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zakawer2 PM
Joined Oct '12

I hate these categories because they're used for real-person fics or stories that could better fit on instead:

Marching Band: Pointless. Used for musician slashfics and/or non-fanfiction stories. Should be removed completely.

Screenplays: Should be used for fanfics of other works that count as screenplays to movie adaptations, sequels, prequels, or spin-offs instead of K-Pop slashfics written by Indonesians. Originally, stories were faithful to this category. Note that stories should be written entirely in prose in order to comply with the Guidelines.

Sanrio: Should be for stories crossing over between Sanrio properties (including its famous Hello Kitty, which already has its own category on ), or for stories based on Sanrio properties other than Hello Kitty, not potential FictionPress material.

SCP Foundation Mythos: Too many stories that have nothing to do with the SCP Foundation. Fortunately though, there are some stories which ARE SCP-related.

Anyway, I'm Zakawer2, a 23-year-old man who likes to write stories that ain't half-assed pieces of shit like most are nowadays.

Additionally, consider the rating system, which is mandatory on and, as an analog to the ESRB and MPA rating systems used in America for video games and movies respectively. You probably already know what the ESRB and MPA rating systems mean, but none of you know what the FictionRatings rating system is like. I'll make a comparison of the FictionRatings system to the ESRB and MPA systems:

K is like the ESRB's E or the MPA's G or PG.
K is like the ESRB's E10 or the MPA's PG.
T is like the ESRB's T or the MPA's PG-13.
M is like the ESRB's M or the MPA's R.
MA is like the ESRB's AO or the MPA's NC-17.

Unfortunately, many pussies here on this shitty website think the M rating is like the ESRB's AO rating or the MPA's NC-17 rating, allowing them to publish content that is highly sexual or violent yet goes beyond the boundaries of the M rating. This, along with the extremely poor enforcement of the website's guidelines (which you can always read at as long as you're on the desktop site), means that I support the actions of the controversial Critics United. Say what you want about these guys, but hey, at least they're trying to enforce the guidelines, which must be strictly upheld by all users on the website, even if it is nearly a decade old.

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