Just In
AprillyMay PM
Joined Nov '13

What can I say about myself? I love to read. :)

I HATE stories with multiple POV's though, I simply find them very difficult to read and often it is all repeated so a complete waste of time.

BAD grammar is another pet hate, please learn how to spell and get your TENSES right as well. It is either happening, has happened or is going to can't be all 3 in one sentence lol

I like a story that has a story to be told, plenty of description either in surroundings, other characters, body language and plenty of angst and lemons :wink:

There are some very good writers out there and they deserve the praise in reviews just as there are some totally bad writers out there who deserve the criticism and if you are one of them take the bad reviews on the chin and learn from them to improve, stop bitching when someone has the guts to tell you your writing is awful when it is!

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