Just In
TaeDextri PM
Joined Aug '12

Hey there, my FF weirdos, addicts, and (in some cases) stalkers!!! This is lil' miss Tae and I just want to say... "Sup." yeah thats about it... Oh! And also...

Ew. I made this profile, what? A year or two ago? Now I realize how childish I sounded. Eck. Anyways... I don't care and won't be as active on this site anymore. I'm active on now (Hakminah-yah) so check it out. You don't have to know the characters to like it.

The shit is hilarious though xDD

Current Mood

Old because I haven't touched this account for a whole year.

Just random quotes...

"Rawr" does NOT mean "I love you" in dinosaur. Did you ever see Jurassic Park? It means, "I'm going to fucking eat you."

"Laughing so hard,
no noise coming out,
so you sit there clapping
like a retarded seal."

"Did you just fall?" "No. I attacked the floor." "Backwards?" "I'm freaking talented!"

"Askhole- a person who is constantly asking for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them"


"When nothing goes right, go left."

"Take my advice. I don't use it anyway."

"If each day is a gift, I would like to know where I can return Mondays."

"God could've killed Aizen in season 2 or made hawt anime guys real, but NOOOOO... He just had to make the stupid people."

"The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get, I will never be as good as a wall."

"That awkward moment during a test and you don't know any of the answers, so you just start laughing because you know you're screwed."

"Some people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair."

"Ugh... calm your tits". "I can't! They're too excited!!!" "SAY WHA–oh never mind..."

"You're the dumbest dumb nut that ever dumb nutted."- Nephew.

"If anybody says anything to anybody I will cut every motha fuckah in this room, ya hear me bitch?"

"I like poetry, long walks on the beach, and poking dead things with a stick."

And now we realize that this was not "some" random quotes... IT WAS A F*CKING SH*T LOAD. Man, I was stupid...

10 Facts About You

1. You are reading this right now.
2. You are realizing that is a stupid fact.
4. You didn't notice that I skipped three.
5. You are checking right now.
6. You are smiling.
7. You are still reading this even though it's stupid.
9. You didn't realize I skipped eight.
10. You are checking again and smiling about how you fell for it again.
11. You are enjoying this.
12. You didn't realize there's only supposed to be ten facts.

Don't deny. I know u just laughed a little. Or rolled your eyes. Whichever floats your floaties


As of late, All my stories are on hold. Blame the immovable wall that is the writers' block and my inactivity.

Pandemonium: CKHC...

This story is currently on hold cuz I don't know where it's going. It has slipped my mind, escaped out the window, and took a road trip to who knows where. Hopefully It'll return soon... I'll keep yah posted.

People who/Things that inspire:

-Bakagami, Take-kun, my dongsaeng Taeri, and Jae

-My beloved viewers

-The reviews and PMs I receive.

-My Epic-Awesome-Totally weird FF friends Taylor and Nekaya u guys are totes cool

Special thanks to Viewers like you! Thank you! (MA GAWD tht sounded like PBS Kids)

Contact me via text message or email:


(if you contact me, plz leave your FanFic username and i'll get back to you when i can. K3U guys! No spamming my email inbox... I already have junk on their... I don't need anymore. Seriously.)

I HAVE BEEN RECEIVING CALLS FROM IOWA... SERIOUSLY!! WHEN I SAY "TEXT" OR "EMAIL" it means that. I get charged for long distance calling except on weekends. C'mon people. Really!!

Look me up on :


Or on Google :

Tiani Marshé

See ya soon!!!


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