GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS FELLOW FANFICTION DRUGGIES. WELCOME. THIS IS MY PROFILE. *sweeps a hand, gesturing grandly at the profile bellow*
Age: approaching a false belief of maturity
Gender: I am stunningly beautiful
B' day: born in a litter of many on the eve of the solstice of 'you will never know'.. ;P
A bit about MUA
I like overcloud days...
the colors blue, green, and yellow..
dimension hopping..
and the unbelievable capabilities of the human mind (mainly our ability to imagine)
... :D
My fictions
Are awesome. Go read them.
(caution: most of my fics are M and contain So, no children allowed!)
(I Take REQUESTS)...]
... :P
Everybody else's fictions
I read and devour fics. They can't escape me or my vast bowels. hehe...bowels..hehe..funny
I want to thank all of you wonderful people who post your work up here