to think when her dad's old computer intercepts a strange signal and a voice she swears she should know tells her to fallow it to the train station. The foes the LW face will be great but Ophanimon has prepared the means to face them. However, they'll need Kiry's memory back first. Koji/OC 01x04 R&R
Digimon, T, English, Adventure & Mystery, chapters: 10, words: 32k+, favs: 40, follows: 37, updated: 6/9/2021 published: 10/16/2015, [Kouji M./Koji, OC] [Koushirō I./Izzy, Mimi T.]
3Secrets of the ancients The past has many secrets that you would hope stay hidden away, but perhaps it's already too late for that. A very dangerous secret that's been sleeping for a long time is ready to surface. Now the end of the world is approching and the only one that may know how to stop it just happens to be a trusted ally of Voltaire and Boris. Can the Bladebreakers stand against the coming wave?
Beyblade, T, English, Mystery & Adventure, words: 699, 1/9/2018, Boris B., Bit-beasts, OC, Voltaire H.
1 The Bit-Beast called Totoro This idea is extremely old and very susceptible to change, so it may end up deviating from the initial summery which is provided inside. The initial idea is many years have past since My Neighbor Totoro, Mei became a beyblader and Totoro is her bit beast, she's gone to the city to visit her sister who has since moved away, but I imagine Totoro in a city is the equivalent to chaos
Beyblade & My Neighbor Totoro/となりのトトロ, K, English, Fantasy & Adventure, words: 1k+, follows: 1, 3/25/2016
A Witch's Fairy Tail Tale "Come, let's play again!" That was the wisper that brought her to this stange world full of strange people like she had never known. Will Fairy Tail be able to fulfill the promise that ended in unfulfilled tragedy, or is this merely the past repeating itself yet agian.
Fairy Tail & A Witch's Tale, T, English, Adventure & Humor, words: 3k+, 2/17/2016, Liddell, Anne
Digibeasts AU for all things digimon (probably). Strange creatures that aren't bit beast are suddenly meeting from beyblades and dealing havoc, just what is going on? And who's ever heard of a kingdom called Iliad? (yes, I borrowed the name, it was that or digitopia and that sounds really lame) All digimon seasons are planned to be present (probably)
Digimon & Beyblade, T, English, Adventure, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 4, 2/17/2016, Sayo
2 Shinzoku Bakugan A bakugan expirament using slayers ideas and concepts and such. It's a bit of an AU of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers video game. Anyway, I'm not gonna lie, it's a pretty far fetched idea. Read at your own risk I guess. (not quite what it looks like to Slayers fans.) Has Tales series references. No summary.
Slayers & Bakugan Battle Brawlers, T, English, Mystery & Fantasy, words: 2k+, 1/17/2016, Vrabazard, Ragradia, Valwin, Rangort
1 We walk together A poem to Lycoris from Hokuto
.hack/SIGN, K, English, Poetry & Friendship, words: 157, favs: 1, follows: 2, 11/5/2015, Albireo
4Tale of the twins AU of some sort. When Ash arrived, all the other pokemon had already been chosen. Gary had taken squirtol and the other two had gone to the twins, Red and Leaf, his best friends (Gary's). Here's a version of the anime to tell the story of those three with maybe some mix of the games, possibly just a hint of the manga, and likely a bit of my own mixed up memory mixed in. Gary/Leaf
Pokémon, T, English, Adventure & Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 1, follows: 5, 10/23/2015, [Gary O./Shigeru, Leaf] Red, Team Rocket
Hokuto X Albireo challenge A bunch of Hokuto/Albireo ideas I came up with that I sincerely hope people will consider and plan to think about myself, the world needs more Hokuto/Albireo! this list may grow whenever I think of something else. There are some really good ideas in here I promise.
.hack/SIGN, K, English, Romance, words: 607, follows: 1, 10/9/2015, Albireo
The truth of the dark beast What if their was more to Kai's desire for Black Dranzer then just it's power? What if there was something or someone else he wasn't aware of pushing him towards the bit? What if that person was still out there? Add in a dislexic mute, Boris and his new bladers, a strange team that likes being criptic, and a sudden interest in Kai and the bladebrakers best be prepared. full inside.
Beyblade, T, English, Adventure & Mystery, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 3, 10/7/2015, Kai H., OC
1 The Leaf never falls far from the flag AU 16 year old Leaf, who ate the truth truth fruit and was raised by the famous straw hat pirates, surving as an informant known as "Green eared Leaf" with a bounty of 50 million berris, finds herself starting on a whole new adventure when she wakes up to find her self in a strange new world with a weird looking, flying, pink cat like creature as a guide.
Pokémon & One Piece, T, English, Adventure, words: 3k+, favs: 4, follows: 6, 9/19/2015, Mew, Leaf
10digilegents » during their travels, the LW stumble across a long forgotten legend, ancient, even to Lucamon's time, a secret, known only by a chosen few, what happins when it turns out to have unexpected side effects. 01x04
Digimon, K+, English, Adventure & Mystery, chapters: 4, words: 3k+, favs: 22, follows: 19, updated: 6/3/2015 published: 11/13/2011, Chosen Children/Digidestined, Legendary Warriors
2The Spirits of Chaos and Void Turning the legendary warriors into spirits wasn't an original idea, but an inspired one. Now all ten of the legendary warriors (no OCs) will be needed to stop the two original spirits from tearing reality apart. But is all really what it seems? Full summary inside. Ch. 1 is basicly an overview (or preview) of the whole idea. Will include the Olympus XII (sorta).
Digimon, T, English, Adventure & Suspense, words: 1k+, favs: 1, follows: 1, 5/30/2015, Alphamon, Omegamon/Omnimon, Legendary Warriors, OC
what's wrong with being different? The flock is thrown into a strange new world and meets new friends who may be more like them then they could have ever imagined, but are these friends still hiding something? something dangerous perhaps? they'll have to figure out what's going on and have to deal with their new friends problems and find a way home, or do they even want to go home?(Wild Wing Xover NoPriorInfoNeeded)
Maximum Ride & Misc. Anime/Manga, T, English, Adventure & Humor, words: 2k+, 6/25/2014
4 one piece ghost style » OP charicters are gosts, one marien reamans, the one who killed Ace, the staw hats have taken on the unlikly task of protecting bystanders becas of a new friend with phsicic abilitys named Miya, meanwile the local residens called in some pros. has two OCs
One Piece & Ghost Hunt, T, English, Mystery & Adventure, chapters: 5, words: 3k+, favs: 8, follows: 9, updated: 4/21/2014 published: 9/27/2011, Strawhat Pirates, Mai T.
2 a witch's shadow » this takes place 2 years after a wich's tale dream come true ending. Loue and Liddle have left their,dimention for the world of blue dragan, becuase the daghters of the eld witch had reancarnated there.
Blue Dragon & A Witch's Tale, T, English, Adventure & Mystery, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 1, updated: 4/20/2014 published: 9/8/2011, Liddell, Eld Witch
4 An Ancient Tragedy the world of Inuyasha was not all ways as it is today, it was once the world of Slayers, but what could had caused the world to change so much? Inuyasha and his friends are about to find out when they meet the descendents of the Slayers characters
Slayers & Inuyasha, T, English, Mystery & Fantasy, words: 754, 12/4/2011, Lina I.
5 bakugan in digiworld » the digital world is in cayas, all the old villans have retened, even dieaborumon, there is s all out war going on, and it's riping open the space time cuntinume. so what hapanse when some unknown kids pass through?
Digimon & Bakugan Battle Brawlers, T, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 3, follows: 4, updated: 9/9/2011 published: 9/7/2011
a wich's cards » the eld witch as been freed in another dmention by an unknown sorce, once agen liddell is "called on" to stop her, but there's a cetch the sigils and runes have been turnd to dule monster cards, and scatered, now the only spell she can use is Holloween.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's & A Witch's Tale, T, English, Drama & Mystery, chapters: 2, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 9/8/2011
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