Even though they were sadly over-looked by the brilliant J.K. Rowling, Draco and Hermione were meant to be! Anyway, it's my goal to write every cliche Dramione fanfic. There are so many that I have read and a lot of really popular ideas out there. I've decided to attempt to write my own take on every one. The thing is, I want to make them all acceptable for EVERYONE to read. It's Dramione for the whole family! Yay! So, sit down, kick off your shoes, and cuddle up with some stories of the best couple out there. To be honest, I write these for my own enjoyment, as well as for the masses. So, if you see something that I could do better, please let me know. I'm always looking for ways to improve. Dramione needs to happen, but I want it to happen with correct grammar, spelling, plot development, etc. :) Grammar and are aquaintances. Spelling and I haven't spoken in years. I comma splice on a regular basis. I love commas. Please excuse my irrational love of a grammatical element. I do try to spot them, but I get a little carried away at times.
Also, about my Pen Name (because my best friend horribly misunderstood it), it's a synonym sort of diddlybopper for 'sunshine.' Rainbow Breaker, sunshine. See? Yeah, she was off on me destroying Rainbows.
I'll be the first to admit that a couple of my one-shots are terrible. I am in the process of revamping, though. I can't bring myself to delete them because I love them. . . I am fixing them.
Oh no. Fanfiction has found my weakness when it comes to creative design. So, this new story cover thing is brilliant, but I can't draw. Please excuse my ugly story covers. This will be a prime oppurtunity to use the old saying "Don't jude the book by its cover." Well, umm, please try not to judge the Fic by its random/ugly/made in a paint program cover. If someone out there has creative design and would like to make a cover for one of my stories, I'll make sure you get the credit for it. :D I might even write you a one-shot with another ugly cover.
IT'S NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH!!!I'm excited. The novel has to be 50,000 words (about 175 pages). By 11:59.59 on Novemeber 30th. Up to the challenge? I think that I am. And since I love Dramione, let's make it a Dramione novel. It'll be my biggest work yet. Maybe it'll help me destroy this awful writer's block. Some famous person said that you can't wait for inspiration to come, you must actively find it. Let's implement that idea.
Summary of My Stories
Let's call it a Table of Contents:
The Dramione Eye Drabble: Storms in Your Eyes Poetry
Dramione Angst: How to Live Tragedy/Angst
The Classic Dramione for World Unity: The Price of Peace
Dramione Locked In a Closet: Of Trick Doors and Choices
Dramione AZ Drabble: If I Could Rearrange the Alphabet
Dramione Scar Drabble:Broken and Scarred
Hermione's a Pureblood/Dramione Betrothed:Shades of Gray
Parenting class:Only at Hogwarts
Draco and Blaise make a bet:My Last Gamble
Yule Ball-Take Two:A Song Without Lyrics
Dramione in the Morning: Good Morning
Hermione's tired of being good: October Sunset Cover
Heads/Beauty Pageant/Foreign Exchange/Physical ailment/Potions Class Partners/Stuck together/Jealousy/ Who will dump who first: The Greatest Story Never Told
In Progress:
Dramione in the Muggle World: Precious Light (this is on pause for a little while. I refuse to put my works on hiatus, I just have no ideas for this story. If you've an idea than please let me know. PM me and we can look over your ideas. Who knows? You might just be the inspiration that I need. :))
Coming Soon!
Prophesy/Hogwarts Take 2/ Back in Time: To Rewrite My Memories
Marriage Law Better Than The Best (I freely admit that I'm avoiding this story. There are ten million marriage law fics out there, so I gotta throw enough stuff in mine to make it stand out. Difficult.)
Mk, here's the deal. I would LOVE to read your Dramione story. There are like ten billion out there, but if you've got one, I want to read it. Here's the catch. I do NOT want anything with smut, the 'f word', or anything with questionable material. Clean Dramione, it's my thing. So if you've got a clean Dramione story, please PM me the name of it, and I promise to not only read it happily, but to also leave you a review for every chapter. ;) WANNA WRITE ME A STORY??! Even better. Well, actually write a story for your own enjoyment (as writing should be), but keep me in mind. Actually consider it a challenge. . . the "Clean But Interesting Dramione Challenge". You can do it. I believe! Know somebody else's story that meets said requirements? Love to hear about it. Seriously, people. Seriously.
I write stories because I know the greatest one. I shall now tell it to you.
In the beginning, God created everything. Everything was perfect, and man lived in harmony with God. It was great for a while, but it did not last. The man that God created, Adam, sinned. When Adam sinned in the garden, mankind fell under sin. Everyone who was born after that was a sinner. They were unclean. This was a problem because no unclean thing can enter Heaven. We were a race bound for Hell. But our God is a merciful one. He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to pay for every sin that we have ever committed. The wages of sin is death. Jesus knew this, and he came to earth and was hung on a cross. He died for our sins. He lay in a tomb for three day, and it seemed like all hope was lost. Our hero was dead. The man that had come to free us from ourselves was now buried in a tomb. But our God is a merciful one. At the end of those dark three days, Jesus was raised to life. Now, we can enter Heaven because we have been raised to life with him. The debt has been payed. Anyone can enter Heaven now, as long as they have been saved. To be saved all you have to do is confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and Believe in your heart that Christ raised him from the dead. You don't have to be a slave to sin anymore. There is hope.
This is the greatest story because it is true. Jesus Christ is God.
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes Romans 1:16