My Stories 23
52hope under a black moon »
"Shirou wasn't as blind as his family seemed to assume sometimes. He knew there was a darkness in his parents' past. The tension in his father's shoulders whenever the doorbell rang unexpectedly gave it away, as did the hard look in his mother's eyes when her gaze strayed west, towards the mountain." Or, where those left behind by those they loved found solace in each other.
Fate/stay night, T, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 3, words: 16k+, favs: 293, follows: 382, updated: 8/26/2023 published: 5/30/2023, [Shirō E., Angélica]
Undeserved Valhalla Book 1: Heroes Never Die »
Kiritsugu Emiya. Magus Killer. Father. Husband. None of his names could hide him from his sins. He was ready to face them when he died. What he was not ready for, however, was to be given a second chance. Unfortunately, once you take on the name "Hero of Justice", you can never take it off. Welcome to your Valhalla, Kiritsugu. Extreme-AU, co-authored with Pallan Minerva
Fate/stay night, M, English, chapters: 18, words: 41k+, favs: 199, follows: 217, updated: 6/27/2022 published: 5/5/2022, Kiritsugu E., OC
179Patterned in Rubies »
On a night like tonight, Rin always liked to see things proceeding as planned. She would summon Saber, they would get along perfectly, and they would obliterate the competition and win the Grail in three days. She would be in control, composed, and satisfied with the results. As usual with Rin Tohsaka, results never cooperated with her desires.
Fate/stay night, M, English, Supernatural & Drama, chapters: 9, words: 65k+, favs: 754, follows: 903, updated: 12/5/2021 published: 10/15/2019, Shirō E., Saber, Rin T., Gilgamesh
Heaven and Earth
The love of a god is a fearful thing. Ritsuka is reminded of that every new moon, when she watches Artemis cry up to the night sky.
Fate/stay night, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 78, follows: 38, 5/24/2021
Winter Flame »
He found his path in the halls of law instead of the steel of swords, but the ache still eats him from inside. She lost her way, and now picks at its broken pieces in the hopes of reassembling herself. Perhaps they can find solace in each other. [A post HGW AU slowburn romance where Shirou missed the War, but not its impact on the lives of the people around him.]
Fate/stay night, T, English, Romance, chapters: 7, words: 48k+, favs: 431, follows: 311, updated: 4/11/2021 published: 2/3/2021, [Shirō E., Rin T.] Sakura M., Shinji M.
Four Glasses of Ogden's Finest
Harry was a bit drunk. Okay, scratch that, he was really drunk. But that didn't mean he couldn't willfully misinterpret signals of interest a beautiful young Greengrass heir was throwing at him. "Wait, you want to what?" Co-written with Pallan Minerva.
Harry Potter, M, English, Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 260, follows: 144, 3/24/2021, [Harry P., Daphne G.]
how late it was, how late
There are countless worlds within the swirling infinities of the Kaleidoscope. In some, Luviagelita Edelfelt led her wolves to glory and retired to a grand old age. In some, Rin Tohsaka won the War, saved her sister and found the peace that had long eluded her. "I think I hate her," grumbled Rin, crimson eyes staring up at the autumn moon.
Fate/stay night, T, English, Romance & Angst, words: 10k+, favs: 40, follows: 21, 3/6/2021, [Luviagelita E., Rin T.]
Death and the Bear King »
Night after night, Beowulf watched as death incarnate stalked the halls of Chaldea. A powerful witch queen, fierce and beautiful in her splendor, and god why wouldn't she fight him already? Then he gets his wish, and nothing will be the same again.
Fate/stay night, M, English, Romance & Supernatural, chapters: 8, words: 52k+, favs: 68, follows: 47, updated: 1/12/2021 published: 12/9/2020, [Ereshkigal, Berserker]
A Girl Called Fang
Cú's breath caught as he looked her fully in the face. Pink hair framing a face rounded by youth but still all too familiar. "Is that Medb?" he burst out, and grinned in his surprise. The girl's brow crinkled for a moment, then she smiled and puffed herself out like a rooster. "That's right," she said. "I'm Medb, eldest daughter of High King Eochaid. Do I know you, mister?"
Fate/stay night, T, English, Friendship & Humor, words: 7k+, favs: 124, follows: 70, 12/14/2020, Cuchulainn, Medb
Red Velvet
It's Christmas Eve in London, and all Lord El-Melloi II wants is a cigar, his console, and bittersweet memories. Unfortunately what he gets is a dinner party featuring a smug Reines, the snake from Policies, and not nearly enough brandy.
Fate/stay night, T, English, Family & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 58, follows: 32, 12/9/2020, Waver V., Reines El-Melloi A., Gray
Shirou was pretty sure trying to set up two of his most stubborn friends was a bad idea - no, scratch that, it was a disastrous idea. But the gleam in Mitsuzuri's eyes told him he was going to be doing it anyway. Besides, making people happy was like saving them, wasn't it? He would make this work, even if it took all summer to do it.
Fate/stay night, T, English, Romance & Friendship, words: 17k+, favs: 161, follows: 69, 4/26/2020, Shirō E., Sakura M., Issei R., Ayako M.
Mysterious Divine Wine »
Sometimes your sister sneaks into your room to borrow your favorite shirt, and you scream at each other, but everything's fine a few days later. And sometimes she sneaks into your kingdom to steal your throne, and in response you strip her naked and pluck out her eyes. A few millennia later, you're still not talking.
Fate/stay night, T, English, Family & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 4, words: 19k+, favs: 152, follows: 96, updated: 2/27/2020 published: 2/5/2020, Ishtar, Ritsuka F., Ereshkigal
4Anchor of my Heart
Lancer has spent four long years keeping his Master safe while she worked her fingers and soul raw to reunite a boy and his lady knight. Now both of their tasks are at their end, and he intends to celebrate. If only that impossible woman would finally see things his way.
Fate/stay night, M, English, Romance, words: 7k+, favs: 38, follows: 19, 2/14/2020, [Cuchulainn, Rin T.]
Martagon Lily
EMIYA stared in horror at the young girl seated across from him. The uncertainty in her gaze, the nervous tapping of her fingers, did nothing to stop him from seeing the shadow of the horns her adult self wore so proudly. What on Earth had he done this time for Alaya to curse him like this?
Fate/stay night, K+, English, Family & Friendship, words: 3k+, favs: 426, follows: 262, 12/30/2019, EMIYA, Kiara S.
Happiness is a Warm Puppy
Mana. Command Seals. Catalysts. Shirou doesn't really understand any of that, but he does understand trust. Right now, that's what his Servant needs most. [Shirou x Tamamo Cat]
Fate/stay night, M, English, Romance & Family, words: 12k+, favs: 311, follows: 177, 12/16/2019, [Shirō E., Berserker]
Clad in Purple and Scarlet
Raikou and Kiara share tea and snacks while they talk about motherhood.
Fate/stay night, M, English, Horror & Hurt/Comfort, words: 7k+, favs: 62, follows: 35, 11/27/2019, [Berserker, Kiara S.]
A Long Night, Short Lived
In his eyes, she was the dryad of an ash tree whose branches curled around him, bringing him closer and closer until he was completely encased within her. In her eyes, he was a refreshing thunderstorm, showering her in a desire she never truly understood. Both of them hope they will find what they are looking for tonight.
Fate/stay night, M, English, Romance & Hurt/Comfort, words: 6k+, favs: 122, follows: 74, 10/25/2019, [Kiara S., Shirō E.]
Gold and Ash »
"I spent hours watching you because I couldn't understand you. I thought you definitely had to be denying your hate and anger. But I see it now. You hate yourself." She gave a bitter laugh. "So in that sense, we are alike after all." [Jeanne Alter x EMIYA Alter]
Fate/stay night, T, English, Romance & Angst, chapters: 2, words: 15k+, favs: 444, follows: 271, updated: 10/3/2019 published: 8/29/2019
A Matter for Negotiation
Sakura doesn't care about what the world will say. The world already abandoned her countless times, and tried to keep her from the two people she loves most. Now that she has been freed from her shackles, she doesn't want to waste any more time hesitating. Slightly AU Post-UBW, mostly rated M for pairing rather than content.
Fate/stay night, M, English, Romance, words: 4k+, favs: 154, follows: 71, 7/26/2019, [Sakura M., Shirō E., Rin T.]
Fixed in the Stars
Some things never change, even with humanity teetering on the brink. The celestials themselves bow to the sheer force of a certain pair's rivalry. Ritsuka thinks she can coax them into something healthier, or at least stop them from destroying Chaldea's facilities. Wish her luck. [Astraea/Ishtar]
Fate/stay night, T, English, Humor & Romance, words: 3k+, favs: 66, follows: 22, 7/2/2019, Ishtar, Ritsuka F.