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RoseDimitriLoveJunky PM
My Stories 5
1k+ Just Like Old Times » Set After LS The Alchemists have reported a large group of people going missing form a human school, they think that it's Strigoi related. Lissa decided that two guardians should go undercover and investigate. So who better then the two best guardians available. Rose will be going back to high school as a student and Dimitri will be going guessed it...HER TEACHER!
Vampire Academy, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 49, words: 133k+, favs: 614, follows: 510, updated: 5/17/2022 published: 4/10/2014, Rose H., Dimitri B.
385 Back to the future » Sequel to Blast from the Past. Rose has been rescued from her 'fanged fate'. All the Strigoi in the word are dead, and with wedding bells in the air, things couldn't get any better right? Wrong! Tasha has broken out of jail and wants to start her own Strigoi army and once and for all get rid of Rose so she can have Dimitri for herself. Can they stop Tasha from taking over the world
Vampire Academy, T, English, Adventure & Romance, chapters: 32, words: 144k+, favs: 133, follows: 125, updated: 3/14/2016 published: 2/16/2015, Rose H., Dimitri B., Tasha O.
65Just Like Old Times Holiday Special » Because JLOT was so popular, I have decided that I will post up a separate story just for holidays. Like Christmas, Easter, ect. Lots of fun, fluff action and just awesomeness so please give it a read and review:)
Vampire Academy, T, English, Romance & Adventure, chapters: 6, words: 22k+, favs: 48, follows: 55, updated: 5/14/2015 published: 12/29/2014, Rose H., Dimitri B.
698 Ice Princess » Set after the lust charm and just before FB.When Dimitri tells Rose that they can't be together. But after seeing how much he hurt her he try's to take it back. But Rose won't give him a chance to hurt her again. Can Dimitri thor his Roza's frozen heart? What better way then a romantic ski holiday? And what will happen when Adrain shows up and wants Rose,but not for why you think?
Vampire Academy, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 33, words: 114k+, favs: 311, follows: 283, updated: 2/11/2015 published: 8/26/2014, Rose H., Dimitri B., Adrian I.
344 Blast From The Past » Takes place a year after LS. Everything is going great until an attack at court and a kidnaped Rose! A desperate rescue attempt takes place but will it be too late. Can Dimitri and the gang save her? And who is the blast from her past that is her surprising prison guard. My first fan Fic,I promise their will be lots of twist and excitement Please read. NOW BETAED!
Vampire Academy, T, English, Romance & Drama, chapters: 31, words: 86k+, favs: 231, follows: 169, updated: 12/10/2014 published: 1/13/2014, Rose H., Dimitri B., Christian O., Lissa D.
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