Just In
jokerXharley774 PM
Joined Nov '11

Hiya! I'm selena! Nice to meet you!

For the stories I have written, the plot is mine.
The characters I do not own, I can not stress this enough!! -.-

I'm 16 years old, and I really like to play black ops 2 on my ps3
Please feel free to ask for my gamer tag, if you want to be destroyed!

Also, you can find me on DeviantART, my username is Cutiepie247.
I update my stories there more, because sometimes I forget about my FanFiction Account.

I also really love Fusion Fall!! BEST.GAME.EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Never played it? Well, if you love old cartoons and some new cartoons from Cartoon Network, then this game is perfect for you.

I'm really lazy, but will do anything if it involves Anime or Manga. Lol i'm a neeeeeeeeeeeeerd when it comes to that stuff :)

My favorite couples are...

- Kyo X Yuya (Samurai Deeper Kyo)

- Duncan X Courtney (Total Drama Island)

- Itachi X Sakura (Naruto)

- Naruto X Hinata (Naruto)

- Alucard X Seras (Hellsing)

- Shin X Yankumi (Gokusen)

- Danny X Sam (Danny Phantom)

- Sly X Carmelita (Sly Cooper games)

- Agent 47 X Nika (Hitman)

- Inuyasha X Kagome (Inuyasha)

- Sesshomaru X Rin (Inuyasha) (Don't Judge!)

- Ace X Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls) (okay you probably think something is wrong with me lol )

And the one and only, JOKER X HARLEY!!! :)

Well that's pretty much it about me, feel free to PM me.

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