Favorite Stories 68
1k+The Logia Brothers » by
When a single action takes Luffy into Dadan's care a year early. Vice-Admiral Garp could never have imagined what trying to keep Luffy from meeting any pirates could cause. Now Luffy, Ace, and Sabo have their own powers to make each of their individual dreams come true. What will happen to the world when the three brothers each take to the sea to fulfill their destinies? No Yaoi.
One Piece, M, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 66, words: 411k+, favs: 4k+, follows: 5k+, updated: 1/10 published: 5/22/2014, Luffy, Ace, Sabo
766Romances of the Pokemon World » by
The Imperator 2 you
The world of Pokemon is vast, and in this vast world, stories of individuals can be found and told, some are of great challenges and even greater problems. But some can be small and subtle, and others are romantic. In a world where Pokemon and Humans live together, unions can be found, but are they forbidden, or is there another word for it? Rated M, for Lemons
Pokémon, M, English, Romance, chapters: 45, words: 630k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 1k+, updated: 6/4/2024 published: 1/1/2016
37Spike: El Primer Guerrero (cancelado y en reinicio) » by
Después de una confesión devastadora, el pequeño Spike de 8 años se marcha de Ponyville, tratando de huir del dolor y dejar todo atrás. 13 años después, Spike decide regresar a su antiguo hogar: Equestria. Pero las cosas se pondrán difíciles cuando una nueva amenaza salga a la luz y junto a Twilight, Applejack y Rainbow deban enfrentarla. Pero... ¿Acaso superó... aquel día?
My Little Pony, M, Spanish, Drama & Romance, chapters: 18, words: 99k+, favs: 32, follows: 37, updated: 3/17/2024 published: 7/22/2019, [Twilight Sparkle, Spike] Rarity, OC
Jay just started his pokemon journey, but right before his journey could truly begin he made some connections that would bring as much joy as they would bring trouble. this contains lemons, pokephilia, and plot.
Pokémon, M, English, Romance, chapters: 39, words: 118k+, favs: 464, follows: 555, updated: 4/16/2023 published: 6/18/2018, May/Haruka, Gardevoir/Sirknight, Blaziken/Bursyamo
132Anthro Pokemon x Human Episode 4 (Retired) » by
Pokemon lemons. The fourth installment of the AP x H series. A new season, with all new pairings. Adult content. Readers discretion is advised. Reviews and requests are very welcome and appreciated.
Pokémon, M, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 5, words: 31k+, favs: 137, follows: 134, updated: 1/21/2023 published: 9/17/2020
285Iron Will » by
What happens when a schmuck gets reborn into the One Piece world? He helps the future King of the Pirates and tries to make the world better, but will he succeed? (Semi self-instert oc, VASTLY larger crew, new arcs and new villains.)
One Piece, T, English, Friendship & Adventure, chapters: 13, words: 58k+, favs: 398, follows: 543, updated: 8/13/2022 published: 1/28/2021, [OC, Carrot] [Luffy, Vivi]
524El sol, la luna y el cielo infinito » by
Años tras la muerte de Twilight y el resto de los Elementos de la Armonía, Spike continúa sus servicios a la corona de Equestria. Esta vez como un ilustre Capitán de la guardia real. Sigámoslo mientras intenta superar la aventura más grande de todas. Repleta de peligros, alegrías, tristezas, amoríos y lujuria. Esa aventura es la vida misma por supuesto.
My Little Pony, M, Spanish, Romance & Fantasy, chapters: 21, words: 135k+, favs: 231, follows: 231, updated: 6/23/2022 published: 3/19/2013, Spike, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon, Queen Chrysalis
40Fairy Tail - Temporal Return » by
Things went differently after Natsu defeated Zeref. Acnologia escaped and attacked much too soon, easily overwhelming the tired mages of Fiore and wiped them out. Now it is up to Natsu, Lucy and Happy to go back in time and prepare everyone for what is to come.
Fairy Tail, M, English, Adventure & Fantasy, chapters: 8, words: 66k+, favs: 228, follows: 244, updated: 5/25/2022 published: 12/15/2021, [Natsu D., Lucy H.] [Mavis V., Zeref]
58Felicity x Miguel: Purring and Yipping » by
One-shots of involving the magical cat Felicity and the Anubis chihuahua, Miguel. If you want, send in some requests through PM or reviews and those who were able to get their ideas featured will get a big shout out from me! Rated T just in case.
Rainbow Butterfly Unicorn Kitty, T, English, Romance, chapters: 13, words: 10k+, favs: 17, follows: 13, updated: 4/20/2021 published: 12/18/2019
245Entre dos mundos » by
Coberlink the rebirth
Spike viaja durante varios años buscando otros dragones con la esperanza de encontrar un hogar y una compañera, pero preocupado por su madre, decide volver cuando se entera de un ataque en contra la familia real. Él tendrá que enfrentarse al rechazo y al miedo de los ponis, pero sobre todo a la poni que rompió su corazón.
My Little Pony, T, Spanish, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 13, words: 206k+, favs: 150, follows: 144, updated: 1/27/2021 published: 12/11/2013, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon
37Atravesando fronteras » by
Han pasado ya 5 años desde que Spike fue desterrado de Equestria, mantuvo su promesa de no pisar terreno Equestre ni mantener comunicación con ninguno de sus habitantes, pero la soledad y las ansias de volver a estar entre los brazos de la poni que ama lo obligaran a regresar a la vida que creyó perdida para siempre. (SpikexTwilight)
My Little Pony, K, Spanish, Romance & Drama, chapters: 4, words: 17k+, favs: 32, follows: 35, updated: 4/23/2019 published: 12/4/2016, Spike
Dark Room by
I finally got a new phone. Now I am free to customize and do whatever I want to it. However, I seem to have ended up downloading something I shouldn't have. I just hope I survive...who am I kidding? I could end up blind by the end of this. (Reader X SCP - 1471)
SCP Foundation Mythos, M, English, Horror & Romance, words: 8k+, favs: 400, follows: 215, 8/4/2017, OC
35Estrella fugaz » by
A veces el mañana no es lo que esperamos. Las personas que antes quería ahora la odiaban. Las personas las que era un enemigo ahora representaba un amigo… Lucy ten cuidado con lo que deseas.
Fairy Tail, K, Spanish, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 12, words: 32k+, favs: 32, follows: 24, updated: 4/8/2016 published: 7/12/2013, Lucy H., Natsu D.
Ladies Man on Campus » by
Fifteen Year old Spike has found himself attending an academy for girls as part of a co-ed experiment. Will he be accepted or go crazy from hormone overload.
My Little Pony, M, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 36, words: 94k+, favs: 400, follows: 312, updated: 10/18/2015 published: 1/20/2015, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Trixie, Sunset Shimmer
48Lo que amo de ella » by
Conjunto de drabbles sobre las cosas que Natsu ama de Lucy, contraparte de "Lo que amo de él" :33 (Drabble VIII "Siempre hermosa.") ¡UP!
Fairy Tail, K, Spanish, Romance, chapters: 8, words: 3k+, favs: 51, follows: 39, updated: 8/20/2015 published: 4/18/2013, Lucy H., Natsu D.
29Lo que amo de él » by
Conjunto de drabbles sobre las cosas que Lucy ama de Natsu, contraparte de "Lo que amo de ella" Dedicado a Darkrius13 :33 (Drabble VI "El equipaje") ¡UP!
Fairy Tail, K, Spanish, Romance, chapters: 6, words: 3k+, favs: 39, follows: 31, updated: 8/17/2015 published: 7/6/2013, Lucy H., Natsu D.
The Girls of My Life » by
Spike has known his six best friends since they were kids. Now that they're older their friendship will develop into something much more than what he expected. Humanized.
My Little Pony, M, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 45, words: 122k+, favs: 300, follows: 193, updated: 5/9/2015 published: 1/20/2015, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Spike
la historia navideña jamas contada » by
esta historia empieza un 24 de noviembre después de jest un chico normal y sin familia intenta quitarse la vida , per es salvado por un ser mitico que todos conocemos llamado santa clos que le deparara el destino
Rise of the Guardians, M, Spanish, Humor & Romance, chapters: 61, words: 337k+, favs: 31, follows: 21, updated: 3/3/2015 published: 12/15/2012
163Mi pequeña murjercita » by
Gracias a unos extraños polvos hacen que el palacio se vuelva un caos. Nadie los preparo para lo que estaban viviendo en estos momentos. ¿Como podrían sobrevivir a esto?
Kung Fu Panda, T, Spanish, Humor & Family, chapters: 10, words: 33k+, favs: 52, follows: 48, updated: 1/28/2015 published: 3/27/2014, Po, Tigress
Corazón Valiente » by
El Zorro Plateado
Twilight y Spike siempre han sido como hermanos, pero pronto descubrirán que sus sentimientos harán que su relación vaya más allá. Este fanfic es una precuela de mi fanfic anterior, "My Little Pony: La Magia del amor"
My Little Pony, T, Spanish, Romance & Friendship, chapters: 13, words: 22k+, favs: 49, follows: 47, updated: 1/9/2015 published: 10/17/2014, [Twilight Sparkle, Spike] Rarity, OC