Just In
SnarkyAndProudHufflepuff PM
Joined Dec '11

About Me: 27, female, USA, white, brown hair brown eyes, rather on the short side despite my age. Love to read/write het/slash/femmeslash (crossgen and cousincest occasionally) Will read any pairing at least once. Love the Harry Potter fandom, that's the fandom that I spend my free time in.

My favorite pairings are het/slash/femmeslash although for some reason I love Slash/Femmeslash a little more (what I'm not weird you are!)

I love animals, I have a bunch of dogs, I love watching live action shows, anime's and Cartoons. I will watch 5 episodes of a show and if I don't like the show after that I won't watch it.

I love mystery/crime/adventure/action books. Mary Higgins Clark, James Patterson, Lisa Gardner, JKRowling (obviously), Rick Riordan, and other similar type of authors I enjoy.

My favorite Genres in shows tend to vary, in live action shows I enjoy Comedy and a little bit of Drama, in Anime I enjoy a variety, Elementary/Middle school/Highschool slice of life, Action/Adventure/Supernatural/Suspense/Psychological/Horror and Comedy. And in cartoons I enjoy Cartoons comedy and a little darkness (while not completely dark since it is a "kid show") I still enjoy watching cartoons, not because I act immature but because they bring nostalgia to me back when I was a kid.

If any of you have any suggestions on books/live action shows/animes/ or cartoons based on what I have just put down don't hesitate to pm me.

I SnarkyAndProudHufflepuff have challenged myself! I'm proud to be a part of the HPFC forum

I love FanFiction; I have no idea how I have survived without it, there are so many challenges and awesome writers that it's crazy. I love the Harry Potter fandom the most, I will read almost everything from het/slash/femmeslash, certain cross-gen stories, family stories, friendship stories, adventure/mystery stories, canon and non-canon pairings Pratically everything that has a good/interesting plot.

I have a whole list of canon and non-canon pairings that I just love, some of which I never thought of before but read it and realized how epic that pairing is

Challenges that I am hosting:

Your favorite Under-appreciated pairing! Challenge Write a story about your under-appreciated pairing, under-appreciated meaning a pairing that has less than 2000 stories about that pairing.

.Prompt Filled Freeverse Challenge Always Open No Due-Date/Deadline Stories where you write freeverses with one or more prompts that I give you.

Got the Femmeslash Blues Challenge Write about two or more females being together sexually/romantically.

It's All About Family Challenge Write about a family in the Harry Potter verse, can be a canon family or not.

Organization Boot Camp Write about an organization in the Harry Potter world. Meaning Death Eaters, Teachers, Quidditch players, Order of the Phoenix members ect.

The Luna Lovegood Challenge Write about Luna Lovegood.

50 Different Friendships Or Less Challenge Always Open! Just like it says on the title: Write about one or more than one different friendships.

50 Family stories or less. Always Open Write about one or more than one family in the Harry Potter verse. Can be canon or non-canon.

AU Multichapter Challenge Always Open. No Due-date/Deadline Write about an AU/ Alternate Universe. I can give you AU's.

Finish in a Day Challenge A challenge where you write a one-shot, drabble, freeverse, chapter to a multichapter in just one day.

Looking for a story! Please help me! If you know it please pm me the name of it and the name of the Author.

Looking for a story: Harry was cursed after the battle with Voldemort, either by Voldemort right before he died or by someone else.

His personality changes making him turn dark, or not as good as before.

He goes to the Malfoy manor and forces Draco Malfoy to become his slave. He places Draco at Grimmauld Place I believe, Hermione ends up breaking the curse that was placed on Harry (I believe it was Hermione).

Harry comes back as his old self, he ends up back to Grimmauld Place and ends up finding Draco in a room by himself I believed tied off/chained or something. Draco calls him Master and Harry frees him, and brings him downstairs to find something to eat.

Once Draco comes to his old self (or as old back to his his self as he could be) he ends up leaving and staying at Severus Snape's place. (At this point I might be confusing this story with something else, but I think it's the same story).

I can't remember much else about this story. I know that it was a multi-chapter story, it was a Ron/Hermione story. Lucius, Narcissa and Severus were in the story. And of course Harry and Draco. I believe that I found the story on, but now I'm not 100% sure.

(Something else that I for some reason have remembered) Harry wants to do something nice or something to Draco, I believe that it was before Draco got his memory back or something. Harry asked Narcissa what Draco liked to do and I think that she said something about opera. (I don't know why, but I remember that, don't know if it was in this story or another story. I think it was this story).

Please help me out here, I don't know if the story is complete, what the title or the name of the Author is. It was several years ago or so when I read this story, I think that I was fairly new to the site so I didn't think to favorite the story or anything. (And now I'm kicking myself).

I didn't read it all and I would love to go back to reading it. I can't get the story out of my mind. (Funny how I can't get it out of my mind but I can't remember the title or the Author). Heck I can't even think of the summary of it or anything. It is seriously bugging the heck out of me.

Please pm me if you know the title/author of the story that I'm talking about.

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