Just In
Black Boxed PM
Joined Mar '13

Sup. I'm Chris.
Stating that I own none of the fandoms.
Stating that most of my fics are NSFW.
Stating that I am, in fact, awesome.

Why Smut Is Good

Reading smut triggers sexual arousal. Sexual arousal releases dopamine in the brain. Dopamine makes you happy. Happy people are more peaceful. Peaceful people don't start wars. Therefore, the way to achieve world peace is clearly through smut.

Wise words from Gamma

Amazing People:

These are people who have won competitions from me, have become close friends, have beta read my works , and/or have written stories that have absolutely floored me. I highly encourage you to check out one or all of them!

Ashleigh - Rish - Laura - Claire


The Art of Charlie is currently on hiatus. I'll get back to it when I find some inspiration. Sorry!

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