Let it be known that on the date November 25th, 2011,
the.toilets.are.quantum.locked gazed into the Untempered Schism and saw time in all its infinite possibilities and eternity and ran away.
Her chosen name is The Imaginer, for reasons such as her infinite imagination.
So it was chosen and so it shall be,
This order is stamped with the Seal of the Time Lords.
I'm (almost) 14 years old and a girl. My name's Savannah. I love writing, drawing, reading, and science fiction stuff. Notably Doctor Who. And that's pretty much all I'm gonna be writting about. Yep...
I'm planing to have published a novel by the time I'm 20. (Yeah, I hope. That's probably just a rubbish wish...) Because honestly, I'm really picky. I only post the things that I like.
My favorite Doctor is the 10th, but I still enjoy all of them! (except maybe 6... But then, I think everyone thinks that.) What's funny about this is that I actually mostly write for 11, probably cause I'm scared of messing Ten over here up...
My other Whovian friend and I are planning to make the 12th Doctor. Scripts. Sets. Actors. Filming. Special effects. Everything. Even the TARDIS. Why? Because we can and it's fun. We already have many scenes of a few of our episodes written.
My favorite colors are purple, green, and blue (TARDIS blue, of course!)
Just a reminder, I'M KINDA A TEENAGER. So don't expect my story writing to be all epic and perfect, okay?
the.toilets.are.quantum.locked on other sites and apps:
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fictionpress.com- badcat907
twitter- badcat907
groupie- badcat907
Favorite quote-ables:
"Oh, don't tell me you're archeologists..."
"You got a problem with archeologists?"
"I'm a time traveler! I point and laugh at archeologist!"
"Ah. Professor River Song. Archeologist."
~10th Doctor & River
Favorite tele-shows: Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Stargate, Wipeout, NCIS, Leverage, AFV, Mythbusters, and some other stuff I can't think of.
Favorite movies: The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Spaceballs, Pirates of the Carribean, Tangled, Despicable Me, Kung-Fu Panda, Stargate, The Matrix, and some more cartoon crud.
Favorite books: The Hunger Games, Artemis Fowl, Found, Sent, and Sabotaged, The Shadow Children series, Molly Moon's Amazing Book of Hypnotism, Fox Trot comics. If it is sci-fyish, dystopian, includes time travel or hypnotism, then I will read it. Garunteed.
Favorite games: Minecraft, Portal, Portal 2, Blinx, Blinx 2, Mario Kart 64, Zoo Tycoon, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Pinball, Age of Empires.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."
Well, that's some boring rubbish. Let's go find some more exiting versions, shall we??
1- "If life gives you melons, you must be dyslexic."
2- "When life gives you lemons, go against physics. Make apple pie."
3- "When life gives you lemons, make cranberry juice and make everyone else around you wonder how the bloody heck you did it."
4- "When life gives you fruitcake, use it as a doorstop. Then wait till next Christmas, and re-gift it to one of your more unfortunate neighbors."
5- "When life gives you lemons, don't settle for that! MAKE LIFE TAKE THOSE LEMONS BACK! I don't need you damn lemons! I'll have my scientists create incendiary lemons, and I'll burn down life's house!!" ~Cave Jonhson, CEO of Aperture Science
Rant section.
Okay. So it's got to be said. I'm obsessed with Doctor Who. I have in no way seen every episode since 1963, let alone every single episode of the 2005 reboot, but I have immersed myself in enough Time Lord lore as to understand perfectly what in the world is going on.
I salute the person who brought Doctor Who back. Aka, Russel T. Davies and Julie Gardner. I LOVE YOU PEOPLES!!!! I am admitadly am a relatively new Whovian, just being in the Whoniverse for about a year, but I still remember quite clearly sitting on mommy's bed when I was seven watching Chris jump through spinning fans and such... Ah. Good memories. The funny thing was, back then I hadn't the faintest idea who this guy was. I was like, "Mommy, why is this bald guy in a leather jacket jumping through a spinning fan? And what's a Time Lord?" (Of course, I know. Chris isn't bald. Buthrive me a break, I was seven years old...)
I honestly don't think even Mom knew what she was watching, she just often went to the Syfy channel while doing her hair, and was like, "Oh, this looks good. Let's watch it!" What's funny about this, is that that one episode? The End of the World? With the Doctor jumping through the spinning fans? I always ended up tuning in right at that part. I had never actually seen the whole episode... I have now, though. I had gotten to see all of the Emtpy Child, The Doctor Dances, and Dalek. Good thing I didn't see the end of The Parting of the Ways, or I would of been REALLY confused! "Mommy, why did that bald man explode and turn into another guy who actually has hair??" Soon, they took it off the SyFy channel, and that was that.
And then, in the summer between my sixth grade and seventh grade year, one of my brother's friends re-introduced him into the world of Doctor Who.
My brother got me introduced in it, and it was immediately very appealing to me. This is also what got me out of the girly stage, finally! (cringes embarrasedly) That was when I realized that, "Holy crap! I've seen this with Mom before! Doctor Who! This was the show with the "bald guy" in the leather jacket!" And then I was completely confused when I saw Blink and the "bald guy" wasn't there. That was when I was introduced to regeneration, which I first regarded as strange, but pretty cool nonetheless. That's also when I discovered that the main character, the Doctor, was an alien. I instantly loved the idea, as there's like no other show in which the main character is an alien like that...
So all summer, I emerserd myself in Time Lord lore, watching reruns with Mom and my brother on the bed on Netflex. Just how it had been when I was seven. Needless to say, as I am here right now, and addicted three of my friends, am planning to actually film fan episodes with my friends, and then there's that wall TARDIS... My brother says that he's a bigger Whovian than I am, but I doubt it. Can he list all 11 Doctors, their actors, and in which years they played? Can he list every known companion to date? Does he write fanfiction? Does he deliberately dress like the 10th Doctor cause he can? Did he start sobbing when Tenny regenerated? NO!!! So, it's rather obvious that I am the bigger fan here!
Yeah. I actually did cry when the 10th Doctor regenerated. It was very embarrasing the strange look I got from my family, and particularly my dad, who is absolutely clueless to all things Whovian and honestly didn't have a clue what the bloody heck was going on anyways. My family also seems to be completely in love with Rose, including my dad, who just liked her because mom does and is still clueless, and I don't know why. She wasn't my favorite at all, but I respect her anyways, and I respect the fact that the Doctor did, honestly love her. Chemistry wise, they were perfect together. But Rose annoyed me for some reason and I'm not completely sure why.
And then there's Martha. Brilliant, wonderful Martha. I loved her. And it also helped that series 3 was absolutely perfect, in every way. The last half of the episodes were pure epicness! Human Nature, The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia, The Sound of Drums, and The Last of the Time Lords. Perfect!
Donna. Very much the Doctor's sister figure, if he ever had one. I liked her because unlike all the other NuWho companions, she wasn't at all interested in romance. But I felt that she didn't get the ending she deserved... She got cruelly knocked off. And that trick with the meta-crisis... What. The. Heck? I was wondering if mad RTD was drink when he wrote that! That was just absolutely bonkers! But brilliant. RTD, I commend you! :-D
Amy Pond. I liked her until she tried to seduce the Doctor. Nuff' said. But she's a good character, I'll admit, and absolutely wonderful to write. Doesn't mean I have to one hundred percent like her, though.
RORY IS AWESOME! ALL HAIL RORY!! Nuff' said there too. Lets just say, I have a picture of Rory the Roman hanging on my wall, cause he's just that awesome.
River Song I like. She's a kickass action chic from the Doctor's future. To the win!! And very well written. Now knowing who she is, I always melt into tears during The Forest of the Dead...
Now. About the producer change. I have always loved what RTD had done with the show. I loved how he made everything the Doctor did have consequences. His actions in Tooth and Claw made Queen Elizabeth have to found Torchwood, his hand that ended up getting cut off ended up helping Jack find him later on, and causing all the Master trouble, it was at Torchwood that he lost Rose, losing Rose made him treat Martha the way he did, when he lost Donna he was so griefed that he started traveling alone, which led to the Time Lord Victorious which ended up with him aiming a gun at Rassilon's face. Thank goodness he didn't fire it. I honestly would of been horrified. So basically, RTD's Doctor Who was a bunch of stories, companions, and plot lines all twisted together into a glorious and beautiful gem of a show. Though it could be a tad violent or scary at times, those moments were perfectly balanced out with wibbly-wobblyness, heartbreak, and humor. Just like Doctor Who should be.
RTD was absolutely brilliant.Fantastic, to quote the ninth Doctor.
Now. The Moff. The thing about Steven Moffat is that all the episodes he wrote in the Davies era were most definitely the best of the best. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace, Blink, and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead were for most people the best episodes of each series. So he'll be able to handle working Doctor Who fulltime, right? That's what I would of expected.
Series five was better than I expected. The episodes were all generally decent. There were no complete bombs, though I wasnt quite a fan of the Sillirian episodes. The ones that really stood out to me were the Angel episodes with the return of River Song, The Lodger, and the finale episodes. The only thing that bugged me was that the new Doctor hadn't quite grabbed me like 10 had the first episode I had seen.
Series 6. The first series I actually saw on first broadcast. Gosh I was so dang exited... We all crowded in the living room to watch it. The first couple of minutes in, I was already enjoying it, more so than series 5. 11 here had finally seemed to find his character and I was very happy about that. And then. Moffat tricks us. He kills the Doctor by the time only the first seven minutes had finished. What. The. F*k???? I don't curse at all, but I'm pretty sure I was about to then!! Of course, it was explained later on, but I just think the finale was a cheap cough out on Moffat's part. The finale was also way too many thoughts packed into episode. It really needed to be a two parter. What I have how realized what is bugging me about Moffat's Doctor Who is that:
1: There are no consequences. Oh no something bad happened. I'll just reboot the universe, and everything will be perfectly fine! The first time it worked, but two??
2: It's too predictable. I've predicted Moff's every move on the River Song sub plot.
3: I don't feel that River should be outright married to at least the 11th Doctor. He's more of a space bachelor.
4: I feel as if it's getting too dark. Most of the episodes were set in dark places and had creepy bad guys and stuff like that. What happened to being scary without being too dark?
5: Most importantly, I feel as if it's starting to loose its magic. And if it ever looses that, Doctor Who will be a goner. Because once upon a time I was with the Doctor, traveling with him in the TARDIS with his companions, but now I'm only watching it. And that's the worst thing that can happen.
So I wish you all the best of luck, Steven Moffat. I hope dearly that you are reading this, though you are probably not. Listen to us fan's input. And please bring the magic back! I will trust you with series seven, but if you flub up that, then... "I'll have words," to quote David Tennant.
This concludes my rant. Allons-y!
My stories...
River and a Gun
My response to a challenge. Including River showing off her new gun and our favorite ex-con time agent. One shot.
Bedtime Stories
Just a cute little one shot between 11/Amy. 11 tells Amy a bedtime story. Thus the name. Update: I added on. This is gonna be one-shot heaven. Theres an angsty 11 story. Must... Practice writing 10...!
Worlds Collide
Hmm. This is the story that I'm most exited about. It started out early last summer as just a random script-like drabble of ideas and adventures, and multiplied into so much more. I see so much potential for wibbly-wobblyness here, it's unbelievable. This story is very much in progress. I've got two chapters up already, but I'm about to update the revised versions, and am constantly going through and beta-ing my own work extensively. Oh yeah... Someone remind me to get a beta sometime soon. Cause I think I'm gonna need one.
But this story will eventually feature a brigade of returning characters, (as far as I know, returning characters include: 10, Donna, River, Jack, Martha, 10.5, and Rose) two 11th Doctors and two Amys, parallel universes, mysterious entities, chaos, a bit of whump here or there, and at least one character death. I know. It sounds harsh, but once I actually write it, it will be understood. And yes, it is AU. VERY MUCH so. My little fix up to everything that Moffat's f*ked up during his run. Harsh, but true. It just breaks my heart how he's never even talked about or mentioned any older companions at all. I know, yeah, it probably breaks his hearts thinking about them, as demonstrated in Let's Kill Hitler, but Amy needs to hear the stories of messes the Doctor in his past life and his former companions got into. She needs to learn that she isn't that one special person in the universe who just happened to run across a mad man in a box. And yeeeeah...
Stuff to do on an elevator that WILL help your image, as in, your CRAZY image
1. Crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer inside, and ask, "Got enough air in there?"
2. Stand silent and motionless in one corner, facing the wall, without getting off.
3. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to open the doors, then act as if you're embarrassed when they open by themselves.
4. Greet everyone with a warm handshake and ask them all to call you Admiral.
5. Meow occasionally.
6. Stare at another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror: "You're one of THEM!" and back away slowly.
7. Say "DING!" at every floor.
8. Say "I wonder what all these do?" and push all the red buttons.
9. Make explosion noises whenever someone else pushes a button.
10. Stare grinning at another person for a while, then say, "I have new socks on."
11. When the elevator is silent, look around and ask, "Is that your beeper?"
12. Try to make personal calls on the emergency phone.
13. Draw a little square with chalk on the floor then say to the other passengers, "This is my personal space."
14. When there's only one other person on the elevator, tap them on the shoulder then pretend it wasn't you.
15. As you are coming to the end of the journey, get emotional and have a group hug with the other passengers. Tell them that you will
never forget them.
16. Ask if you can push the buttons for other people, but push the wrong ones.
17. Hold the doors open and say that you're waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close and say, "Hi, Greg. How's your day been?"
18. Drop a pen and wait until someone bends to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"
19. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the lift.
20. Pretend that you're a flight attendant, and review emergency exits with the other passengers.
21. Swat at flies that don't exist.
22. Yell,"Group hug!" and then enforce it.
23. Make race car noises when someone gets on or off.
24. Congradulate all for being in the same lift as you.
25. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, "Shut up, all of you just shup UP!"
26. Walk in with a cooler that says "human head" on the side.
27. While the doors are opening, hurriedly whisper, "Hide it...quick!", then whistle innocently.
28. Let your cell phone ring--don't answer it.
29. Walk into the lift and say, "This reminds me of being buried alive. Ah, those were the days..."
30. Take shoes off before entering. Then look shocked and disgusted when others don't.
31. Ask people which floor they want, then say, "Is that your final answer?"
32. Also in your bellboy act, ask people what floor they want. When they answer, glare and say, "You should be ashamed of yourself!"
33. Ask loudly, "Did you feel that?"
34. Tell different people that you can see their aura.
35. When the door closes, announce to the others, "It's okay. Don't panic, they open up again."
36. Announce in a demonic voice, "I must find a more suitable host body."
37. Dress up in a long black cloak with a hood, stare at everyone, and in a deep voice announce: "It is time..."
38. Say your Majesty when anybody gets on.
39. Introduce yourself as Dark Lord of the Sith.
40. Announce that you're going to Olympus on the 6ooth floor because you didn't steal any lightening.
41. Try to make up and sing lyrics for the boring elevator music.
42. Try to start a My-Briefcase-is-better-than-yours contest.
43. Hold a ring and say "My... preciousss..."
You know you're addicted to Doctor Who when...
You think fezzes, bowties, bunkbeds, and stetsons are cool
You are suddenly scared of statues of angels
You count the days until the new episode
When someone is copying another person you freak out and run away
You try to learn Gallifreyan
You be Doctor Who characters for Halloween
If your not British you wish you were
When you see weight loss medicine you think, 'this has adipose all over it'
You get freaked out when someone says exterminate
or delete
When you see twins you think,'which one's the Ganger'
You try to find Torchwood on google maps
You try to build a K-9
When someone says, 'awkward silence' you start laughing
You have fights with your friends over which Doctor/companion was better
Your new favorite color is TARDIS blue
Whenever someone says Doctor you say, 'Who!' or 'where are the aliens'
When you hear the name John Smith you think, ‘OMG! IT’S THE DOCTOR’
You wish you had a swimming pool in the library
You have a whole wall covered in posters of the Doctor and his companions.
When you see someone who was on Doctor Who, (say Catherine Tate), in another movie, (say Gulliver’s Travels), when everyone thinks of that character (Say, Queen Isabelle) you think of who they played on Doctor Who (Say, Donna Noble)
You think Apples are disgusting
You hate yogurt
Bacon is bad
Beans are evil! Bad, bad, beans
You throw bread and butter out the door and shout "And stay out!"
You stop eating carrots, and whenever someone offers them you go "Carrots? Are you insane?"
You try fish fingers and custard
You suddenly LOVE bananas
you suddenly hate pears
You only read Doctor Who fanfictions
You make all your: Sims, Mii's, Sackpeople, and other videogame characters Doctor Who characters
You listen to Chameleon Circuit every chance you get
You memorize Rose's 'I am the Bad Wolf' speech
You plan your life around when the new episode is
You wish you were ginger
You love fezzes
And bowties
And stetsons for that matter
You and your who obsessed buddies constantly have fanwars over who's the best companion/Doctor
You wish you could say Allons-y Alonso
You cry when the companions leave, because it means the Doctor will be lonely again
You wish BBC would sell more DW stuff on BBCAmerica(dot)com
You decide that other sci-fi shows (coughcoughStargatecoughcough) are horribly inaccurate becuse they all speak the same language without the use of a translator matrix
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: my education. I need to concentrate on my life.
the.toilets.are.quantum.lockedâ„¢ 2011