Favorites: Harry Potter, Naruto, Legend of the Seeker, Charmed, Percy Jackson, Bleach, Star Wars, Smallville and many others.
Harry Potter/Charmed Challenge
I was watching Charmed yesterday because nothing was on and that show has always intrigued me. Watching this gave me an idea: What if Lily Potter was not the first child to have magic in her family? What if Lily was descended from the first Elder and the First Source of All Evil, yea you are going to say that would not happen but its fanfiction deal with it. What if Harry received the powers of an Elder and the Source and with wand magic as well? Harry is going to be three years older than cannon, and this story will have a younger sibling as the Boy or Girl who Lived. James and Lily will forget about Harry for a long time, however James's mother or father can be alive so Harry wont be raising himself.
Must be Grey Harry because if he joined either side then the balance will be destroyed, pairing must be with Phoebe and maybe one or two more girls. Harry will meet Phoebe when he travels to America after he graduates from Hogwarts. However for the first chapter this must happen, Krya, a seer who was killed by Zankou, received a vision from the future and sees how powerful Harry is and decides that she would rather follow him. She shimmered to Harry as a child and helps him become the powerful being he will become later in life.