Favorite Stories 4
No Such Thing As Normal » by
Forming the Marauders was the best thing that happened to all four of them, they lived for the camaraderie. But friendship doesn't come without a few misunderstandings, secrets, fights etc. These are a few events that took place from their fourth year through sixth year. Jily and Wolfstar ;)
Harry Potter, M, English, Angst & Romance, chapters: 96, words: 349k+, favs: 137, follows: 85, updated: 4/9/2019 published: 12/30/2018, Sirius B., Remus L., James P., Peter P.
65A Long Time to Wait » by
"Oh and Lily," He looks to see if I'm okay with him calling me by my first name. I cock an eyebrow. He gives a small smile and says "never is a long time to wait." A story starting in sixth year, taking the perspectives of Lily Evans and James Potter as they grow to care and love eachover. Fluffy, swear warnings. ON HALT FOR FORESEEABLE FUTURE
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 14, words: 31k+, favs: 57, follows: 99, updated: 7/25/2016 published: 9/9/2013, [James P., Lily Evans P.] Marlene M., Marauders
86Unlikely Friendship, Impossible Love » by
Scorp loves Rose, he thinks it's in a brotherly way, but I can see further than his conscious thoughts. He really fancies her. Silly Scorp, when he realizes he's going to kick himself. But when it begins to blossom higher powers get involved that split up these star-crossed lovers, but fate though fate can be fickle when it makes up its mind there's no stopping it.
Harry Potter, T, English, Romance & Humor, chapters: 31, words: 39k+, favs: 42, follows: 72, updated: 7/12/2014 published: 8/23/2013, [Scorpius M., Rose W.] Albus S. P.
Innocent » by
Mr and Mrs Dursley of Number Four, Privet Drive, were happy to say they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. The same could not be said for their eight year old nephew, but his godfather wanted him anyway.
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Family, chapters: 80, words: 494k+, favs: 7k+, follows: 3k+, updated: 2/8/2014 published: 7/7/2013, Harry P., Sirius B.