Just In
Grayson's Gal PM
Joined Mar '13

I LOVE TO WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And superheroes.

And Batman.

And Jason Todd.

Hi!!! I thought I would update my profile a little, so here it goes.

I am me. I'm not 100% confident in myself, but I try.

I hid my personality away and my ideas locked away because, I'm scared.

But then I discovered superheroes I found people could actually be strong.

And then there was writing... And now I'm free.. So thanks for setting me free and reviewing what I write. 8)

HI guys!! I'm up dating my profile it is 8/24/13, and my mom's cousin's girlfriend had a baby! Meaning I have another cousin! Which I now have 12 of. Any way I just decided to update my profile. You know last night I found out that my Grandmother had saved six people over her life time. She saved a lady and her three kids in a car accident, she was the only one who stopped, and she had my ten-year old mom and five-year old uncle with her! The governor wrote her a letter in thanks! And then about five years ago, she called the police on an abusive man who was beating his wife and kid in a hotel. yah grandma!!

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