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Brent Braten PM
Joined Jan '04

I don't know how to explain my writing style because it is a combination of fiction and philosophy. Some of the philosophical ideals presented are obvious. For others, however, you will have to read between the lines. And even then there are deeper meanings you will have to look within (yourselves) to find. On my web site I give you permission to use and/or translate any and/or all information contained within its pages so long as you give credit where credit is due. That is, after all, what copyrights are all about. I don't mind you using my work; all I ask is that you give me some kind of credit for the 30+ years of hell I had to go through to be able to write as I do. The challenge I am posing to all writers is to begin working a number of philosophical ideals into their stories. I don't know how easy or difficult this will be for you because it, perhaps unfortunately, comes naturally to me. My only request, if you should choose to accept this challenge, is that you should strive to help your fellow ... travelers come to terms with the lives they lead and the world in which they live. Later, Brent Braten P.s. I hate bureaucrats! P.P.S. Aparently I have been entered into some kind of writing competition. If you think about it could you please go to /bikifriend/main and cast your vote for Harry Potter, Heir of Gryffindor? Thanks. P.P.S. Technology is nice but sometimes it really gets on my nerves.

For all of those who have requested a sequel to Heir of Gryffindor please know that I am going to wait until after I have read JKR's seventh book. I want to include Horace Slughorn in at least the first chapter or two and Harry's summer between hissixth and seventh years is going to be filled with the hunt for the horcruxes. Sorry for the wait but I have also got to wait.

I know this story is an Alternate Universe tale but I don't want it to be so far out there that it is totally unrecognizable.



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