My name is ... You don't really need to know that, so call me Marceline. Ok, so here's the deal, I guess I'll say some of the Anime I am obsessed with. Soul Eater, Inuyasha, Ouran Highschool Host Club, H.O.T.D, FMA and FMA Brotherhood. ( That's only a few I've watched... I've seen way more. ) But other than that, I'm a 100% Adventure Time fan!!! Nothing makes me happier than a day full of watching AT, and writing AT fanfics. I guess I should put some of my favorite pairings. Ok, so one of my main ones is Marceline x Marshall Lee, (I mean who doesn't love a good MarceLee fanfic Ay? ) Ok, then there is Marceline x Finn ( I totally hate Finn x Princess Bubblegum, cause I wish somebody would throw her off a cliff sometimes, Ooops sorry XD ) Then, Marceline x Princess Bubblegum. ( Yes, after I quoted I wish she would be thrown off a cliff, I pair her... Well deal with it I guess. :p ) Then I really really REALLY!!! Love me some Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball! ( Whoop! Whoop! Makes me happy to read all the fanfics out there about them, and man have I seen some good ones.) So, that's the pairings I love, now I write alot of Yaoi fanfics, so get use to that, plus sad stories, but I got jacked up humor so maybe you'll like it? I always end up mixing a Lemon in there somehow. ( Cause, I'm just that perverse. ) But, I am 15. ( Wow, really should have said that first. ) ACK!!! I'M SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON!!! I FORGOT Marshall Lee x Fionna ( OH MY GOD!! I AM SO GONNA SLAP MYSELF FOR THAT, ohhh boy. -holds a piece of paper that says self and slaps it- TAKE THAT! ) I love drawing also, as always. Always gotta be AT stuff no more or no less.
I really hope you guys will like my Fanfictions, I'm so happy to be able to publish... Guess, I should also say, that I'm super obsessed with, ROTG, actually more so then AT, but ya know, things change... And you can have different points of view, shall I say my favorite pairings? Yes! Cos, hooray for shipping!!! Ok, anyways, let's go. Jack Frost x Bunnymund. ( Heck, when I watched the movie, for the first time, first pairing, I actually wanted to write about, and thought about, to the point, I ACTUALLY LAUGHED PRETTY LOUD ABOUT IT, in the theater, oops, oh well, I love caps. ) Then, we can say, a little. Pitch x Sandy. ( Of course! This pairing here, can make me smile and laugh, and they fit well together you know? Plus! Poor Pitch, I mean, you gotta give the poor guy a break, he doesn't even remember his own daughter. ) Then, let's say last but not least. Jack Frost x Pitch. ( Yeah, I know, but something about this pairing, makes me happy... It just seems like they fit, ya know? They both weren't believed in, though it was in to different ways, but that doesn't matter. )
Then, I can say, that I also like, My Little Pony- Friendship Is Magic. ( I could care less, about peoples opinions on that, cos I just do, I grew up, watching the old episode's, and this one, I personally like. ) I'd say, Pinky Pie, is my favorite, because she remind's me of... Well ME! She's got that, bubbly personality, that I love, and she makes up, random songs, and stuff. Then, I also like, Apple Jack ( She's my other favorite, but Pinky is like me.) , and Twilight Sparkle.
I also like, Tangled, that there, has to be one of the BEST!! Disney princess movies, I don't like all the others, and the reason I personally fell in love, with this movie, is because it doesn't remind me of one! It's funny, romantic, and just plain great! Of course, I can only accept, one couple from it, and that would be, Eugene x Rapunzel. ( Makes sense, why on earth, would you wanna mess it up? )
Then, I also like Brave and How To Train Your Dragon, if I could do a cross-over, it would probably, be Brave and HTTYD.
Oh! And I also, loved the movie, The Hobbit, now... Favorite bands, I shall say.
Skillet, Linkin Park, Paramore, Evenscence, The Fray, Breaking Benjamin, Avendged Sevenfold, No Doubt, The Band Perry, Nickleback, Three Days Grace, and a whole lot more, way to many to name
Quote's? Shall I say some?? Let's!!
Adventure Time quotes Finn: Jake, stop it! You're making Lady jealous! Jake: Yeah, well I'm trying to make you both jealous! Finn: Why, would I be jealous of Tiffany?! Jake: Because, Tiffany, is a boy! Fionna: Wow, sounds like it's going to be, large. Prince Gumball: Yes! So, very large.
ROTG quotes Jack: No, no, the Kangaroo is right. Bunnymund: The-the what? What did you call me? I am not a Kangaroo mate. Jack: Well, if you're not a Kangaroo then, what are you? Bunnymund: I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny, people believe in me. ( Bunnymund: Where are the bloody seatbelts?!
North: (laughs) That was just expression! Jack: when was the last time any of you guys even hung out with kids?
North: we're to busy protecting children. We don't have time... For children!!
Haha! I have so many more, good favorite quotes, from ROTG, but you know... Oh glob!!! (o
Haha! Now, it's the end of my Bio, stay cool my friends. ( Ps, this is my new Account, darn other one. MarcelineXMarshallLee58 got hacked, er something. )
Bleh! Here, we go again! Okay, okay! Let's just say this, I thought that ROTG was my favorite... But, no. It is not, actually Wreck-It Ralph is, it's so much more cuter! And I mean, I love Disney movies. But, the main reason may be the storyline, it's just so bitter sweet. Not gonna lie, deffs cried at it I mean, who didn't? And then, there's Vanellope Von Schweetz! Gah, she's so cute! Another reason, why I actually like it, as my favorite movie.
Guess, life is a funny thing huh? Oh, I hate it but love it. And what made me laugh, was that I was saving my Christmas money to buy Rise Of the Guardians, but I ended up, with Wreck-It Ralph first. How'bout that?
Alright! Pairings, should we go through that? Again? For Wreck-It Ralph? Or maybe, I'll let'cha figure it out, from my fanfics.
Yeah, I'll do that... So.
Stay sweet!
( I want to add this, other bit here, don't mind it. )
Okay, I figured I should set my Bio straight. I am ( Not putting my name, call me Ciel or such. ), my parents are divorced. But I'm living on, not the first person it's happened to so... Why worry, ya know? So here are a few things I like. I am super obsessed with Yaoi. If you don't know what it is... Don't bother searching. I love reading and creating Fanfiction's! I hope to one day, make a job out of writing, Horror and Romance stories, though it would be more Romance/Horror/Humor. Cause, I'm just that dang funny!
I love drawing, I mean I guess I'm pretty good at, everyone sure says I am- But as a lot of people do, you always put down you're own work. But, it's still better, then you think! So, never give up!
Anime, is my life! My favorite Anime, is definitely Kuroshitsuji ( Black Butler. ) It's just simply amazing, especially the feeling it gives off, such a happy and sad, vibe. You feel a lot of emotions throughout this series... Even betrayal. That's the fun of it, since this is my Bio and my feelings, I'll even do a favorite couple's thing.
Some of my favorite movies, are.
The Lorax, Wreck-It Ralph, Rise Of The Guardians, Despicable Me, Paranorman, Tangled, Brave and Hell Boy II. (Etc... To many to name. )
Other Anime, that I like. OHHC, HOTD, Soul Eater, Full Metal Alchemist. ( Both series. ) Shuffle! Fruits Basket. ( And many more. )
First, I'm gonna start out with my favorite YouTuber of all, but when I think of it, these three share the spot.
Michael Brown
They, are awesome and I love them so much! They make you laugh, no doubt!
But, Joeyblondewolf2 showed me, it was okay to be who you are, not to hide you're true self... Just like, Anime and I love her for that reason, she rules! My favorite bands/ singers , are.
Blood On The Dance Floor
The Band Perry
Three Days Grace
Linkin Park
Well, I fear this is getting to long, but before I go, perhaps the couples and favorite TV shows?
Favorite Anime and Movies and Show couples:
Kuroshitsuji and Kuroshitsuji II: Ciel X Sebastian. ( YES! NUMBER ONE! OTP. ) Ciel X Alois, Alois X Claude, Claude X Sebastian and Grell X Sebastian or Grell X Alois.
Soul Eater: Maka X Soul, Kidd X Soul, Kidd X Patty, Liz X BlackStar, BlackStar X Tsubaki, Tsubaki X Liz, Soul X BlackStar, Soul X Blair, Stein X Spirit, Medusa X Stein and Maka X Chrona.
Fruits Basket: Yuki X Kyo, Kyo X Haru ( Big one for me! ) Haru X Yuki, Tohru X Kyo, Momiji X Haru, Momiji X Kisa, Kisa X Hiro, Shigurai X Kyo.
Adventure Time: Marshall Lee X Prince Gumball! ( FTW! ) Princess Bubblegum X Marceline, Finn X Marceline, Marshall Lee X Fionna, Finn X Marshall Lee, Cake X Fionna, Fionna X Flame Prince. Jake X Cake.
Kick Buttowski: Kick X Gunther... ( Weird one, but still my OTP.)
Howl's Moving Castle: Howl X Sophie, and I'lll finish this later, I just got lazy! XD Thanks for reading!