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omega2199 PM
My Stories 3
11Another world » Paul had been through quite a few strange things since dating Sally Jackson. But this one, this one took the cake. It gave him a whole new look on life, and often made him feel as if he'd stepped into a whole new world. This is Paul's POV All throughout the battle of Olympus, including before, during, and after. 5 shot (maybe 4 shot) and rated T for fighting scenes and angst.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, T, English, Angst & Adventure, chapters: 4, words: 2k+, favs: 37, follows: 32, updated: 3/16/2014 published: 7/7/2013, Percy J., Sally J., Paul B., Katie G.
9The sphere » She opened the saddle bag and pulled out a small steel sphere. The moment the sphere was in her hands, the horse dissolved into vapors and the sphere started spinning. Then it started to glow as all of a sudden a glowing image of Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, child of Rome, cons... Jeyna, (or Jayna), Post Mark of Athena, a tad sad at times... Rated T do to angst and violent themes.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, T, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 3k+, favs: 13, follows: 6, updated: 8/25/2013 published: 7/2/2013, Jason G., Reyna R.
16 Forgotten She won't let them be forgotten. She can't. 100 years after Titan war, Thalia. K but a tad depressing.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, K+, English, Angst & Hurt/Comfort, words: 1k+, favs: 18, follows: 14, 6/3/2013, Chiron, Thalia G.
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