REAL NAME: None of your business
AGE: Young
LIKES: many things
DISLIKES: rapist, perverts, bias people, ignorant people, arrogant people, terrorist, liars and fan girls
Favorite anime: Naruto, One Piece ,Yu-Gi-Oh(from original to ARC-V) a few more
Favorite Food: Pizza, Hamburgers, Burritos, and more
Favorite superheroes: Flash, Spider-Man
My favorite kind of Naruto story's:
Naruto either having the sharingan/mangkyou/eternal mangekyou sharingan either by tansplant or born in the uchiha clan and can use the susanoo to it's full potential
Where Naruto is a speedster (crossover)
Where Naruto is Spiderman (crossover)
Favorite crossover pairings for crossover story's:
Naruto/Yugioh 5ds- Naruto x Akiza
Naruto/Yugioh gx- Naruto x Alexis
Naruto/Yugioh- Naruto x Tea, Naruto x Ishizu
Naruto/Young Justice- Naruto x Miss Martin, Naruto x Artemis, Naruto x Jade, Naruto x Zatanna
Naruto/Last airbender- Naruto x Katara, Naruto x Azula, Naruto x Ty Lee
Naruto/Legend of Korra- Naruto x Korra, Naruto x Asami
Naruto/One Piece- Naruto x Nami, Naruto x Robin
Naruto/Arrow- Naruto x Laurel
Naruto/Flash- Naruto x Caitlin
Naruto/Legends of tomorrow- Naruto x Sara
Naruto/Teen Titans- Naruto x Starfire, Naruto x Raven
Naruto/Ultimate Spiderman- Naruto x Ava
Naruto/zoids (new century)-Naruto x Leena, Naruto x Naomi
Naruto/Game of thrones- Naruto x Daenerys, Naruto x Margaery,
If you like a challenge, just PM me and tell me which one(s) you want to do.
Naruto/Yugioh5ds crossover challenge- Naruto born in the yugioh 5ds world and born as a physic duelist, naruto is shunned by his parents and sister and runs away to become the best dulest in the world and help the signers defeat the darksigners/ set during season 1, Naruto uses a dragon deck as trident dragon as his best card/ paring will be narutoxakiza, and if you want it to be a harem I recommend Carly misty and mina. and I don't care if he joins the Arcadia movement or not. his sister uses crystal beasts and has rainbow dragon but Naruto has rainbow dark dragon, kinda of like yin yang thing and Naruto's family will feel bad for what they did to him like akiza's parents did
Naruto/Total drama crossover challenge- Naruto is a smart calculating strategist who will do what ever it takes to win the grand price, and a certain raven haired girls heart/ can take place during either total drama island or world tour, paring has to be Naruto x Heather x Harem
Naruto/yugioh GX/5ds crossover challenge- Naruto has always been underestimated as a duelist because he's an orphan with no special training that is until Yugio Moto chooses him to have a special deck created that ended up meeting his duel spirit friend Stardust Dragon, now armed with the Synchro deck, he takes duel academy by storm and to one day become the next king of games, the pairing is Naruto x Alexis, Naruto gets majestic dragon, majestic star and majestic red dragon when he fights the sacred beasts, the assault modes whenever you want, shooting star dragon and red nova dragon sometime during society of light arc and shooting quasar dragon, stardust sifr divine dragon, and cosmic blazar dragon some point later on
Naruto/Saints row the third crossover challenge- Basically like the saints row the third story line but with Naruto as the boss: if you want more drama to it and want to use your own boss then hears something: Naruto is johnny's brother and heard what happened to him, and joins the saints to avenge his brother and help his friends. the paring is Naruto x Shaundi x Kinzie x Viola De Wynte.
Naruto/Yugioh crossover challenge- Naruto, the descendent of Anubis and keeper of the pyramid of light uses the power of his ancestors to protect his friends, his loved ones, and the world from evil, it must start during the battle city arc, the paring being Naruto x Tea Gardner, it follows the shows cameo then when its the final arc Naruto will duel his ancient grandfather Anubis,
Naruto/Teen titans crossover challenge- Naruto is another green lantern of earth and joins the titans early in the series, and turns out he his the chosen one of an ancient prophecy where he master the emotional spectrum, he gains a different power ring threw the story, basically similar to the Kyle Rayner story, so green lantern Naruto who later becomes a white lantern in the future, the paring being Naruto x starfire, Naruto x raven, or Naruto x starfire x raven,
Naruto/wrestling crossover challenge- He's born in the modern era (our world), Naruto who's been a orphan since birth has been trained to fight in many ways and like kickboxing and MMA (basically he fights like Yuri Boyka form the movies undisputed 2&3) and is pretty well known in the fighting community (not famous but as been talked about a lot) gets offered a job at WWE, pairing Naruto x Alexa Bliss
Naruto/bakugan battle brawlers crossover challenge- Naruto is a rich kid who is neglected by his parents because there either got work to do and any free time they have they either spend at gala's or fancy dinners while leaving him behind and saying that they'll do this or that with him then say they have to cancel, and his a very high ranked bakugan brawler, he wanders around in sadness till he finds a talking bakugan named Leonidas (if you don't know who he is he's a bakugan from the video game)when he was in the park and his life changes in a big way, what type of element Naruto uses is up to you though I recommend either pyrus (fire), haos(light), or darkus (darkness),the paring is Naruto x Julie and naruto's parents will find out how they treated Naruto, some where in the middle of the season, takes place in the first arc (where the villains are maqurade, naga ,the doc, etc) and if you want to do a sequel where it's new vestroia you can make that one a harem where it's Naruto x Julie x Mira
Naruto/Ultimate Spiderman/Avengers Assemble- all his life all Naruto wanted to was help people best way he can, and one day when the avengers were fighting an invasion after Thor threw his hammer, and alien attacked Naruto who unknowingly hit it away with Mjolnir, after seeing this and seeing Naruto's pure heart, Thor asks his father to have a second hammer made, now with his own hammer stormbreaker (beta ray bill's) and the powers of Thor he now joins a team of young heros to become the next avengers, pairing is Naruto x Ava
Naruto/one piece crossover challenge- Naruto is from a warrior tribe that exists on an island and ate the forest-forest fruit which lets him control and create wood, trees, plants from his body(it's basically him getting mokuton the one piece way) and years later used it to fight off corrupted marines and to build a wall around his village, and years later leaves to help other people from the corrupted marines and any other evil on the way, mokuton Naruto and he is able to use all the mokuton ability's and moves from the narutoverse, the paring is Naruto x harem( Nami, Robin, boa hancock, side characters like nojiko and vivi and miss valentine are allowed) starts during the arlong arc because that's a good place to start and the first girl Naruto be's with first is either nami or nojiko, because he helps saves his village from arlong, them agreeing to share him comes up during sometime during or after the events ofwhiskey peak
Naruto/avatar: Legend of Korra crossover challenge- Avatar Wan wasn't the only reincarnated after the battle with vaatu, there was his brother, Ashura who used his spirit to enhance his physical energy, and would be reincarnated into Naruto a airbender who's been on the move even before his parents disappeared, now after arriving in republic city, Naruto now works along side new friends, one of them being the new avatar, the pairing is Naruto x Korra x Asami
Naruto's parents are Zaheer and Pl'i, he doesn't know about them, since they didn't have normal childhoods they wanted him to have one before they introduced him to the red lotus life but were arrested and sent to jail before they could
Naruto/ Mortal Kombat X/11 crossover challenge- Kronica for countless millennia has reset and manipulated timeline, she doesn't realize she created the one who will cause her down fall in the form of a mortal who can control the elements, after years of training from Raiden and joining the special forces, he now protects earthrealm from evil as its new champion, pairing is Naruto x Cassie Cage (MK11 look)
before the final battle with Kronica since both their powers are nature based, Naruto absorbs Cetrions power, raising him to a new power level and giving him his six path sage mode look, giving him an edge to help Liu Kang defeat Kronica and save the world
Naruto/Poke'mon crossover challenge- got inspired after seeing pokemon origins and mega evolution specials, Naruto moved with his mother from the khalos region to a new region of Kanto he sets out to finish his dead fathers dream find all mega evolution pokemon and stones, and unlock all the secrets of mega evolution with his trusted partner and old time friend charmander, he sets out to finish his fathers goal and become the next legend on the way, his first partner and best poke'mon friend MUST be charmander/charmelion/charizard and his mega stone must be charizardite X,(MY Favorite pokemon(s)plus they played a big role in both origins & mega evol spec) and he always keeps charizard on his team(since they were together ever since he was younger and when charizard was young charmander)The story starts in Kanto then to Jothto, then to Hoenn, and ends in Sinnoh the paring is Naruto x Misty x Liza(her charizard can have charizardite Y either she always had it or Naruto gives/gave it to her) x May x Dawn, why just these regins is because most of the mega evolutions are from these regions
Naruto/Batman Beyond crossover challenge- Naruto becomes the next batman not Terry(he doesn't exist in this story), Naruto is the son of Damien Wayne and his mother who is a former assassin and grandson of Bruce Wayne, and has been training since a very young age to take up the mantle his grandfather's and his father(if you want Damien to used to be Batman as well) once had, and that is being The Batman, paring is Naruto x Dana x Max x Melanie (Aquagirl to, if you can find a way to add her)
Naruto/Star Wars: The clone Wars crossover challenge- Naruto is the son of a Jedi and a Sith who got stranded on a planet together, fell in love, had both sides believe they were dead so they could be together had Naruto and taught him in both the light and dark sides of the force, that after spending so much time together that they started to believe that the true way of the force is not either the light side or the dark side but to master both sides, and now he will go and change the galaxy, Naruto will have 2 light sabers that were his parents, one blue the other red, his outfit will be the arena combat gear from force unleashed 2 and will be as powerful as starkiller from force unleashed 1&2, the paring will be Naruto x Ahsoka or harem (Ahsoka, Barris Offee, Riyo Chuchi)
Naruto/Yugioh GX/5ds/Zexal crossover challenge- in this story there's different regions in the world, there's one region in the world that mainly uses fusion(original/GX), one that mainly uses synchro (5'ds), and one that mainly uses xyz (Zexal), and each has a prophecy about one who will wield the power of 4 ancient dragons,and use them to protect the world from all things evil, the one spoken in the prophecy is Naruto, wielder of the 4 heavenly dragons, the pairing is Naruto x Alexis can be Naruto x Alexis x Akiza this story takes place GX, but has pieces from the other 2 (mainly 5'ds) such as tournaments like after beating the sacred beasts, they go to the synchro region to be in the fortune cup and then goes back to the academy, like I said this takes place in Yugioh GX, Naruto already has the 4 heavenly dragons (odd-eyes pendulum dragon, dark rebellion xyz dragon, clear wing synchro dragon, and starving venom fusion dragon) from the beginning, Naruto can have heterochromia (where a person has 2 different eye colors)
Naruto/Avatar: The Last Airbender crossover challenge 2- They say that the fire nation had killed all the dragons many years ago, but what if that wasn't true, what if the was a large nation where not only the dragons live freely, but also live in harmony with the humans, now Naruto and his trusted dragon partner set out to change the world, Fire bender Naruto, Naruto x Harem, (Katara, Suki,Azula, Ty lee) Azula and Ty lee knew from younger age, when he was younger he was sent to the fire nation with a spy just to see another part of the world, befriended them and the others, Azula and Ty lee fall in with him, and he left (this was inspired by The Rage Of Fire story 'The Lightning Prince) that way there's drama and we get to see how Azula react how she hears about some who matches Naruto's description riding a dragon in the earth kingdom when her father sets her out, and how Ty lee reacts when she tells her
Naruto/One piece crossover challenge 2- All his life Naruto has heard great tales about men with unbelievable strength, men like white beard and Kaido, his favorite story being about the legend of Ashura, and man from many years ago who's strength could break open the world itself, Naruto now sets out with the straw hats for adventure and to achieve his dream of being the strongest man in the world, no devil fruit, pairing is Naruto x Nami x Robin, starts before the arlong arc
Naruto/Star Wars: the clone wars crossover challenge 2- One day the Jedi felt a powerful pull in the force from Mandalore, and when they get there they discover it came from a young Naruto who is discovered to be the decendent of Darth Revan and Mandalore the ultimate, now with the blood of mandalore and the power of both sides of the force, Naruto goes out to protect his home and friends the darkness of the sith, the pairing is Naruto x Ahsoka or Naruto x harem (Ahsoka, Barris Offee, Riyo Chuchi)
has two lightsabers, one being either orange or purple the other being his own darksaber and he's as powerful as starkiller from force unleashed 1&2
Naruto is the chosen one, not Anakin I don't like how they thought it was him cause of his midiclorian count, they learn this either by the father on mortis or by something else so he prevents order 66 and foils Mauls plans for Mandalore
Naruto/Arrow/Spiderman crossover challenge- Naruto Parker at a young age bitten by a genetically altered spider which ended up giving him super spider powers, now after years of training Naruto Parker goes out to save people as the, basically Naruto got his powers around like 14 and instead of starting out as Spiderman, he spent years either training in his powers, training in combat (learning fighting styles and stuff like that) gathering resources and tech, and getting his life together, his job is that he run's his own lab, Parker industries, which he got after doc ock and his wife died in a failed presentation (ock's origin is a mix between ps4/spiderman 2), the reason he moved to starling was because he wanted to help people hurt by the undertaking, similar to how Team flash does with STAR labs, that way he makes a lot of money, has access to high tech and equipment, and has a lot of free time like they do, the only stuff from marvel is spiderman stuff, NO avengers, X-men, etc., nothing but Spiderman stuff, veteran like Naruto/Spiderman, that way he can have flashback moments about when he got his powers, meeting some of his enemy's, etc. doesn't get the black suit or at least gets it in a flashback as a build up for venom, as for the villain he fights that makes the public know he's real and not a myth, I think either Fisk (had a rivalry for years) or electro will do, Miles does get spider powers so Naruto can have a teaching role later on
Paring is Naruto x Laurel (obviously prevents what happens to her in season 4) I've had this idea where Naruto gave her his blood to heal her, which in turn gave her his powers, so she would become spider-woman (spider-gwen suit) can happen in season 3
Suit: the same as the ps4 game, starts out with the classic suit then later upgrades to the advanced suit, obviously has the same HUD, and movable eye lenses (can replace blue with black if you want)
Additional spider powers: venom blast, invisibility, healing factor, unlimited/organic webbing (impact webbing counts as a spider power because of the organic webbing, comes out the other side of the wrist) immunity to most toxins/poisons, accelerated perception, either retractable talons (like Spiderman 2099,) or retractable Stingers (scarlet spiders) or both, witch ever you prefer
Shattered dimensions doesn't happen until after flash S2, edge of time till after legends S1, ps4 until either Arrow S3 since both involve a outbreak or S5 since both main villains are out for revenge, like Adrian helps Octavious with his plan since thinks Osborn sabotaged his presentation, but when this one happens is your call
Naruto/Legends of tomorrow crossover challenge- When putting the team together, Rip decided he needed someone who truly mastered the mystic arts, so he chooses Naruto who was taken into a secret order of sorcerers at a very young age, and now Naruto joins the Legends on their adventures threw time, using his magic to protect time, Naruto is basically doctor strange but better since he's been doing this since childhood, I know that Kendra, Carter, Amaya, and Zari use magic, but theres is just either to grow wings, enhance physical ability's, and use wind, Naruto can use real magic like doctor strange, like opening portals, creating shields and weapons, conjuring attacks, etc. he knows temporal magic or starts learning it during season 1, has the eye of Agamoto and it can have all six infinity stones, and the pairing is Naruto x Sara
Naruto/Game of Thrones/God of War (2018) crossover challenge- instead of going to the Norse world after the events of God of War 3, Kratos gets sent to the game of thrones world, where is then found and healed by the one who he would call his wife, Naruto is Kratos son, and now he sets out to change the whole world, Naruto's mother is still Kushina and she is still alive, she is a former red priestess who left the red religion after seeing its evil ways (burning innocent people alive) and uses her magic to help people without giving power to the lord of light (kind of a Freya role) so red haired Naruto is in the story he can have the armor sets from the game, but instead of being shirtless like kratos was with some of them, Naruto does were a shirt. And he can have his own dragon(s) at most two, one crimson red, the other navy blue, Kushina also stole the egg(s) from the red religion as well, and his relationship with his father is great, since Kushina never dies and she helped him with moving on from his past he was better at being a father, Naruto's god ability's: super strength, healing factor (proof beaning Kratos had it when he first fought baulder) and immunity to poison, as his extra ability (like Atreaus had with his ability to speak and read new languages) is up to you, elemental manipulation, negative emotion sensing, its your call.Knows how to speak Valyrian and Dothraki, his mother taught him
He knows he's a god, he got sick when he was young, so Kratos and Kushina told him what he was then. People know about Kratos, the god from another world who killed the gods there, Naruto doesn't want people to know he's his son because he didn't want to be treated like a god, he only tells the people he trusts the most, but people find out at sometime
At the end during the final battle, he does what his father did and that's kill a god, either its R'hllor the lord of light or the Real night king that looks like the Lich King, or Athena who returned and reawakened the night walkers for revenge
the pairing is Naruto x Harem (Naruto x Daenerys x Margaery x Tyene (can include Nymeria and Oboara as well) he will be in Westeros but eventually goes to Essoss for awhile to help Daenerys
Naruto has the Leviathan Axe at the beginning of the story (level 6 form), his mom took it from the red religion when she left (you can say its a ancient weapon they found years ago) who gave it to Kratos, who then gave it to Naruto, as for the blades of chaos he'll get those when the white walkers make more of problem hearing from rumors plus a nightmare/vision and when he gets them, his mom uses her magic to enhance them (she basically changes them from what they look like when you get them to there level 6 form) and his guardian shield either looks like the default, dokkenshieldr, or exile's guardian skin
Naruto/Supergirl crossover challenge- Naruto is a worldkiller and was found as a baby during a raid and was adopted by krypton's head of science, and was treated like an outcast by the people who knew what he was (his childhood is similar to what it was like from the anime) and when his mother sent him to earth after krypton's destruction try's to be the person his adoptive mother knew he could be and not end up like his creators wanted him to be, Kryptoian Naruto (meaning he has the powers of a kryptoian) as for his world killer powers besides a higher resilience to kryptonite he has the ability to absorb, harness, and control different types of energy/radiation (captain marvels powers) his pod lands around the same time as Mon-el's pod did, the pairing is Naruto x Kara, they bond when she teaches him how to be a hero and how to not let other peoples opinion of him bother him because of his childhood, leaves earth at the end of season 2, the lead messes with him cause of his radiation powers, so he leaves earth for a cure and a clue on what he is (his mom told him what she knew before krypton's destruction or at least what she knew, that he was a genetically altered kryptonian created by an unknown order) comes back before Mon-el's ship is discovered, finds out what he really is in season 3
Naruto/Flash crossover challenge- On earth 2 Naruto was a speedster hero named Velocity, and all his fights with Zoom always ended in a stalemate thanks to his better understanding of the speed force, till one day they pushed themselves to there limits and opened a portal into the speed force and Zoom threw him in thinking it killed him, but after spending a whole year in the speed force, enhancing his speed and taking a test to prove himself worthy of a unique connection to the speed force, the speed force sends Naruto to a new earth after a black hole opened up there, now not only does end up meeting new friends who can help him stop Zoom, but also a new place to call home, Naruto's speedster suit is Wally West's red suit from the comics (look at profile pic) and has a flash ring and incase you don't know this but the silver parts of his suit glow the same color as his lighting when he uses his powers, his lightning is blue, but that's normal, V-9 makes lightning Dark blue, light blue is normal, obviously replaces fake Jay/hunter as new member
The paring is Naruto x Caitlin, post flash point she told him about her powers before everyone else found out and he has been helping her control them, and I want 1 good thing to happen cause of flashpoint, so how about before flashpoint they weren't living together, but after flashpoint they are
Unique connection: when Naruto got of the speed force he's faster then Zoom, but his speed gets greater cause thanks to his time in the speed force he understands its spiritual side, and with that understanding trusts the speed force, and for that trust it allows Naruto to tap into the full breathe of the speed force, basically have the speed force flow and increase inside him (like Wally in the comics), by season 3 he's as fast as flash from season 4
Extra powers: energy constructs, electro-blast, infinite mass punch, flash-time, speed clones (at most 3), speed scouts, stealing kinetic energy from objects (bullets as a example), electromagnetism, and speed mind
Authors that accepted my challenges:
Namikaze09, Kyuubi16, Starlight Dark, Dragoon of Darkness, DCMatriXHunter, Reborn 123, Patriot-112, SaiyanGuardian, SentinalPrince21, Neostardustdragon101