Forgetful Insanity PM
My Stories . Bio Fav: Stories . Authors
Joined Nov '12
So I'm an otaku nerd, lover of foreign music, major headbanger, and much more awesome stuff that I'm sure annoys my family to no end! :D I also draw alot... Animes I love include: Black Butler, Bleach, KHR, FMA/FMA:B, Soul Eater, Angel Beats! Watamote, Attack on Titans and many more! Did I mention I'm a gamer? Some of my favorites are the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games! Yeah, I'm pretty sure you don't care about the rest...
Future Writings Include:
Angel Beats! Brothers' Conflict Tranformers KHR FMA:B Final Fantasy Free! Black Butler Witch Buster/Hunter Rise of the Guardians Catherine Kingdom Hearts Kuroko no Basuke