Here Goes...
My real name is Alex. I am a Canadian girl. Moose and beavers don't run wild in the street, winter lasts one season and huskies don't bring me to school.
Stereotypes over with...
My first FanFiction is "5 factions, 10 Loric", a crossover between Divergent and The Lorien Legacies. I started reading FanFictions in I believe February 2013. Then I finally got the guts to my make my own story.
FFS over with...
Okay, I love cows, cupcakes, my always-grumpy attitude, my coaches who say I'm heartless, the magazine cut-outs on my wall and and my stuffed monkey Bartholomew.
Stuff I like over with...
Disclaimer: I have never owned any story, accept a bunch of little stories I have wrote for myself that you guys will probably not get to see.
G'day folks,
AKA Alex