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My Stories 27
76Young Justice: Next Step » Years have passed, heroes have moved on, leaving their legacies in the hands of their proteges. Now a new League has formed, one not as tight knit as the old but that is not their biggest concern as their children, the next generation are looking to follow in their parent's footsteps. Each generation comes new challenges, the only concern is, will they be able to step up to them?
Young Justice, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 19, words: 46k+, favs: 42, follows: 37, updated: 8/26/2019 published: 8/6/2017
73 Young Justice: Vow » Eighty years ago, it started on Mars. A deadly encounter between former friends that resulted in tragedy. What was once thought to be finished has only come back in the worst way. It will take something of a miracle for it to be stopped, if it can be stopped at all.
Young Justice, T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 15, words: 40k+, favs: 35, follows: 30, updated: 4/23/2017 published: 12/24/2016, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian] John J./Martian Manhunter
4Double Entendre Waking to a strange noise late at night, M'gann investigates and discovers how her crush, Superboy, feels about her. Set in Season One shortly after Artemis joins the team.
Young Justice, K, English, Romance & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 13, follows: 5, 3/6/2016
10How The Grinches Stole Christmas » During the black ops and Titans annual Christmas party, the lights go out, prompting the ginger speedster to entertain his friends with his rendition of the Grinch story. Only he's not so good at telling stories, not that he cares. Five chapters with the last posted on Christmas Day, includes characters from my two seasons.
Young Justice, K, English, Humor & Family, chapters: 5, words: 10k+, favs: 17, follows: 11, updated: 12/25/2015 published: 12/21/2015, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian] [Wally W./Kid Flash, Artemis C./Artemis]
9 Young Justice: Thanksgiving Takes place after the Epilogue of Young Justice: Titans. Differant members of the teams have differant traditions with one thing in common, that wherever they may go, however they may celebrate, they are always family old and new.
Young Justice, K, English, Family & Friendship, words: 6k+, favs: 37, follows: 6, 11/26/2015, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian] Richard G./Nightwing
693Young Justice: Titans » One year after defeating Darkseid, The League has expanded to include a third team. Where the black ops team operate on the sly, this new team will be publicly known. But now a new threat is on the horizon, one with a strong foot hold in Earth and looking for the perfect chance to strike with neither Earth's heroes or villain's knowing anything about it. My version of a season 4.
Young Justice, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 91, words: 289k+, favs: 237, follows: 190, updated: 10/16/2015 published: 6/15/2014, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian] Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
6 Young Justice: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas A strange thing happens one Christmas Eve night. As told by Garfield Logan.
Young Justice, K, English, Humor & Family, words: 1k+, favs: 20, follows: 4, 12/24/2014, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
39 Young Justice: Present Future » After being sent to Mars on a mission, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Beast Boy encounter a threat none could have ever imagined. Left alone, it could end the lives of any and every being it comes across, confronted, it can only become more dangerous. Now the three must not only find a way to defeat this new threat, but also save one of their own or risk losing them forever.
Young Justice, T, English, Drama & Adventure, chapters: 8, words: 35k+, favs: 56, follows: 29, updated: 12/14/2014 published: 9/14/2014, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian] Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
8 Young Justice: Sing Along The story of one brooding teen's search for peace and quiet among his friends. Not a song fic but it does contain lyrics with a song list at the end.
Young Justice, K, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 21, follows: 8, 6/10/2014, Conner K./Superboy, Wally W./Kid Flash, Artemis C./Artemis, Megan M./Miss Martian
799 Young Justice: Darkness Falls » My Version of a third season. Following the events of the Reach's invasion, The Team is faced with another incoming threat worse than any they have faced before. New faces join their ranks as others seek to destroy or enslave them while the last members of The Light cast its shadow over the Earth in its continued attempt to rid the world of its heroes. Violence.
Young Justice, T, English, Adventure, chapters: 90, words: 308k+, favs: 602, follows: 381, updated: 2/27/2014 published: 4/21/2013, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian] Richard G./Nightwing, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
13 Young Justice Christmas Vacation The team's been given a Christmas vacation and gets into a few bumps between December 1st and Christmas Day. Takes place after season two and features a bonus song for Christmas. Based on both National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Jungle All The Way. Some characters are a bit OOC for the sake of the story.
Young Justice, K, English, Humor & Parody, words: 17k+, favs: 31, follows: 11, 12/24/2013, [Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian]
7 It's The Great Turkey, M'gann M'orzz Based on 'It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'. During the team's first Thanksgiving, Wally decides to have some fun with the resident Martian.
Young Justice, K, English, Friendship & Humor, words: 3k+, favs: 34, follows: 7, 11/28/2013, Conner K./Superboy, Wally W./Kid Flash, Megan M./Miss Martian, Zatanna Z.
70X-Men Evolution: Second Mutation » A new breed of mutant whose powers are closely linked with their emotions has been discovered whose own powers are capable of killing themselves. Their abilities are unmeasured and the X-Men are charged to find out more about them. The closest is a young man in Juarez, Mexico. But can they help him before his powers take thier ultimate toll? After S4. Features 1st OC.
X-Men: Evolution, T, English, Adventure & Drama, chapters: 38, words: 102k+, favs: 31, follows: 29, updated: 5/10/2013 published: 1/1/2013
104 Young Justice: Breather » After their mission to rescue those captured by The Reach, the team retires to The Hall of Justice in place of a temporary base of operations. During a training skirmish Conner loses his temper and Garfiled is belittled by a fellow team member and the two are in need for some fresh air. (Brotherly/friend bonding.) Now includes other characters after each episode.
Young Justice, K, English, Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 19, words: 46k+, favs: 107, follows: 49, updated: 4/21/2013 published: 12/1/2012, Conner K./Superboy, Megan M./Miss Martian, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
34 Ultimate Scarlet Spider: Seperation Anxiety » 4th entry into my Ultimate Spider-Man saga. Several weeks after facing the Chameleon, Peter Parker has donned a new costume, a new identity, and is trying to get back to a "normal" life. But Carol Danvers is still after him in an attempt to govern all super powered individuals under SHEILD jurisdiction and has obtained a certain suit and it's owner to carry out her plans.
Ultimate Marvel, T, English, Drama, chapters: 15, words: 33k+, favs: 24, follows: 12, updated: 2/19/2013 published: 12/1/2012
6 Because I Love Her After everything they've gone through, Peter reflects on why he loves his wife, Mary Jane, as they lay side by side. Quick V-Day story for the real fans. Takes place after all the crap marvel has done.
Spider-Man, K, English, Romance, words: 561, favs: 23, follows: 8, 2/14/2013, Peter P./Spider-Man, Mary Jane W.
4 Danger Zone Wally Top Gun Archer Shananagans ONE SHOT
Young Justice, K, English, Friendship, words: 4k+, favs: 7, follows: 1, 1/21/2013, Wally W./Kid Flash
4Young Justice: Two Days in December » A quick three part one shot for Christmas. Wally is home alone, wishing for one more night with his Spitfire when a mystery woman appears before him while over at the Hall of Justice, Conner seperates himself at the annual team Christmas party as the others have a good time with someone following him and a certain Martian around with mistletoe. Story will conclude on Christmas.
Young Justice, K, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 5k+, favs: 12, follows: 8, updated: 12/25/2012 published: 12/23/2012, Conner K./Superboy, Wally W./Kid Flash
26Disney Dreams » After numerous missions, the team finally gets some much needed down time. But fatigue, junk food, and certain feel food movies get the best of them…and their dreams. Covers the first six team members from season one with their own chapters.
Young Justice, K, English, Parody, chapters: 8, words: 39k+, favs: 25, follows: 22, updated: 11/11/2012 published: 10/25/2012
6 Ye Old Young Justice The team is assigned an undercover mission to find evidence of Clayface and Mammoth who are suspected of operating in Florida. The catch? They have to blend in with the locals…at a renaissance fair. – Takes place during season one after Zatanna is introduced but before Wally and Artemis are a couple.
Young Justice, K, English, Adventure, words: 9k+, favs: 30, follows: 12, 9/22/2012
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