Just In
silverwolf7791 PM
Joined Jun '12

Real Name: Not telling you.

Age: A number.

Place I live: Earth.

Gender: If you mean sex, then yes please.

Sex: In my pants.

Favorite Cartoons: Danny Phantom, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Code Name: Kids Next Door, Ed, Edd, n' Eddy, and many more.

Favorite Anime/Manga too many to count, but are not limited to: Inuyasha, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Gun X Sword, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Goblin Slayer, Spice and Wolf, Full Metal Alchemist, My Hero Academia, How A Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom, and many, many more.

Favorite Books: Lord of the Rings, Cirque Du Freak, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and The Olympians/Heroes of Olympus.

I'm actually not that big a fan of comics, but I will try some fics about comic characters so long as the premise is good and the grammar is at least decent.

When it comes to movies, unless it's an anime movie that is for an anime I like, or has a decent premise than I won't really watch it.

When it comes to the fics I'm writing I won't release a new chapter unless it has a decent amount of words in it, around 2K to 9K (before A.N.s), unless; it's the first chapter, a chapter of great importance, or the last chapter in the story, then it'll be anywhere from 3k to 10k words in length but if I feel like it's getting a little to long I might just post it as is and do it in sections, then when the chapter is done, it will be posted.

Chapter progress of current stories.

Ghosts & Dragons; Chapter 6: 12,018 words written so far.

Dueling Spirit!; Chapter 1: 2,864 words written so far, and decks are being made.

Ghostly Den of Ideas; Chapter 6: 1,766 words written so far.

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