Yo Dragon God xxx here. Though I don't write, I read a lot of fics of varying quality. I figure I might as well put up a few of what I consider the best fanfics, as well as a few that I just like. I hope anyone who reads them because I have them up will enjoy them just as much as I do. (edit: Haha, few. Right.)
If you can raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed erveylteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you tnihk tihs is aswemoe cpoy and psate in yuor porlife.
Put this on your
page if you love
It's not a comic book, it's "Manga"
It's not a cartoon, it's "Anime"
It's not homosexual, it's "Yaoi"
It's not lesbian, it's "Yuri"
It's not erotic, it's "Ecchi"
It's not pedophile, it's "Lolicon"
It's not gay, it's "Shonen-ai"
It's not slutty, it's "Fan Service"
It's not a costume, it's "Cosplay"
It's not a dating show, it's a "Harem"
It's not a fetish, it's "Moe"
It's not a bipolar girl, it's "Tsundere"
It's not a drawing, it's "Doujinshi"
It's not schizophrenic girl, it's "Yandere"
It's not Chinese, it's "Japanese"
It's not Chinese animation, it's "Japanimation"
And most Importantly... I'm not a geek, I'm an"Otaku."
Dear bullies,
See that girl you just called fat? She is starving herself. You know that girl you just called ugly? She spends hours putting on make-up hoping people will like her. That boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. See that old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars? He fought for our country. See that young boy you must made fun of for always being sick? He has to walk home in the snow cause his family is too poor. That guy you just made fun of for crying? His mother is dying.
Re-Post this if you are against bullying. I bet many of you won't, Your life is probably not as harsh as theirs plus you're probably a douche bag.
As stated by a paladin in 'A Demon Among Devils' by The Crimson Lord:
Though verily I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for I wield a hammer full of fuck you.
I've made an oc and decided I'd post what I've made of him here:
I've decided to name him Hozen Akemi. The translator shows Hozen as 保存 storage, preservation, conservation, maintenance, conservancy. I'm aiming at preservation and maintenance, as that was what he decided for himself. To preserve Madoka's dream and do maintenance for Homura's universe when it has outside problems. He chose Akemi as his surname, both to signify his allegiance, and because he feels that Homura possesses a more dominant presence thean Madoka. He would actually be a sort of hybrid between a witch and a male mahou shoujo created by the meeting of Devil Homura's and Ultimate Madoka's power. His true form is a large mass of energy possessing sentience. He finds that he must condense himself into a soul gem and create a body from his magic to interact with the world. He looks like a male version of Homura, choosing this look as he possesses most memories of both Homura and Madoka and has witnessed the very depths of Homura's soul and found himself enthralled. 'He' chose to be male simply as a preferance.
He acts as a troubleshooter for interferences from other universes, such as dimension hoppers and events that can shake multiple dimensions. He chose his role as suppressing Madoka takes nearly all of Homura's power and attention, such that even if she sees a threat she can't take care of it herself if it is big enough (like Rizevim Lucifer's plot to go to other dimensions). He would have a soul gem that he keeps swallowed in his body to avoid damage to it and it is in a different spot in each time he forms a new body, he is also able to spit it out and regenerate from it if his body is destroyed. The soul gem is elongated compared to a normal one, looking kind of like a little lava lamp with countless sparkles in it with purple as its main color. As his magic comes from Homura and Madoka, the use of magic does not corrupt his soul gem. However, his ability to channel the magic is limited compared to them and channeling to much magic exhausts him and can prevent him from channeling any more. With the Incubators subjected, he is studying their technology both to refine his own abilities and as to counter their own.
As a being made up of the power of both Homura and Madoka, this gives him several advantages when interacting with their power. Upon getting permission from Homura after earning her trust he is able to command both Homura's familiars and the familiars remaining from the battle in Homura's soul gem. He also has some control over the Clara Dolls, though by their very nature they tend to act disobedient. He also finds it easier to interfere in the workings of the Law of Cycles, manipulating the power and memories of those associated with it than Homura would, though he is only able to do such as long as the primary consciousness of the Law of Cycles, Madoka is unaware. As the child of Madoka, he has the ability to absorb grief from Magical Girls, convert it to raw power, and add it to himself, though he doesn't do so regularly unless he likes the person.
His primary weapon is a black bow somewhat similar to Homura's that fires purple energy arrows just like it. He can fire energy arrows as single shots, multiple shots in a row (look up the game Grief Syndome and look at Madoka's second charge attack), a cluster of shots (kind of like a shotgun, but the shots can be aimed), a shot that explodes like a bomb, a spiral like arrow that bores through nearly anything, and a super powerful shot that could destroy moons if charged enough (though this is not easy to do and takes a great deal of time, not to mention resulting in being unable to use magic for days to weeks at a time depending on how powerful an arrow he uses). He is capable of creating new attacks. Though perfectly capable of, and even excelling at, acting skillfully and tactically, he has a fondness for overwhelming his opponents with raw overwhelming firepower when practical. He can alter his body as he likes, and one of his more used forms is when he alters his legs into a faster form, and grow wing-like structures from his back (somewhat similar to the Queen of Blades' wings) and a long, bladed tail which he uses to protect around him self in this 'battle form'. He aslo forms a purple visor over his eyes that tracks magic and will sometimes grow several feet larger if needed. He can creat a guardless katana for close range and can switch between sword and bow instantaneously. The sword, when striking something, can extend its damage across large structures, being capable of cutting through buildings. If he were to turn his soul gem into an arrow, he could destroy a planet of any size, and in rare cases temporarily disrupt small stars, though it would cause him to disperse, taking years to pull himself back together into a soul gem without interference from Homura and even then it would take time to create a new body if it was destroyed leaving him weakend for years. As such, though he has confirmed this ability to those who have asked about his most destructive power is, he has never even attempted this, and does not think he ever will considering he has a state that turns him into a threat on the scale of a Type Moon Ultimate One. These things are not his most dangerous weapons however.
That would be his wings. They would like like those weird energy wings Homura shows at the very end of the anime. Just look up 'Homura wings' on google for the looks. Rather then wings, however, they would actually be manipulatable (can change shape at will and size to a degree) portals which send anything they pass through (like pieces of people or even their whole bodies, attacks, etc.) to an area outside reality where nothing can exist. Because they are portals they can't be blocked, only avoided. And they can be quite large. However their ARE limits to how big they can get. If he extends them as many tendrils, they won't be able to get as wide as they would as a single portal either. Another thing he can do is sacrifice one to make a sword shaped portal that he can wield as a sword (he will generally use the other wing like a tail when doing this). Though vastly smaller then his wings it has the ability to open portals at a distance. The size is limited, though able to get to a size that can swallow several people. He can also make several portals at a time, though not too many. Furthermore, when stabbed into someone, it can near instantaneously absorb the person entirely. Using these wings deteriorate his body, so he cannot keep them up in a drawn out battle. The limits of this ability, being size and time limit, makes it his deadliest ability yet makes it much less effective against enemies of huge proportions and large armies. Also if you want it to not be too OP you can make it so that where the portals are about to open give off a disturbing feeling if your paying attention and a fast person can then escape from where they open.
When about to use his wings his soul gem comes out of his mouth and he crushes it (look up '[Clip[Eng Sub]Madoka Magica Rebellion - Homura Becomes A Demon' on youtube he does what Homura does in the beginning of the video). After he crushes it the shards form a purple halo around his neck kind of like a choker, though it hovers just a bit over the skin, not small enough to be right up against the neck. It does not move when he bends his neck. He can do this extremely quickly though he tends to do it at a normal speed if possible as he thinks it freaks people out, though if pressed he will admit that he also does it because he thinks it looks cool. His halo is now his weak point, however it is much, much harder to damage than its gem form, though he avoids any strikes to it if possible.
Hozen posseses a state that greatly magnifies all his base powers, to the exent he would not be unlike an Ultimate One. His strength and speed will be such he could effect the rotation of a plant the size of earth, and he would have access to the entirety of his magical power. However, after using this state he will be utterly burnt out and powerless for a month for every ten minutes he uses this state. Furthermore, the longer he uses the state, the greater the damage to his mortal body and mind. While he will recover, immediately after use he will be largely unresponsive. The state is triggerd by intoning the word 'Overload'. When in this state Hozen's right eye glows a solide violet with Homura's magic and his left a solid pink with Madoka's. Wisps of magic are released from his eyes (like Black Rock Shooter, but both eyes), and 'tears' leak from his eyes, staining lines of magic down his face. Cracks appear randomly on his body, with magic glowing out. (may adjust appearance of this state later)
Hozen possesses one more power that is more of a support ability than an attacking one. He calls it 'Logic of Another World'. As a Guardian of Homura's reality, he possesses the Authority to pass through to other dimensions, where this ability comes into play. Hozen is able to carry the 'logic' of both his home reality and others with him, applying them to himself at will. For example, he could enter a new world and basically learn how magic works there and apply it to himself. He could then enter another world where magic cannot work the same, but still use it like he did in the previous one by applying the 'logic' of the previous world to himself. He has no limit to the amount of 'logics' he can carry, but he does have limitations to this ability. These are that it takes time to learn a 'logic' from a world, depending on how different it is from the ones he knows, he can only apply one 'logic' to himself at a time, and it is mentally fatiguing to switch 'logics' preventing him from rapidly switching between them. He is able to apply a 'logic' to another person, but he cannot use that logic while doing so nor can he do it to someone for to long without causing permanent damage to them. This ability also lets him use his 'original logic' at the same time as using a 'foreign logic', though his attack power with his 'original logic' is greatly reduced.
His personality can be passive at times, though sometimes sarcastic when feeling playful or irritated. He IS able to care for and fall in love with others, and his obsession with his 'mothers' could be called love, though extremely overprotective love. He refers to Homura as 'hahaue' and Madoka as 'Madoka Oka-sama' though only ever to Homura (and to people outside his universe). When feeling particuarly affectionate, he will refer to them as 'mama', though he calls Madoka that more that Homura. He also rather dislikes injustice, and tends to disregard 'rules' if he sees them as the cause of something he thinks is wrong (like Rias' engagement, more in that he thinks that it is wrong to force her since she doesn't want it then the engament itself). Despite valuing things like choice, he supports Homura because he loves her and thinks she needs at least one person on her side, considering he doubts that even she herself is on her side. When interacting with Madoka without her memories, he is very kind, protective, and tends to follow her lead. Despite being enraptured by Homura, he loves Madoka as well and seeks to make sure she is happy in Homura's world, which tends to please Homura.
While generally keeping the same appearance, he will every now and than transform himself into a her. 'His' favored female form looks identical to Madoka, wearing her hair as a ponytail. She possesses a somewhat friendlier personality as a girl, and is less confrontational, not to mention more empathetic, this being slightly from changed brain chemistry and more so deliberately in homage to whose face she is wearing. When a female, she enjoys singing songs that remind him of her 'parents'. Examples would be Gasoline and Control, both by Halsey, as well as God Is A Girl. When Male, he will sometimes sing Gasoline rock version and Love is War (https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v= 4foC92FcZf8 remove spaces lyrics really go with the series). Witnessing Homura's soul, he composed a song, using magic to play it, that he has named 'Magia' (do not own anything of Magia, it belongs to the people who made and sing it, which is not me http:// /v_show/ id_XMzM3OTA2NjU2. html delete spaces don't own video).
He has a deliberate blind spot towards Homura. He KNOWS she's wrong, but he doesn't care. At first he does not even question her, but over time wonders whether he should try to convince her to try another way. He knows Homura is unstable from the time loops, and hopes to alleviate at least some of her 'illness'. He finds himself torn on which principal he admires more, Homura's will to follow her desire, or Madoka's will to help everyone she can. One idea he eventually comes to is to find a way to separate Madoka's memories from her power so as to negotiate with her to live a human lifetime in Homura's barrier, than returning to power at the end of such. He hasn't mentioned such things to Homura, both because he hasn't quite worked out how (though he has determined it can be done, at least temporarily), and isn't quite sure how to broach the topic with Homura.
He dislikes Sayaka, knowing of her from his mothers' memories, thinking that while she was a good friend to Madoka, he disdains her obssession with an arbitrary justice and her hero complex, and the fact that in several timelines she effectively threw Madoka's friendship in her face. He feels uncertain about Mami, feeling both pity for her fragility when lonely and a wariness for the same fragility, remembering her murderous breakdowns in the original timelines. He is largely neutral to Nagisa, not having much of an opinion of her one way or another, though he states she is a rather adorable child when asked. Hozen thinks that Kyoko is much happier in the new world, and the she deserves it after everything that happened to her. He doesn't interact with Kyoko much as she is often around Sayaka. He admires Madoka's human family, her Father for his ability to run a household and his care for his family, and her Mother for her wisdom and her work ethic. He is fascinated by her little brothers innocent insightfulness, and idly wonders if all young children are so good at 'seeing the truth of people and the world'.
What do you think of him? Feel free to use any part of him, though I'd like to be acknowledged as the one who made him. Also if you don't want to use the character but like the wings, they should be pretty usable with a few adjustments to how they work.
Super Devil Ability (used by Siguard Sitri, bastard pureblood son of Serafall Leviathan): Crown of Sin
(when used takes the form of a large Code Sin Crest, surrounded by smaller versions of the other crests surrounding it, the one in use glowing, hovering over his head like a halo)
Look up Crests of Sin digimon for looks.
(1)System (2)Code (3)Purgatory Level (4)Ability
(1)Asmodeus (2)Lust (3)Level 7 (4)Control of nervous system with a touch. Pleasure and pain at thought, puppet control with focus.
(1)Beelzebub (2)Gluttony (3)Level 6 (4)Able to absorb energy attacks and add power to own reserves.(can't absorb things like ice, could absorb power of destruction)
(1)Mammon (2)Greed (3)Level 5 (4)Able to steal knowledge from those in sight. Able to temporarily steal one ability at cost of sealing knowledge stealing while used.
(1)Belphegor (2)Sloth (3)Level 4 (4)Able to selectively slow down anything in sight. Focus on a target can slow their body to death.
(1)Satan (2)Wrath (3)Level 3 (4)All parameters increases exponentially and continuously with rage. Does have limits.
(1)Leviathan (2)Envy (3)Level 2 (4)Able to prohibit the use of abilities, skills, and physical attributes after seeing them. Using it on multiple abilities possible but stressful
(1)Lucifer (2)Pride (3)Level 1 (4)Able to do anything within power instantly.(example: something able to be frozen by you in 10 min. will be frozen instantly. Can't be used to kill someone directly.)
(The last one is custom, colored black with a white outline, its symbol an upside pentagram with a small circle at each point in the center of the circle.)
(1)Lemegeton (2)Sin (3)Level 0 (4)Absorbs all the sin that has existed, turning it into power. Can temporarily reach level of Ophis and Great Red if all sins in the world are absorbed. Unable to absorb all sins because of immaturity, thus only absorbs sin within a few miles radius, though can push this at the cost of his health.
When using Lemegeton Siguard becomes a pitch black humanoid entity with blank eyes, its presence bringing a feeling of unspeakable malice. He is also described as having 'innumerable black wings, upon which are inscribed all the worlds sins'. The contradictory nature of this, being able to see anything on these black wings, cannot be explained by those who see this form, nor can they explain how he can possess so many wings. (he essentially looks like a black, male version of Lilith Rei from Evangelion, possessing the same type of wings as well, though obviously not as big) His presence alone is dangerous in this form, being concentrated sin, one cannot use senjutsu around him in this form without going insane, and low level angels will fall from getting to close to him, stained by the concentrated sin making up his body.
Because of how young and inexperienced Siguard is, he must verbally acknowledge his abilities. For example: "Level 666, System...Asmodeus, Code...Lust, ...Purgatory Level 7."
Siguard looks like Aikawa Kizuna from Prunus Girl (also uses the name as an alias when hiding his identity), and likes to crossdress. He is 17 years old when canon starts. Doesn't really care about gender, but prefers women as they are softer and cuter. He also has a peculiar fascination with lolis, loving how cute they are. Serafall was busy when he was a child, making him rather angry at her, so he ran away for a few years to gather his peerage. At the same time he is obsessed with her attention and love, to the point he has gained a full blown oedipus complex and shows it in a weird way, being angry at her one second, and being extremely affectionate the next to Serafall. Semi-jokingly states that one of his goals is to make his mother into one of his lovers. Is extremely jealous of his cousin Sona because of Serafall's tendency to shower her with love, but tries to hide it. As a form of revenge, when he encounters Sona again her deliberately teases her, though because of his alias she doesn't realize who he is at first. His father is unknown considering Serafall had him from a drunken tryst, but he never particularly cared anyway, though he was likely a pure blood from the Extra Demon Clans.
Siguard is an excellent judge of character, and while not bothered by sinful people, has limits on what he will tolerate. Something like rape or the murder of an innocent is something that would drive him into a rage. On the other hand, he'd largely ignore or be amused by something like Issei's antics, considering he never actually molested anyone, and would in fact be rather attracted to him, admiring his nature to help and fight for others without hesitation, ignoring his perversion. He'd find Issei's ability to power up through perverted acts a little strange, though also amusing. He most identifies with the sin of Lust, lusting for love and affection.
Because of he most connects with the sin of Lust, and his own views, he sees sex as something more then pleasure. He sees it as a way to connect with those you love and respect at the most intimate level. Rather than an 'expression of love', he sees it as an 'expression of affection'. He may attempt to express himself through sex to someone he doesn't love, but only if he has absolute respect, trust, and admiration for them. Even so, he'd ask first, and simply drop the suggestion if denied, though he would state that the offer remains. Though he has no problem with the thought of sleeping with a man, he is extremely picky about it. Siaraorg would be a perfect example of what he finds as an attractive man.
Siguard recognizes that as a devil, he doesn't necessarily have to be the most moral guy around, however he has limits to what he can ignore, things that he will fight and kill for if he knows of them. He does not condone rape, absolutely despising it, leading to the next thing he loathes, denying the choices of others, like how Rias was told she was going to marry Riser and the older devils ignored the fact that she hated him. He also hates the harming and/or exploitation of innocents, whether they are children or just a really good person. He also hates betrayal.
When it comes to other men's reactions to him, they tend to find it hot that he's a guy, think he's really a girl, or not care about his gender as he is 'cute either way'.
His mother does love him but is very unconfident of her ability to take care of a child and is rather depressed by this fact, causing her to sometimes avoid him out of shame of herself, leading to Siguards attitude towards her. She is also distressed by how possessive she feels of her only child, and has ruthlessly destroyed threats towards him when he was a child. Despite avoiding him, she had made sure he was always well taken care of. When Siguard disappeared she nearly tore apart the underworld, and would have went on to the human world if the other Satans didn't stop her.
Siguard dislikes the idea of overspecializing so fights in many ways. Great with both a katana and using his own body up close, he is also skilled in various magics, especially ice as a homage to his mother. He is also fond of magic bullets and lasers like from touhou. When young he saw a stray devil and became interested in its mutations. Through the study of various stray devils he has gained the ability to produce four tentacles from his lower back (Kaneki's kagune) and a large bladed tail (looks similar to Asaki Fueguchi's kagune in color and shape, but rather than blades the segments themselves are sharp) whose end splits into four pieces revealing a mouth with acidic saliva. His tentacles are faster and stronger, but more fragile, while his tail has a very long range, has more weight to throw around, and is bladed. Those that are eaten by his tail will restore lost energy, and all his extra appendages are capable of easy regeneration, though it costs some power to do so.
He is young, so his powers take a toll on his body. He would only be able to use his Lemegeton ability for about 2 min before his body started shutting down under his own power. This wouldn't effect his lifespan though if he stops using it quickly enough. Considering how powerful he is in this form, it is more than enough time. However, no matter how long he uses Lemegeton he will always need to rest for at least a week if not longer after using it at this point. Much like Sirzechs, he can't really us this ability while around allies without the threat of accidentally destroying them. While he can use 2 sin abilities at once, such a thing exhausts him severely. Despite this, he has yet to achieve his full power, and at 17 is already breaking Ultimate Class without using his Crown of Sin. Like all super devils, he has abnormal demonic power, it being particularly terrifying, feeling like utter malice when released. He is 57 as of the start of Canon and is at Satan class without Crown of Sin, slightly weaker than his mother at that point.
When he ran away, he used the name Kizuna Aikawa, who he is partially based off of.
Also has enough ability in transformation to change gender (though his body doesn't change much, gaining a vagina and small breasts, around Koneko's size), though only very rarely does this, generally out of curiosity, since he prefers his male body, identifying himself as male, and confusing men with the fact that he is a guy. When wearing panties, he lowers the size of his genitals to a size that doesn't really show up much on them (its size is average, about 6 in. when erect, no abnormal lengths for him). His body does not seem to be different from a girls even when naked other then he is completely flat and has a penis.
Siguard has a relationship with everyone in his peerage, though the level of intimacy and how they act differs with each of them.
Also his eyes are like the creepy blue haired girls, the Meme-chans, from the video ME!ME!ME!, during the part where everything is neon and their eyes glow.
Notable Spells:
World of Rime: basically 3:00 of 【Touhou MMD】The STRONGEST Battle -Reimu vs Cirno-
Fangs of Winter: slime spikes of white energy that freeze what they pierce depending on how much magic is in the spike, including magic. can fire dozens in a second. more that hit the target the more they are able to freeze
Frozen Fangs: large spires of ice form above and below the target before violently crushing it
Frozen Maw: large blades of ice circle around the target conealed by snow and pieces of ice cutting it to shreds
Perfect Freeze: flash freezes target when touched by hand and anything close to target. can freeze attacks, but not lasers. similar to cirno's freezing ability in Fairy Wars
Perfect Freezer: weaker, ranged version of Perfect Freeze fired as a wave from a sword
QUEEN: Manaka Sajyou (utter genius; specializes in magic but can fight up close; turned at 13 and is High class in power at 14; an 'innocent monster'; Siguard's pride and joy; Siguard's representitive and voice when not present)
ROOKS: Eve (Golden Darkness from To Love Ru; able to use darkness mode, but energy intensive and loosens morals, perverted to allies and sadistic to enemies; experiment Siguard found and saved; called Yami by outsiders; Siguard's hitman, sends when he wants people to know he had someone killed; mutated rook)
Mea Kurosaki (Found with Eve; Siguard's interegator through Psycho Dive; all expirements in peerage found in human lab dedicated to making weapons against the supernatural)
KNIGHTS: Maria (Jack the Ripper from Fate/Apocrypha; evil spirit sealed but released by Siguard; Siguard's assassin, sends to kill secretly)
Inori Yuzuriha (experiment, able to form apocalypse crystals, extremely sharp and crystallizes those much weaker than her, weakens others)
BISHOPS: Nemesis (found with Eve and Mea; Siguard's spy being best at infiltration)
Nanoha Takamichi (15 yrs old; turned when young; sacred gear 'Intelligent Device, Model: Raising Heart', balance breaker 'Raising Heart Excellion')(multiples of the sacred gear, different for each user)
PAWNS: Zazie Rainyday (Negima; strong in body; specializes in magic and real illusions; turned when young; 3 pawns)
Fate T. Harlaown (15 yrs old; turned when young; sacred gear 'Intelligent Device, Model: Bardiche', balance breaker 'Bardiche Assault'; 3 pawns)('Intelligent Device' acts as an aid for magic, like from the show)
Hinami Fueguchi (Tokyo Ghoul; saved from a murderer who killed her mother; possessed odd mutations and an extremely adaptive body; allowed Siguard to preform body modification to her)
FAMILIARS: Terminus Est (strongest sword seirei; controls all swords including ones as strong as Caliburn; devours all forms of magic but not things like touki and senjutsu), Restia Ashbell (strongest darkness seirei; has the ability to pierce any defense such as shields, armors, barriers, and even defensive abilities, but not weapons) (familiars are from Seirei no Blade Dance) (can wield them separately or one at a time) (sword forms take light novel appearances), Suu (slime from Monster Musume, look up fanfic 'Ranma of the Shield' for ideas on how to use her in combat)
this is a true story. A girl died in 1933. A man buried her when she was still alive. The murder chanted, "Toma Sota balcu," as he buried her. Now that you have read this chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this on your profile, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded. Lucillia