my avatar was done by a friend from school. so she get credit for making my MLP OC a reality.
I have some stories in the making: The Kit's Guardian Goddess (Naruto), The Sprite and the Night (HtTYD fem!hiccup), a Blue Exorcist and a Hunter X Hunter, Yuri on Ice!! and Love Stage!
I adopted "Master of Time: (Installment One) Lightning Thief. i'm working on it, I swear!
I am 17, and I live in America. (Any deity help us.)
I am a book, Anime/manga, and YOAI addict. (why are there no good YURIs? Why?!?)
I love animals.
I'm probably insane. (But aren't we all?)
I love K-pop! I thank my parabati for that. Yes I have one. Jealous?
There are 2 types of pedestrians, the quick and the dead.
When I see people with saggy pants I think "Death by pants!" (iI came up with that when I saw someone try to jay walk with them, not a good idea)
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