Just In
XcookiexcutterxpopstarX PM
Joined Nov '12

Hi!! As you can obviously tell by now I'm XcookiexcutterxpopstarX!!!

Name: I'm not telling you peoples!!

Location: Never-land (I wish)

Crazy obsessions: The Jonas Brothers,Camp Rock,Titanic(Both movie and the actual ship),The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, and a bit of a Hunger Games fan!

And no, my user name may be cookie cutter pop-star but I'm NOT Shane Gray (for all you Camp Rock fans out there that read this, but that is my nickname, inside joke)

Hobbies: Music, drawing and just being a total klutz(being clumsy might be my proffesion though)

Well, there you have it!!

See you soon(I think)..ANYWAY...BYE!!!

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