18 feb 12 : hey all, just letting you know that I'll be slow to update from now on as I've started my third year at uni ): not abandoning anything, so do drop by once in a while ok?
thanks (: xx
OK! I'm finally gettin'round to writing this! I don't know if anyone is actually gonna read it, but here goes anyway, eh?
AnnaliseRose, 20 years old :)
Facts about moi:
1. I love fanfiction.
No shit right? haha. but seriously. I've been coming here since I was ten. And that was... ten years ago. woah. Of course, I had different phases- different obsessions. I think I started off with Digimon (lol! good times!) - I lovedddd Hikari and Angewomon. Other stuff I was into (and should possibly go back to in the near future :P) :
RAVE- I loved Reina, Musica, Sieghart!
Justice league: Batman, Wonderwoman .. maybe a little superman.
CATS (don't judge me)- Bombalurina, Mr. Mistoffelees
Harry Potter!- Snape, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco..
Devil May Cry (now-lol)- Trish and Dante
Mmm... there were more! I can't believe I don't remember!- I'll get back to this.
So if I've been coming here so long why did I only just start a profile? wellllllll...
2. I started a profile because I suddenly got into this whole Trish & Dante obsession, and there weren't enough fics of them, to my dismay!
Yup... I'm really obsessed right now, I don't know why. I like them, be it romance, non-romance, anything really. But when I came here there weren't all that many fics of them! So I decided to change that, and I started writing (:
3. I don't write well.
Ahha, it's true. I'm a science student, and I have been a science student since I was 16.. It's been ages since I've had to write anything that didn't require a literature review; and the standard of English in my country is a joke. You could pass the paper with your eyes closed, I swear they're insulting our intelligence. But this is all about having fun right? and I find that this does help - as stress relief (:
4. Future projects:
Currently I'm only writing Dante & Trish cause I love love LOVE them (see above, lol). But here are some things I hope to write soon (after my exams-yikes!)
a. Finish up my story- "Life with the Devil Hunter"
b. Work on something with a deeper plot... kinda like adventure/mystery, with of course some romance cause im soppy that way.
c. I'm thinking of writing a fic with Dante & Vergil. There's something intruiging about those two. I just don't know much about Vergil, or their relationship for now, so it looks like I'll have to do a bit of a background check!
d. Re-explore my old obsessions and see what I could write there (:
e. I hope to write a lemon someday.. :P
If you took the time to read all that about me, I'm really flattered. Thanks! (: