Just In
Khiori PM
Joined Jan '03


So far, my best monthly stats have been: 12,480 views and 11,150 visitors. Crazy awesome! Love seeing where in the world people ARE when they read my stories. Makes me feel so much cooler than I actually am.

My genres so far include: Star Trek, Justice League, Rizzoli & Isles, Lost, Smallville, Psych, and Once Upon A Time. Getting ready to add more to the pile!

That makes 105 stories, as of today.

I want to seriously thank all those who have supported me--your kind (and sometimes hilarious) words are very much appreciated. It is good to know that there are still so many people out there who are decent and true.


I CONTINUE to reserve complete creative right to my own stories and characters. While I have given permission for some of my Star Trek stories to be posted elsewhere in other websites, I have asked repeatedly and do still insist that ALL of my stories posted to, ONLY be found here in my own account--something which is, unfortunately, STILL not happening. Please note, also, that NO ONE has received my permission to post here on or anywhere else my story 'Triads'--NOR does anyone have permission to alter it in ANY way. Contrary to claims.

AGAIN: While I appreciate and expect being given credit for my work, I ALSO appreciate and expect retaining right of posting and posting location of EVERY work according to my wishes.

THEREFORE: Any accounts on other than my own Khiori one which do currently possess my stories are asked AGAIN to delete them. I do not care what the 'reasoning' or 'justifications' or claims are. This is my right as author of them and I retain the right to ask it and expect it at any time. Always. AND I HAVE AND DO AGAIN ASK IT. On, my Khiori account IS my own archive and I wish to keep my own stories HERE.

AND TO CLARIFY POSTING OF MY WORKS AT OTHER WEBSITES (ie: other than Any websites, who with my previous permission host some of my ST stories (with the exception of Triads, as noted above, which remains denied)--so long as proper credit is given, no alterations occur to their posted content, and with the continued understanding that as the original writer of such work I retain the right ALWAYS to withdraw permission to post my work at any time to these websites and that I do expect all websites and individuals to respect those rights--THEN, I thank you for housing them. I hope they bring reading traffic to you for as long as I continue to give permission for them to remain on your sites. If there are websites who wish to host some of my stories, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.

Now, please know that my stories are posted here in a variety of writing states. I do have other versions of stories, including ones where other writers participated in the writing process with me, on other websites.

I have also written for many years editing/beta-ing, helping create OC, etc., for other fanfic writers, for example, like Kerjen. Over the years it has been my experience that some writers tend to take too much credit for their writing with others in the field--and are highly skilled at manipulating and even abusing those others for the sad purpose of furthering their own 'careers'. Even going so far as to actively recruit others to help them do so. On the opposite side, however, there are also some writers who tend to take too little credit for their writing work and fail to stand up for themselves and their rights. And when a combination occurs between two of these opposites, it easily and always leads to highly abusive 'relationships' in the writing field, whether it be in the professional or amateur segments. Yet, over the years it has also been my experience that some writers can come together as equals and work together beautifully. And their 'relationships' are absolutely amazing.

So do not give up. True, some people don't want you for YOU, but for what you can do for them. But some will. And those people are worth searching for.

I do recommend strongly that everyone take some psychology and behavioral classes. Or at least do some serious current research into social manipulative abuses. You need to be able to recognize when a relationship is going wrong or is wrong. Or when someone is going wrong or is wrong. Ideally, this may help you avoid becoming a victim entirely. But, at least, it may give you the strength and knowledge you need to stop BEING a victim. Sometimes the only hero available to save you is the one you are supposed to be. So, as a shaman woman once told me: Take back your power.

We can't control what others do. We often suffer the effects of others choices. But we are not powerless. We are NOT powerless.

Unless we choose to be.

So rise. Escape. Fight back. Carry on. Help save others.

Take back your power.

Please remember as you read here, of course, that--as this is FANFICTION.NET--obviously, all copyrighted original creations of professional writers and the entertainment industry companies who retain ownership of these 'universes', keep them. Like all fanfic writers, I do not own any of those--I am merely 'playing' with their wonderful toys, happily.

AGAIN and forever, I reserve the right to my work, the credit for it, and I do retain the right to post it under my own name/pen name and account WITHOUT the need to ask permission to do so from anyone WHERE I wish to have it posted. I reserve always the right to refuse permission for someone else to post my stories or alter them, AT ANY TIME, AT ANY LOCATION, and I do continue to expect all persons and websites to respect my rights. Whether they want to or not.

And I refuse it here at for any account outside of my own Khiori account. Period. So, any accounts which currently do so, please update yourselves and correct that. Thank you.

Please know that I have had to endure very serious, prolonged ugly harassment and abuse for reaffirming these my rights, on and off-line. Even receiving disturbing death wish threats and other various forms of 'punishment' retaliations. Sometimes others were used as dupes to further the attempts at controlling me and my work--ordinary joes or famous names, individuals or groups, innocently ignorant or willfully cooperating in full knowledge. I bitterly understand how easy it is to have your innocence, love and trust used against you. I have been manipulated and had others be manipulated against me all for the benefit of an individual who wanted something that I had or did or was. But I STILL hold to my rights. And you should, too.

I also do not and never have appreciated the vile ethical conduct of anyone who deliberately manipulates, alters or misrepresents any information or past communications in the attempt to try and deny me or anyone else their rights through this willful deception.

Again: THANK YOU, all of you, who have dared yourselves to support myself, my work, and my rights. I do sincerely hope that you will have better experiences in any of your own writing endeavors--and more importantly, in your life's endeavors. And if you are not, then I hope what I have written in this section may help you choose better for yourself. Even if you have to pass through pain to receive it. Always remember that you are worth fighting for.

Now, to take my own advice and fight on in spite of my own archenemy (complete with a freaking Injustice Group backup).

I recommend everyone enjoy archive as much as they can right now. Given Europe's changing laws in this area, it may not be much longer that we have the freedom here to write and read fanfic online here or anywhere else.

So, until then, here are my stories. I hope you enjoy them!


This genre was the first fanfic area I started posting online.

Here's the list of my 60 currently posted here ST stories, most are completed works, but some are in progress (chapter stories). Obviously, the ST universe does not belong to me, though that would be awesome.

What Remains

Her Place (I really like this one. It is beautiful. Relationships change through time. Sometimes that is the sorrow of them. And sometimes, it is the true joy of them.)

Blood and Gold




A Captain's Gamble


Broken Mirrors


Not Likely

Tabloids, Duty and Love



(This is my original story--which has been posted to another account here on WITHOUT my permission and altered WITHOUT my permission, and also posted on other websites WITHOUT my permission. In spite of all claims to the contrary. Unbelievable. As you can see, this is NOT a 'rough draft', nor was it written as an AU to another fan fic--it's part of my own run within the ST universe. I haven't even done a rewrite to it, so you can see just how NOT a 'rough draft' it is. Respect, people.)

Seeds (Valeris, what can I say? The road to Hell really IS paved with good intentions.)




Suitable for Royalty (This one is a ST grinning nod to that old Scifi movie 'How to Serve Man', that I watched with my dad.)

Story Time

(This story is based on endless afternoons as children, stalling Mom from naps with stories and questions--after snuggling all around her on the couch.There are memories which are now so golden and sweet and sad all at once. I would not trade even one of those afternoons for anything.)



Just a Typical Shoreleave (I swear, I'm waiting for this moment with my brother . . . . )

Stranger Than Fiction

Survival By Any Means Necessary

Bedside Manner


A Family Moment


A Plot


Saavik's Will

(This is my original story, called Nine Lives then later renamed to SW. THIS posting is THAT first version: NL. I hope that makes some kind of sense. For the later one with Kerjen, look there.)

House Wars

Writer's Block (Fourth Wall play.)

The Next Introduction (Because the heart is large enough to hold more than one.)


The Challenge

(My original story, for the later version with Kerjen look there. This is another story someone's cleverly tried manipulating me out of--apparently, Katy Perry's song 'Roar' should be my life's main soundtrack. Though, I'm hopeful it will end up 'Rise'. I've never been all googly eyes at famous names but some people are so desperate for their own success that they will literally do anything to anyone to get it. How sad a life is that? I believe that is one that ends with a 'pathic'.)

Visitation (Written entirely in dialogue only.)

Riding Herd (This one was inspired by all those L. L'Amour books my parents got me into--and McCoy's accent.)

Muddied Treasures (REALLY rewritten here from my first posting online, I like this one way better--sweeter, more romantic. The previous is on other websites.)

Operative Word


The Babysitter (To catch the fun of this, you really need to read Quality Time first.)

Blessed Event

Quality Time

(This was my first fanfic posted online, the one that got me going into fanfic. It is written entirely in dialogue only and silly. Kerjen had written Spock and Saavik's children previously only as adults and I wanted to show them as children. She loved the idea. So some of my stories have them as children and some as adults. Because that is fun.)

Tour Guide

Between Women

After Reunification

Alternate Challenge

Trading Places

(Backstory: Posting this story got me serious harassment, written abuse, an insanely freaky death wish threat, and an immediate retaliation that resulted in the reason behind my 'For the Record' section on my profile. What?! Yep, here's what happened: This story had been in my archives for so long that I had literally forgotten that I had written it. Take it from me: Don't just glance at something when pressured, stop and READ it. Once I did, I recognized it immediately. And went back into my old archives and rummaged around until I found the original file. Yep, reconfirmed, mine. When I informed the particular party of the fact, the truth was grudgingly acknowledged. But, apparently, in no way was it actually accepted. And later, when I 'dared' to post it here: DEFCON status was achieved. WOW. It was so unreal that I had my family read everything. Freaked them out. Even more than me. True story.)

The Way of Surak

Romulan Gold


Their Use

Six Weeks

A Fool's Game

A Crown of Thorns


Flight Not Delayed

Unexpected Scents

Now, for anyone reading this stuff, please remember that it is often S/Saa (Spock paired with Saavik)--so if you don't like that pairing, for the love of little green apples, don't read it! And if you really want to snark at me in my reviews to claim that the pairing isn't 'canon', I would remind you sweetly (and wickedly) that, actually, it is. If this rocks your world, I strongly suggest that you track down some of the pro novels that show their relationship progression from ward/student and teacher to wife/husband. I recommend: The Pandora Principle by Carolyn Clowes, Just A Little Training Cruise by A. C. Crispin (short), Star Trek II, III, and IV by Vonda N. McIntyre, and Vulcan's Heart by Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz--obviously, there are more books, like more of Sherman/Shwartz, etc., but a search on with 'Saavik' will pull up a bunch, so I'll save myself the time listing them all!

Please also note, that I write with Kirstie Alley in my head as my Saavik, so feel free to go watch ST II: The Wrath of Khan to see her loveliness! :)

Again, I only created some of the characters in these fics--this should be rather obvious as it IS some were created by the official ST world owners, some by ST pro novel/story writers, and some by other fanfic writers as noted. Not that this diminishes the fun in writing in any way, but just so the very obvious is stated. AGAIN for the not so bright, apparently, who might somehow have missed this the other previous times I've mentioned it.



These stories have characters from the R & I television series. Naturally.

I'm really fond of these two ladies, Jane and Maura--writing them is pure fun. And, yes, the dessert Maura is making really does exist and is delicious. Especially at three or four in the morning. With a best friend who doesn't mind being woken up at an unnatural hour for cake and chocolate and talking. I didn't create any of the characters in these fics, sadly, but I get to play with them here.

There are currently 27 of my R & I stories here, all of these are completed works:


Doing Someone In

(This is still one of my favorites. I modeled Bass off my Stars--miss you Brother of My Heart. My screen has a pic of him happily destroying an expensive red dress shoe. Maura would have freaked. Then reluctantly melted at his obvious happiness. And then dragged Jane off for replacement shoe shopping.)

Why Jane Hates the Morgue

(The hardest part of hero work is the heartbreaking realization that no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to save everyone who needs saving. This was written to try and capture some of what hurts the good guys the most. The times they lost.)

A Detective's Anger

Why Movie Night Has Rules

Sucker Bet

Jane Liked To Think

It Wasn't That Kind of Shower Scene, Honest

Jane Babysits Bass

A Detective's Mother

Frost's Post-it

(Sometimes you can't write funny. Life has moments that break the heart, sometimes huge ones. More often, small ones. And they always come when you are least ready for them. From the most unexpected, seemingly most ordinary things.)

Of Traffic and Trees

Loving Jane

Waiting On Maura

Evolution May Not Survive

(I love pens. And for some reason, I just can't seem to keep from losing them. Ever. The more expensive they are, in fact, the faster they vanish. Weird. And suspicious. Hmm.)

Jane's Scars

A Present For Maura

Rondo's Not So Lucky Day

Greetings From San Diego

Maura Was Once Jealous

Frost Would Have Understood

Roly-poly Rizzoli

Rondo Gets Mothered

Maura's Mythos

It Wasn't Glamorous

Forgiving Her Father

When It Pours



These stories have characters from the DC Universe. If you don't know that--well, that's just plain sad.

I'm a HUGE comic fan. (Although I will confess a horrible secret: I don't collect comics for investment, I collect them to READ. Blasphemy, I know.) My favorites are the ladies as I feel that they are generally written more interesting and identifiable than their male counterparts. And I'm a female, so I naturally sort of identified better with the girls. My grandfather and father prefer Marvel. I'm Justice League. Weird, I know, how did that get past the genetics? Although I'm a fan of Marvel movies/tv--and a certain Jade Amazon's comics. The characters I most love in both DC and Marvel are: Wonder Woman, Huntress, Power Girl, She-Hulk, Hawk Girl, Zatanna, Scarlet Witch, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. This is a category of writing that I've loved the longest but am only now (2017) daring to try and write. Wish me LOTS of luck here. And mournfully, I have created no characters in this category--they are DC's babies. But I feel really cool when I get to babysit them anyway. :)

There are currently 11 of my JL stories posted here, all of these are completed works:

Kryptonite Luck

Girl, Where's My Cat? (I do seriously love PG's comic run with Conner--but for merry vicious mayhem, her cat is still best captured in the JLE run. I recommend #22. So this story combines the best of both--Conner's PG and JLE's furry horror.)

Career Choice

(This one is dedicated to my father, the school teacher whose experiences--included with my memories of those years--are what Helena goes through here. I raise a glass, dad. Some superheroes don't wear capes, indeed.)

Rooftop Delivery (This one comes from a moment when there was nothing I could do for my sister but hold her.)

Relearning Magic

(This story comes from all those times Dad took use to this old brick floored herb/spice shop in Portland--those memories and wonder are all through this. That place so fascinated me as a child. To this day, the smell of jars of dried herbs (peppermint, elder flower, licorice, oregon grape root, lol, ones I can't spell worth a darn) all instantly remind me of him. That was the first place I remember seeing dust float golden in the air like magic.)

Power Play

Deal (This one is for TMM--may a Zee of your own bring you your rightful vengeance, that you may RIP.)

Becoming Enough

A Little More Street Magic

A Moment of Magic

Solitary Wings (This was written in a time when doing the right thing still cost me everything. It hurts. Like you lost instead of won. Or maybe it hurts because you did both at the same time.)



These stories are from the Lost t.v. series--any characters belong to them.

I really enjoyed this series--it had such a fun twist with the old whole 'lost on a deserted island' thing. My favorite character was the French woman, Rousseau.

There are currently 2 Lost works posted here, these stories are complete:


A Tropical Island Paradise



These stories have characters from the Smallville television series.

My favorite character in this series is Zatanna, I recommend you go to Amazon and do a digital purchase of the episodes Hex (season 8) and Warrior (season 9). If you're into the comics, there are a ton of fun little bits scattered throughout both. Sure, the series is a bit angsty, popcorn, and dated. Still's fun though. Though I'm not a fan of Lana. Unfortunately, I've had someone in my life like her and I can see why Clark went with Lois. Though he really would have been smarter to pick Chloe.

There are currently 3 Smallville works posted here, these stories are complete:

Bought Time

Grant Me My Wish

Their Heart



These stories are from the Psych t.v. series--the hilarious characters here belong to them.

One of my favorite goofy shows. I love witty dialogue with a good smear of cheesy goodness. And yes, you really should be eating Red Vines to set the correct ambience.

There is currently 1 Psych work posted here, this story is complete:

Gus Understands Thor (This one is the Psych version of a real grocery trip moment my sister and I had. Seriously.)



These stories are from the OUAT t.v. series.

I think the first season is my favorite, before Disney got all heavy handed with it. Regina is definitely my favorite here. Her poignant suffering as she struggles to change her life is truly human and entirely realistic. Forgiveness, mercy and hope aren't easy to actually apply. Especially to yourself.

There is currently 1 OUAT work posted here, this story is complete:


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