Updates for AUF and DFTH are currently delayed due to personal reasons. I'll try to update AUF this month (August 2022) but I can't make any promises.
Let me see if I can try and fill this out a bit.
I'm a guy who grew up with Dragon Ball Z, Power Rangers, Code Lyoko, TMNT, and Star Wars as big parts of my childhood while Naruto and Avatar: the Last Airbender came later. Needless to say, I love these things to death but only started reading fanfiction as of late summer in 2013. Haven't regretted a single moment spent on this site yet.
Fun fact: I only started writing fanfiction because my parents didn't pay the internet bill and I needed a fix soooo...yeah.
Likes: Tech, lounging around, fast food, and donuts.
Dislikes: My inherent inability to focus, poorly written anything, and Writer's Block. Banes of my existence right there.
Goals: Get a story with 50 100 200 500 1000 reviews, finish a fic, catch up on all of my video games, and aim higher with my goals.
My Stories
An Unburdened Fury (In Progress): My first try at a DBZ fic and my most successful story so far. I loved the first Broly movie but the Legendary Super Saiyan's potential was squandered by the later movies and because he was a movie villain rather than a canon series villain. Figured, "Why not try and flesh out some of that potential?" and here we are. It helped that it refused to leave my head until I wrote down the first chapter.
Devil From The Heavens (In Progress): The idea of using Broly as a living super weapon was something that had floated around in my head for quite a while. It was only recently that I found an...interesting...way of implementing that into a hopefully decent story. I wasn't planning on writing this so soon but hearing interest from my readers compelled me to start it up. Well that and I hit a bit of a block on the next chapter for AUF...
Of Spirits and Tailed Beast (On Hiatus): My first try at a crossover. Much like AUF, the concept got stuck in my head and wouldn't leave until I had written up the first chapter. After receiving some constructive criticism as well as inspiration for DFTH, this is on the back burner for now. I feel that my writing skills are not yet up to par for what I wanted for this story.
Deified (Discontinued and Deleted): My first fanfic in general and a pretty bad one now that I look back on it. I generally don't like Ocs as the main protagonist in a fanfic but I believed since it was a villain in the spotlight it would be more tolerable. It wasn't and the fic suffered for it. Lack of attention to detail also brought it down as fixing some of its mistakes would have required some extensive rewrites. I deleted it because there was no real point in keeping it around.
Fall of Man (Abandoned and Deleted): My reboot for 'Deified' which I feel is a much stronger fanfic overall. Unfortunately for it, I was inspired by 'An Unburdened Fury' and its success has left this story to collect dust. Unfortunately, I'll probably never pick it up again.
Plot ideas that pop into my head that I may start once I'm finished with my current fics.
Cold War (DBZ X Korra): Weapons weren't the only thing that Kuvira tried to create with spirit vines. In a secret laboratory, some of the best scientists in the Earth Kingdom are working to augment already formidable benders with the powers of the vines to create super soldiers for Kuvira's army. What they didn't expect were the mutations that left survivors with greatly magnified bending; one of whom is a water bender reborn as a monster by the name of Frieza.
Out of The Dust (DBZ x RWBY): The detection of a strange signal leads to a new Grimm being unleashed upon Remnant. Unyielding, undying, and ever-changing, can Remnant survive against Buu's onslaught or will humanity face extinction?
The Prodigal Son (DBZ x RWBY): One cloudy night, Taiyang witnessed a fiery orb shatter in the sky and had a piece of it landed in the forest nearby. Within the crater it left behind, he found a young boy unconscious and injured but alive. 15 years later, Broly enters Beacon to become a Huntsman.
Thanks for visiting! Review on my stories and all that.