Just In
Forgetful Insanity PM
Joined Nov '12

So I'm an otaku nerd, lover of foreign music, major headbanger, and much more awesome stuff that I'm sure annoys my family to no end! :D I also draw alot... Animes I love include: Black Butler, Bleach, KHR, FMA/FMA:B, Soul Eater, Angel Beats! Watamote, Attack on Titans and many more! Did I mention I'm a gamer? Some of my favorites are the Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games! Yeah, I'm pretty sure you don't care about the rest...

Future Writings Include:

Angel Beats! Brothers' Conflict Tranformers KHR FMA:B Final Fantasy Free! Black Butler Witch Buster/Hunter Rise of the Guardians Catherine Kingdom Hearts Kuroko no Basuke
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