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Favorite Stories 90
68It Starts With a Family » by RedTailedHawkens That night in the forest, Rumplestilskin was brave. He went with his son to the land without magic and they landed in the 1990s. With no dark one in the Enchanted Forest, the course of events were drastically different. However, the curse was still cast, and Emma still has to break it when she turns 28. SwanThief, Rumpelle, Snowing, etc.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Fantasy & Drama, chapters: 19, words: 253k+, favs: 91, follows: 138, updated: 10/29/2024 published: 3/27/2015, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire] Henry Mills, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
43Dark Fire » by mysticalflute Rumplestiltskin's attempt to save Baelfire doesn't go as he planned. (AU starting from the 3B finale)
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Family & Romance, chapters: 8, words: 21k+, favs: 38, follows: 45, updated: 10/1/2020 published: 11/1/2016, [Neal C./Baelfire, Emma S.] Henry Mills, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
71Drag Me To Hell » by eleven19 Henry is fed up with the bullshit of Captain Swan. He's going to the Underworld to get his father back, goddamn it. And no one's going to stop him. *Categorized as CS, but very negative toward that relationship. *Features: lots of FireThief rage, heartwarming family moments between Henry and Rumple, possibly others; and the awesomeness of Mr. Neal Cassidy.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Drama & Adventure, chapters: 9, words: 16k+, favs: 75, follows: 90, updated: 2/6/2020 published: 3/23/2016, Emma S., Henry Mills, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
19Somewhere Over Tallahassee » by naley1223 Here's background. Emma kissed Neal awake with True Loves kiss. They defeated Zelena and all went back to the EF. Neal and Emma are sort of dating but I guess in EF it would be courting? She doesn't want people mainly Henry to know because she doesn't' want him to get his hopes up. The rest you'll just have to wait and see. Cover image was done by midstorm from tumblr.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Family & Romance, chapters: 9, words: 9k+, favs: 29, follows: 39, updated: 10/26/2019 published: 4/29/2014, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire]
261 The prophecy of the four » by Poly-chan AU for season three. As the people of the Enchanted Forest are back to their original home, facts bring up an old prophecy. Is it true? How would it affect the lives of Belle and Neal, Snow and Aurora, Emma and Henry? Swanfire, Rumbelle, mentions to Snowing and Philora.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Adventure & Family, chapters: 32, words: 67k+, favs: 115, follows: 136, updated: 3/10/2019 published: 1/20/2014, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire] Henry Mills, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
22Fairy Tales & Happy Endings » by lizandletdie Years after leaving his childhood home, Neal has a family and a son of his own and no need to have contact with his estranged father. When he finally returns, he finds a home and a man still wrapped up in his own lies and mythology. Can he ever find out the truth of what his father has been hiding from him? Big Fish AU.
Once Upon a Time, K+, English, Family, chapters: 10, words: 23k+, favs: 12, follows: 24, updated: 11/16/2018 published: 6/27/2016, Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold, Belle/Lacey
187This Unfamiliar Road » by DSBJellyDonuts What if Rumplestiltskin was able to subvert the curseā€¦ for a price? In exchange, he could have the power to arrange the marriage of Princess Emma and get his son back all in one fell swoop. And if he happened to decide his own son is the one the princess should marry, then all the better. The only question remaining is this: Could this marriage of convenience become something more?
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Romance, chapters: 28, words: 121k+, favs: 101, follows: 152, updated: 5/14/2018 published: 11/9/2014, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire] David N./Prince Charming, Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard
8Ten Things I Hate About You » by eleven19 Ruby Cassidy is the most popular girl at Padua High; Victor is determined to help her, but it's not going to be easy: he has to find someone with just enough nerve and just little enough self-preservation to date her brother, Neal. Emma Swan might be that someone. Gender bent, Swanfire AU, with smut-writing Gold. (as of 3/1/18, Victor is the "Cameron", not Archie)
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 3, words: 7k+, favs: 6, follows: 11, updated: 3/1/2018 published: 6/29/2016, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire] [Ruby L./Red Riding Hood, Dr. Whale/Dr. Victor Frankenstein]
59Star-Crossed » by CelticHeartedFanfic Sequel to my fic Catch a Falling Star. Nick & Belle Gold are nearing their 13th anniversary. Their happy life is about to take a sharp turn into difficult times, between dealing with a pre-teen daughter's shift in attitude, a film role that brings out Nick's insecurities, fallout from the strained marriage of Bae and Emma, and a dangerous threat that neither of them sees coming.
Once Upon a Time, M, English, Angst & Family, chapters: 20, words: 81k+, favs: 31, follows: 43, updated: 10/24/2017 published: 12/13/2014, [Belle/Lacey, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold] [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire]
142The Three Musketeers » by IfIWereANerd Emma, Neal and August have a series of encounters during their youth and end up working as a team with full knowledge of Storybrooke and its inhabitants' true identities to break the curse and reunite with their families. Kind of like a Emma/Neal/August crime-fighting and mystery-solving prequel spin off. Slightly AU.
Once Upon a Time, K, English, Friendship & Mystery, chapters: 26, words: 64k+, favs: 170, follows: 204, updated: 8/1/2017 published: 9/3/2013, Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire, Pinocchio/August B.
120 Emma's choice » by daughterofathena2 "I'll never stop fighting for you. Never" Emma needs to make a choice between to men, and sooner rather than later. But how will she make her choice? And how will her choice affect the people around her?
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Family & Romance, chapters: 47, words: 77k+, favs: 72, follows: 77, updated: 4/30/2017 published: 12/4/2013, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire] Henry Mills, Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard
1079 To 5 » by Phoenix-Talon When Belle French starts her job at Gold Consolidated, she grateful to make allies with Emma Swan and Aurora Costa, particularly against the advances of her scummy boss. One evening, the girls have had enough of Killian Jones, and it turns out, payback's the bitch. 9 To 5 AU, Rumbelle, Swanfire.
Once Upon a Time, M, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 7, words: 19k+, favs: 80, follows: 141, updated: 3/11/2017 published: 9/10/2013, Belle/Lacey, Emma S., Aurora/Sleeping Beauty, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
2 Empty Space by CapricornHunter Regina, Neal, and Henry spend an afternoon together as a family. At the end of the day, a moment of bitter sweetness reminds them of what was lost. Fire Queen.
Once Upon a Time, K, English, Friendship & Family, words: 2k+, favs: 6, follows: 4, 1/15/2017, Henry Mills, Neal C./Baelfire, Regina M./The Evil Queen
5Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust » by KleopatraVII Henry wasn't sure what to think. He had been kidnapped by his dad's ex-fiance and her boy friend, only to be taken to a different realm. It was a very good thing this wasn't his first time on Neverland. Season 3 AU. Everything is canon up until the start of Season 3 unless otherwise mentioned.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Adventure & Friendship, chapters: 4, words: 17k+, favs: 13, follows: 10, updated: 9/27/2016 published: 8/17/2016, Emma S., Henry Mills, Neal C./Baelfire, Killian Jones/Captain Hook
61Behind Both Eyes » by purplepidgioncommandbase The past is something Neal has been fighting for hundreds of years. But as is often the case his past has caught up with him. Now he'll have to confront a part of his past that he thought he had left behind. Events will happen that will cause secrets to come to light and feelings that were long thought buried will be unearthed. (will be completed :) )
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, chapters: 12, words: 60k+, favs: 21, follows: 25, updated: 9/19/2016 published: 1/4/2014, Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire, Ruby L./Red Riding Hood
27 Oblivion » by Belacquagirl 2x21 Spin; What if Emma hadn't woken up when Tamara shot Neal? What if he had never fallen through the portal? My take on what could've happened
Once Upon a Time, K, English, chapters: 15, words: 22k+, favs: 31, follows: 23, updated: 8/25/2016 published: 3/7/2016, Emma S., Henry Mills, Neal C./Baelfire, Snow White/Mary M. Blanchard
89What the Hell! 5B Speculation Parody » by eleven19 Not really for angsty CS-lovers, 'cause I'm a Swanfire girl, but maybe for CSers with a sense of humor, and generally anyone rolling their eyes. Rated T for mild swearing. AKA: "Everybody is awesome except Emma and Hook, and every character and scene is used by the author to bash them. Neal is most super special, precious woobie, who ever ;no nuance, no subtlety."
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Parody & Humor, chapters: 6, words: 7k+, favs: 24, follows: 30, updated: 8/22/2016 published: 12/12/2015, Emma S., Henry Mills, Killian Jones/Captain Hook
7Paralysis by KleopatraVII Emma wasn't sure what would happen when she answered August's phone just after the curse had been broken. She was definitely not prepared for the conversation that was about to follow. One Shot. Season 2 AU. Canon up until right after the curse was broken.
Once Upon a Time, K+, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, words: 9k+, favs: 47, follows: 43, 8/16/2016, Emma S., Henry Mills, Neal C./Baelfire, Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold
55To Have and To Hold » by KleopatraVII After the death of Neal, the occupants of Storybrooke are left to grieve. But the peace doesn't last long as a new threat has emerged even as the town struggles to deal with the Wicked Witch. Somehow, someway, a new Dark One has emerged bringing with him a very different force that the people of Storybrooke has never faced before.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Drama & Fantasy, chapters: 13, words: 58k+, favs: 36, follows: 42, updated: 8/16/2016 published: 12/12/2014, [Emma S., Neal C./Baelfire] Henry Mills
22New Beginnings » by KleopatraVII Regina's plan didn't go as well as she had hoped. Henry ended up in the Land Without Magic. Everyone he knew and loved was returned to the Enchanted Forest. He was alone. Set after Pan's curse but Rumple never had the chance to find his son. Details inside the story.
Once Upon a Time, T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 5, words: 25k+, favs: 35, follows: 39, updated: 7/1/2016 published: 6/2/2016, Henry Mills, Neal C./Baelfire
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