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cathy-fied PM
My Stories 3
17Port Angeles Angels » The AH Twilight cast is in the year 2017 which brings new complications involving social media, drugs, addiction and lots of drama. OOC and Rated: M for a reason
Twilight, M, English, Drama & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 53k+, favs: 22, follows: 51, updated: 9/17/2018 published: 7/16/2017, Bella, Edward
5 Jawn and Sherilock John and Sherlock are roaches that got flushed down a toilet. grammer nazi's beware.
Sherlock, K, English, Humor & Adventure, words: 1k+, 7/23/2014, Sherlock H., John W.
11 The Reaping: Prims POV "The kids around me, those who I've helped with homework, those whose wounds I've healed, they all back away from me as if I were some sort of creature; as if my unluckiness could somehow rub off on them. The cameras are all pointed at me. Everyone's silent." ONE-SHOT
Hunger Games, K, English, Tragedy & Family, words: 2k+, favs: 9, follows: 1, updated: 3/16/2013 published: 9/15/2012, Katniss E., Prim E.
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