Favorite Stories 17
Expulsion » by
White Angel of Auralon
Over the opening of the Chamber of Secrets Rubeus Hagrid was blamed for the incidents that resulted in the death of a girl. He was expelled from Hogwarts. Only Dumbledore among the teachers believed, against the claims of the Ministry, that he couldn't have done it. Right? What if Headmaster Dippet had more reasons for the expulsion and what would happen if he shared those reasons?
Harry Potter, T, English, Suspense & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 2, words: 15k+, favs: 240, follows: 174, updated: 12/26/2024 published: 12/25/2024, Albus D., A. Dippet
A Game of Eagles » by
AU, HPTN. Harry Potter and Theodore Nott both make different choices when they go under the Sorting Hat. Therefore, so does the Hat, and it spreads out from them in ripples of change to affect the rest of their years at Hogwarts. Ravenclaw Harry and Theo. COMPLETE.
Harry Potter, M, English, Friendship & Romance, chapters: 26, words: 127k+, favs: 549, follows: 538, updated: 12/20/2024 published: 11/9/2023, [Harry P., Theodore N.] Ron W., Hermione G.
Elfish Welfare » by
AU Halloween 1981 and the Potter family has been attacked. But when Sirius arrives, the crib is empty. Harry is missing, and presumed dead, but Mipsy knows the truth. She takes care of her little master just as the Potter's portrait commands her to. Cover by EnchantedPixie495 [COMPLETE]
Harry Potter, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 66, words: 426k+, favs: 7k+, follows: 9k+, updated: 12/19/2024 published: 5/25/2018, [Harry P., Hermione G.]
Killing Time » by
After surviving Voldemort's return in the graveyard, Fudge dismisses his claims and Dumbledore doesn't seem to be doing anything but keeping him isolated. Harry comes to the decision that if he's going to survive, he'll need to take action on his own. In the process he learns more about the wizarding world than he could have anticipated and makes some new friends. Edited/corrected
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Adventure, chapters: 19, words: 129k+, favs: 244, follows: 135, 12/19/2024, [Harry P., Fay D.] [Hermione G., Neville L.]
Onyx and Silver » by
AU, time travel, HPOB. Harry Potter is a stranger in the middle of the sixth-year Slytherins, and Orion Black watches him. At first out of curiosity, and then with the realization that Potter may provide a way to escape from the shadow of Tom Riddle. COMPLETE.
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama, chapters: 37, words: 126k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 3/21/2023 published: 12/21/2021, [Orion B., Harry P.] Tom R. Jr.
Harry Potter's Secret Weapon » by
A plot to bring back the Dark Lord, one way or another. A new family life for Harry. But how to finally defeat Moldy once and for all? Harry needs a secret weapon, and a little elf needs a new home. AU Harmony.
Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Drama, chapters: 46, words: 454k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 12/24/2022 published: 9/6/2022, [Harry P., Hermione G.] Sirius B., Winky
Basilisk-born » by
What if the Dementor attack in 5th year had ended with Harry losing? What if someone had stepped in to save him? And what if Harry ended up in the past with a chance to be more than he ever was before? A story about a forcibly time travelled Harry and its consequences... Manipulative Dumbledore, 'Slytherin!Harry', Time Travel!
Harry Potter, T, English, Mystery & Adventure, chapters: 72, words: 630k+, favs: 14k+, follows: 12k+, updated: 3/26/2021 published: 9/22/2014, Harry P., Salazar S.
Me Without My TARDIS 2 » by
Harry, Hermione, and Neville are still stuck in the past, and have started to build a life for themselves. Things are settling down, but then darkness rears its ugly head again. Harry's once more drawn into battle against the dark. With his friends and family he just might be able to fight them off. Updated to correct some minor errors.
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Family, chapters: 10, words: 64k+, favs: 844, follows: 348, 7/27/2019, [Harry P., Hermione G.] Neville L., Fleamont P.
10k+Harry Potter and the Daft Morons » by
At the first task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament Harry sees his chance to strike down his enemies - and takes it. Here is a Harry who knows how to think and reason. Really Bash!AD, EWE, Clueful!HP Eventual HP/HG/DG/FD NL/HA/SB and others. Unapologetically!AU.
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama, chapters: 84, words: 745k+, favs: 16k+, follows: 17k+, updated: 4/23/2018 published: 7/7/2017, [Harry P., Hermione G., Fleur D., Daphne G.]
Harry's Enemies List » by
At the end of Harry's third year, he becomes Lord Black when Sirius is kissed by dementor at Hogwarts. Dobby helps Harry escape Dumbledore's control and Gringotts helps. The new Lord Black grows up that summer and the Fourth Year is very different. Slash but Harry's 14 - nothing is going to happen. He confounds Snape, Fudge and the portrait of Lady Black. HEA ending.
Harry Potter, K+, English, Fantasy & Adventure, chapters: 16, words: 137k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 814, updated: 12/24/2017 published: 12/23/2017
391A Life Rewritten » by
Based loosely on Reptilia28's Don't Fear the Reaper Challenge. Harry has a past he never knew. He must learn magic far beyond that thought possible. And he must manage not to die, YET AGAIN! A story of history, magic, and soul mates. HP/HG/LL/DG/PP/OC
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Family, chapters: 21, words: 73k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 4/3/2017 published: 2/22/2017, [Harry P., Hermione G., Luna L., Daphne G.]
You're my Density » by
Just Suppose Harry hadn't heeded his godfather's advice, and actually lost his temper at his trial? Time travel fic and title is 'Back to the Future' joke.
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 33, words: 237k+, favs: 10k+, follows: 8k+, updated: 7/9/2016 published: 2/9/2015, [Harry P., Hermione G.]
The Cupboard Series 4: The Fourth School » by
The TriWizard Tournament has been revived and the three largest and most prestigious schools in Europe are due to compete - Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. And in a mark of respect, the newest and smallest school in not only Britain but also all of Europe, has been invited to watch. If only things were that simple.
Harry Potter, K+, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 37, words: 144k+, favs: 3k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 4/13/2016 published: 3/25/2015, Harry P., Hermione G.
Don't look back in Anger » by
Can some angry words change everything?
Harry Potter, T, English, chapters: 20, words: 140k+, favs: 8k+, follows: 5k+, updated: 1/25/2015 published: 9/4/2014, [Harry P., Hermione G., Luna L.]
434Decoding You » by
True love is the most capturing. Brought together in the pitch as rivals and partners in class, Harry and Cedric begin drowning in secret, growing passions. Takes place in third book. Updates as soon as possible-
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 21, words: 68k+, favs: 835, follows: 882, updated: 5/25/2010 published: 8/7/2008, Harry P., Cedric D.
The Condition to Tutoring Harry Potter » by
Roger Davies thought Harry's condition was ridiculous. "You have to promise that you won't fall in love with me," Harry said. Why would he, Roger Davies fall in love with a small scruffy bespectacled boy from Gryffindor? Roger/Harry, Slash.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 8, words: 26k+, favs: 2k+, follows: 784, updated: 1/27/2010 published: 1/6/2010, Harry P., Roger D.
Incorrigible Infatuation » by
AU: SLASH: How it started? One day Harry was in panic and the next delirium struck and there he was lying underneath a cruel-hearted Slytherin. He wasn't the most appealing but what was it that made Harry fall? Marcus Flint/Harry - COMPLETE -
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 14, words: 68k+, favs: 6k+, follows: 2k+, updated: 1/25/2009 published: 12/27/2008, Harry P., Marcus F.