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My Stories 46
1k+Unquestionable Love: The Untold Stories » A collection of stories centered around the Snape family and the Unquestionable Love saga, set at various times between the Prequel, the original, and after the original. Stories will contain Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, and Romance. AU, Post-DH. ***The series continues at www (dot) crmediagal (dot) com***
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Romance, chapters: 59, words: 289k+, favs: 386, follows: 353, updated: 7/28/2019 published: 3/7/2013, Hermione G., Severus S.
18St Severus (PREVIEW ONLY) After moving in next door to her cantankerous former childhood professor, an overworked, newly single Hermione Granger is forced to leave her only child, Hugo, under the troublesome wizard's care. A hodgepodge of angst, humour, drama, and much needed re-connection for all ensues. Based loosely on St. Vincent. AU, Post-war. ***Available to read at www (dot) crmediagal (dot) com***
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Drama, words: 1k+, favs: 16, follows: 24, 7/6/2019, Hermione G., Severus S.
69 Angsty & Sentence Starters of the Snarky Sort » A series of Severus Snape-centric one-shots based on Tumblr's "Angsty/Suggestive Sentence Starter" Prompts. Each prompt is based on a quote. SSHG, SSLM. Rated T, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, T, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 33, follows: 37, updated: 8/27/2017 published: 8/24/2017, Hermione G., Severus S., Lucius M.
156 Depravity » They rarely saw one another at the same time. Shadows lidded expressions, darkness shrouded sentiments. Somewhere between the fine line of love and hate lay the truth: terrible, unfortunate, and inevitable. Dark AU, Pre-Hogwarts and Hogwarts Years.
Harry Potter, M, English, Angst & Drama, chapters: 7, words: 23k+, favs: 55, follows: 43, updated: 8/8/2017 published: 7/26/2017, [Severus S., Narcissa M.] Lucius M.
192 The Cure » Severus Snape has spent years seeking relief from the snake bites left behind by Nagini's vicious attack. He's exhausted every treatment imaginable, both muggle and wizarding, until he encounters Hermione Granger. What she winds up offering is something he never considered...and finds himself powerless to refuse. Written for the SSHG Gift Fest on LiveJournal. AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 3, words: 16k+, favs: 377, follows: 179, updated: 1/7/2017 published: 1/4/2017, Hermione G., Severus S.
80 Fall Starters » A series of SSHG autumn/Halloween-related drabbles based on Tumblr's "Fresh Starters" Prompts. Each prompt is based on a quote. Rated T, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 3, words: 2k+, favs: 59, follows: 32, updated: 11/9/2016 published: 11/6/2016, Hermione G., Severus S.
21 Preserved Hermione has an answer to Tom Riddle's long-standing, awaited question. Happy Halloween. One-shot. Written for #SpookyScaryDuleween on Tumblr.
Harry Potter, T, English, Horror & Romance, words: 1k+, favs: 38, follows: 15, 10/31/2016, Hermione G., Tom R. Jr.
35 Ours Rosmerta has kept a secret from Severus for too long. What she reveals has the ability to change their futures forever. Written for the first Severus/Rosmerta Fest on LiveJournal. One-shot, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 7k+, favs: 27, follows: 16, 9/25/2016, Severus S., Rosmerta
260 The Sound of Magic » Lost, lonely, and uncertain of what mountain she wants to climb in life, Hermione Granger accepts a position as a governess to a reclusive, well-known ex-Death Eater and his seven children in the Scottish highlands. Hermione's curiosity about her employer is just the beginning of her journey. Based on The Sound of Music. Written for the SSHG Promptfest on LiveJournal. AU, Post-War.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 8, words: 50k+, favs: 251, follows: 158, updated: 8/31/2016 published: 8/10/2016, Hermione G., Severus S.
586 West of the Moon, East of the Sun » An Elven king without family or love. An Elleth without residence or optimism. Both are looking for the same thing, if only they could spot it in each other. A tale of forgiveness, renewed hope, and love. Thranduil x Tauriel. Post-BotFA, The Hobbit era.
Hobbit, M, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, chapters: 15, words: 76k+, favs: 356, follows: 349, updated: 6/1/2016 published: 12/29/2014, Elvenking Thranduil, Tauriel
1k+ Unto Their Own » The Light has fallen, Darkness abounds, and Hermione Granger is struggling to survive in a far more sinister Wizarding world. When she is sentenced into Snape's charge, Hermione begins to wonder if everything is truly as it seems. For better or worse, their worlds are about to collide, perhaps even unite them against a common enemy. AU, Post-Hogwarts, Rated M.
Harry Potter, M, English, Angst & Drama, chapters: 31, words: 265k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 868, updated: 2/3/2016 published: 9/12/2013, Hermione G., Severus S.
15 Seen and Heard Rey encounters Ben Solo on her first day of school, and a rollercoaster of an exchange ensues. One-shot, AU, Pre-TFA.
Star Wars, T, English, Drama & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 33, follows: 14, 1/23/2016, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, Rey
12 I Love You Ben tries to tell Rey that he loves her. One-shot, AU, Post-TFA.
Star Wars, T, English, Angst & Romance, words: 2k+, favs: 54, follows: 10, 1/23/2016, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, Rey
129 The Most Beautiful Ones Sometimes there can be beauty in loss. A tribute to Alan Rickman and his unforgettable portrayal of my favorite literary wizard. RIP. One-shot, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, T, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 148, follows: 27, 1/14/2016, Hermione G., Severus S.
20 A Promise Kept To Rey, the promise was unthinkable. To Ben, it was his destiny. One-shot, AU, Post-The Force Awakens.
Star Wars, T, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 3k+, favs: 37, follows: 11, 12/27/2015, Kylo Ren/Ben Solo, Rey
46 No Choice By the twisted hands of Fate, Draco has found himself an orphan and Severus Snape has been thrust into the unlikely role of parental guardian. Powerless to change their situation, both wizards must find ways to coexist. Written for the Snaco Soiree on LiveJournal. Non-romantic. One-shot, AU, Pre-Hogwarts era.
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 10k+, favs: 164, follows: 46, 10/3/2015, Draco M., Severus S.
131 Waves Touched » A series of unrelated SSHG drabbles (100 words) in response to Tumblr's "Send Me a Pairing and a Number and I'll Write You a Drabble" Challenge. Each prompt is based on a number and quote. Rated T, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 14, words: 2k+, favs: 56, follows: 34, updated: 9/9/2015 published: 9/2/2015, Hermione G., Severus S.
23 Vanya Sulie (Fair Winds) » A series of unrelated Thranduil x Tauriel drabbles (100 words) in response to Tumblr's "Send Me a Pairing and a Number and I'll Write You a Drabble" Challenge. Each prompt is based on a number and quote. Rated T, Post-BotFA, The Hobbit era.
Hobbit, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 5, words: 922, favs: 29, follows: 15, updated: 9/6/2015 published: 9/2/2015, Elvenking Thranduil, Tauriel
33 A Sad, Sad Sap Hermione is desperate for Severus to quit smoking. Severus isn't all that interested; or is he? Written for the SSHG Promptfest on LiveJournal. One-shot, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, words: 4k+, favs: 97, follows: 28, 8/1/2015, Hermione G., Severus S.
93 Checkmate » A series of unrelated SS/HG/LM drabbles (100 words) in response to TycheSong's "Drabble A Day" Challenge. Each prompt is based on a word of the day. Rated M, AU, Post-Hogwarts.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 7, words: 1k+, favs: 59, follows: 36, updated: 7/5/2015 published: 6/29/2015, Hermione G., Severus S., Lucius M.
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