Hi guys!
At least I am getting familiar with this place. :)
But Id like to say, that I am German and my grammar is not the best out there, so please keep it in mind!
I just started my first story, which is based on a dream of mine and which I found totally entertaining.
I am studing right now Biology back in Germany and their is loads to do, but at least I can do what I really enjoy.
As some may have guessed I love nature. Like forests, the sea and so on and also animals. My dog is just sooo adorable! But I guess every dog-owner thinks that way! ;) Books are really, really important to me! They are like small worlds where you can dive into whenever you want and wherever you want. But I prefer fantasy-books, espacially Lotr, HP, HG, PJ and so on, but I also like classic stuff ... . Movies and cinemas are my second home I would say. And after a friend of mine pointed out, that you can watch interviews on Youtube, I am lost. Right now Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddlestone (sooo adorable) are my favorites, but Robert Downey Jr. is a real king! :D
If you want to talk about something from above or my new story (sooo nervous & proud) or are just bored, just send me a pn. I am also a human! ;)
Nice to see you again,