My Stories 54
What I Did on My… Yeah, Right!
One-shot, complete. Here it is, the first day of a new school year — and for you, the first day at this new school — and of course, inevitably, your very first assignment is that age-old, timeworn exercise in pure busywork.
Invader Zim, K, English, Sci-Fi & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 5/10/2017
The Night of the Answer
A very brief vignette based on something my son The Nerd pulled on me recently. One-shot, complete.
Wild Wild West, K, English, Friendship & Humor, words: 265, favs: 3, follows: 2, 2/15/2017
Envoi to Taken at the Flood
A brief fixfic, because the ending of Taken at the Flood annoyed me. Oh, not Poirot's resolution of the case! No, it was Lynn Marchmont's choice of husband, especially her reasons for her choice. I suppose back in the day that would have been considered romantic, but nowadays… Well, I simply think she was being stupid. One-shot, complete.
Hercule Poirot series, K+, English, Mystery & Tragedy, words: 959, favs: 2, follows: 1, 2/8/2017, Hercule Poirot
The Night of the Perfidious Professor »
The promised sequel to my one-shot TNO Villar's Vengeance. Two free tickets to a boring lecture put Jim and Artie on the scene of a shooting. But, as is so often the case, all is not as it seems…
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Adventure & Supernatural, chapters: 18, words: 40k+, favs: 1, follows: 2, updated: 1/29/2017 published: 11/30/2016
The Night of the Missing Montague »
The final installment of the Florentine Phoenix trilogy. Jim and Artie answer an urgent summons to Denver: Prof Montague is missing! But why has someone kidnapped the Secret Service Academy's master gadgeteer, and what sort of nefarious plans might they have in mind for him?
Wild Wild West, K, English, Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 5k+, updated: 10/11/2016 published: 10/2/2016
The Night of Villar's Vengeance
One-shot. An unexpected knock on the varnish car door leads to a tale about a certain colorful little toy…
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Adventure & Supernatural, words: 3k+, favs: 1, 9/25/2016
A Letter to a Friend
The favorite villain of most fans of The Wild Wild West, I dare say, is the incomparable Dr Miguelito Loveless. The first few episodes featuring the little wizard are some of the best stories the series ever had, yet as time went on, the quality of the Loveless stories deteriorated badly. I offer here a letter Loveless might well have penned while musing upon this fact.
Wild Wild West, K, English, Friendship, words: 939, favs: 3, 9/18/2016
The Night the Phoenix Flew the Coop »
Sequel to TNOT Florentine Phoenix. Having delivered the Phoenix safely to the Smithsonian Institution, Our Heroes are next assigned to escort Pres Grant to a private showing of the exquisite treasure — only to discover that some time during the night, the real bird has disappeared. Guess whose job it is to get it back?
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Adventure & Humor, chapters: 18, words: 33k+, favs: 1, updated: 9/14/2016 published: 7/17/2016
The Night of the Weird Weird West
At the request of Artie's Time Lady daughter that they "get out of the nineteenth century once in a while," Our Heroes wind up somewhere curiously not quite unfamiliar — and then of course a bar fight just HAS to break out… AU; Professor Elemental & Steam Powered Giraffe crossover.
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Humor & Sci-Fi, words: 4k+, 5/22/2016
Fixfic: The Night of the Running Death
A little one-shot, because the stargazing scene in TNOT Running Death annoys me: Jim ought to know where the Big Dipper is!
Wild Wild West, K, English, Adventure & Humor, words: 1k+, favs: 2, 3/24/2016
The Night of the White Shirts
Our Heroes spent an interesting amount of time discussing their cases while casually changing their shirts in the varnish car. Considering how much trouble I have with a certain aspect of buttoning a shirt, I wonder if some scene like the ensuing ever happened…
Wild Wild West, K, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 777, favs: 1, 2/8/2016
The Night of the Greek Tragedy »
The highlights of a scientific conference in Denver include archaeological treasures from a recent dig in Asia Minor, with Our Heroes in charge of security. But it isn't long before the treasure proves to be other than expected — and soon after that, the first body falls.
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Tragedy & Adventure, chapters: 15, words: 30k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 2/5/2016 published: 1/4/2016
The Night of the Ominous Boxes
Just playing around with a couple of Wild Wild West tropes…
Wild Wild West, K, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 643, 12/7/2015
The Night of the Earworm
Just a little vignette between Our Heroes - mainly because my daughter had infected me with that very same earworm! AU
Wild Wild West, K, English, Humor & Friendship, words: 851, favs: 1, 10/23/2015
Keeping Watch
A simple somber scene on the surface: three Victorian gentlemen standing vigil round the bed of a dying friend. But considering that the man gasping away his life is known to them as Dr John Smith - ah, this trio would do well to remember that old adage: Things are seldom what they seem.
Doctor Who, K, English, Sci-Fi & Drama, words: 2k+, favs: 2, 10/7/2015, 12th Doctor, River Song/Melody P. III
The Night of the Photo Op
Just a brief vignette involving my married version of Artie and Lily - along with a camera. AU
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Humor & Romance, words: 577, favs: 1, follows: 1, 5/8/2015
The Weight of the World: Epilogue to 'The 36th Man'
I enjoyed listening to the CBS Radio Mystery Theater drama 'The 36th Man' starring Ross Martin — but the ending, not so much. Harry Cohen should have had an unambiguously happy ending! And so I wrote this one-shot to lift that final weight off his shoulders.
Radio Dramas, K, English, Drama & Supernatural, words: 6k+, follows: 1, 1/23/2015
The Night of the Royal Wedding »
His Majesty King Stepanko of Pterovnia is getting married, and among the invited guests are none other than James West and Artemus Gordon. But when the blushing bride is kidnapped just hours before the ceremony, the distraught monarch calls upon Our Heroes to help find his beloved before it's too late. Sequel to Kiss of Death and Diabolical Dowager.
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Adventure, chapters: 19, words: 44k+, favs: 1, updated: 1/19/2015 published: 11/17/2014
The Night of the Bay City Bomber »
A series of suicides that involve bombs: sound familiar? Jim and Artie think so when they are summoned to San Francisco to deal with the matter. While there, a spate of nightmares about the evil Vautrain has Lily seeking help from a doctor. Pity the doctor she was going to see has been replaced! AU.
Wild Wild West, K+, English, Sci-Fi & Angst, chapters: 15, words: 32k+, updated: 10/24/2014 published: 9/22/2014
A Spot of Advice
On the heels of one of the Doctor's regenerations, the Brigadier offers some advice. One-shot.
Doctor Who, K, English, Sci-Fi & Humor, words: 573, favs: 3, 9/19/2014, 4th Doctor