name: alex
age: use ur imagination (but im a teen, only hint)
(quick note, AL3X TH3 H3DG3HOG is my user name, Alex The Hedgehog was already taken)
gender: male
personality: kind of stupid, bad speller, gets nervouse under preasure, drummer, stays good to friends
likes: a good time, funny jokes, pokeing things with a stick, anything that has to do with sonic the hedgehog, sonamy
dislikes: waiting and waking up from an awsome dream
favorites: (band) crush 40
(song) live and learn
my main o.c. is Alex The Hedgehog
gender: male
age: 17 (no that's not my age, im a bit younger)
practially my personality so im not going to write it again
fur color: yellow
abilities: makes fire out of thin air, and extreamly good camoflage
weapons: throws knives out of thin air and has a sword
other personalities (favortie food): chilie dogs(i love them to, im not copying sonic)
(a few more qualities): good to friends, great artistic abilities
well, thats all i got for now, ill be posting some stories soon (all sonic stories) till then, see ya all later