Hebi lives in limbo. She has recently noticed she has been using this website since before some current writers were born, and feels old. She loves science fiction, fantasy, and anime. She also enjoys speaking about herself in the third person. Hebi hopes you enjoy her work, and encourages you to reveiw. She thanks you and wishes you well.
"The Torah has nothing to say specifically about mutants, I know. But Leviticus 19:17 tells us "Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thine heart" and Leviticus 19:18 gives us the oft-quoted "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." It doesn't say, "Love thy neighbor, unless his daughter has gills." It doesn't say, "Thou shalt not hate thy brother, unless his skin is green."" Yamim Nora'im Days of Awe by Mara Greengrass
"'That’s a very small cup,' Naruto could not help but comment.
'It’s symbolic,” his father told him, then added, 'Your mother and I were arguing once and I asked her why she had decided to stay with me after I helped her. She said she must have been stupid, to which I replied that I was very happy to know, because one always hears of others falling out of love, but never out of stupidity. And like stupidity, the true Cup of Wisdom has no bounds, which is why you always see very wise people doing very stupid things, at which point you have--'
'Blackmail material.'
His father looked down at him, then smiled generously and patted him on his head. 'You have learned well since you were spawned. You will be spared from this year’s culling.'"- from Door Number Two by Reaper Nanashi
"Kakashi shook his head. 'How ever do you get into those sort of situations, “Uzumaki-sama”?'
'I've actually thought about that a lot, sensei. My guess is that there's this gigantic party going on somewhere. Maybe it's heaven, or maybe it's ...not heaven. Anyway, where ever it is, and who ever is there? They're very, very drunk.'
Kakashi nodded. 'That makes perfect sense, actually.'"- from A Twist of Chance by MockV
"“You,” Shacklebolt said very slowly, “just dismantled the entire security system for the Ministry of Magic and transfigured Dolores Umbridge herself into a sea cucumber in between telling a children’s story.”
“And burping Teddy,” added Percy, who liked to make sure things were as accurate as possible. “No Teddy, don’t squeeze the sea cucumber like that, it’ll explode, I think. Let go Teddy.”
“Just who are you again?” Shacklebolt asked.
“Oh, I’m not quite sure,” said Percy. “I’m the Scarlet Pimpernel, or rather, I used to be. Now I’m just Percy Weasley and he’s rather a prat. Ew, Teddy. I told you not to squeeze so hard.”" -The Scarlet Pimpernel, by Elyse3
"'In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light,' she said gently, then gave him a quirky grin. 'There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.'" - When It's Time To Change by Sheilynn
"Grimmjow merely smirked. “Bee, I eat danger for a mid-morning snack.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Not breakfast?”
He snorted. “The most important meal o’ the day? F--k no, danger’s just empty f--ken calories.”" Sink Into Me by vicioux
""3. The High Road: Thuggery has no discrimination based on physical appearances. If a toy poodle beats up a Rottweiler, it's because the toy poodle is more thug than the Rottweiler no matter how f--in' ridiculous toy poodles look. In a similar vein, if Yumichika beats you up, it's because he's more thug than you. For those still not following, an example is as follows: if Yumichika reads this, he might beat me up for comparing him to a toy poodle. He is thus more thug than me." By the Sword by peroxidepest17
The Switchverse, by corvidae9, is probably the best Harry Potter fanfiction involving a mixed-up sorting EVER. From the first installment (which alone made it worthwhile to get an account on lj) to whatever chapter is most recent, I HIGHLY recomend these fics. And the Sorting the following year is equally fantastic. For absolutely hilarious shananigans, click SWITCH!