A man 23 years of age,black hair, blue eyes. A goth or an 'alternative'. Known for being cold and detached at times, a loner at heart be it out of choice or not. I enjoy many things such as drawing, reading stories/writing others, weight lifting and watching stand up comedy and music of any sort, granted if only if it has a good beat or meaningful lyrics.
My one interest out of Fanfiction.net is reading about other characters from anime or tv shows whose characteristics are similar to mine, ie being the loner, cold, detached, emotionless. However most stories I read about these characters are in concerns of romance stories as I wish to learn more about how people interpritate their experience of relationships through stories, I find it intriguing.
My favourite characters are as follows in no particular order:
Vincent Valentine, Vegeta, Heero Yuy, Piccolo, Spike
Favourite Songs:
Evanescence- My immortal, Linkin Park- In the End, Rage against the machine- Killing in the name of.
Signed Vincent 'Noble' Valentine...