My Characters[Work in Progress]-
{Kiyo Soran - Male}
Age: 21
Height: 5’11”
Appearance: A slightly pale person with a bit of muscle to them. Kiyo’s sharp eyes are a vibrant blue. His chestnut hair is short-medium length, and parted down the middle. It’s mostly flat, but fans outward at the ends.
Personality: [???]
Primary Outfit: White T-shirt with a bright green omega symbol on the back. Green fingerless gloves with extra knuckle protection. White combat pants with a holster strap on the right leg, and two black belts that cross over each other in an “X” formation. Green tactical boots with black tread.
Info: Kiyo is the most recent addition to the T.F.O.[Trans-Field Operations] Omega team, which is a group of six people. Having proved himself capable through various missions, he has been given an experimental weapon made by Rumena. Kiyo has gone through roughly 70 missions since he started. Being a part of the Omega team, Kiyo has been given the ability to control an element, his being wind. Due to circumstances outside of all control, Kiyo currently has to search for Crimson, and take him out.
{Rumena Raijin - Female}
Age: 19
Height: 5’8”
Appearance: [???]
Personality: [???]
Info: Controls electricity.
{Ein Katsuo - Male}
Age: 26
Height: 6’
Outfit: Black T-shirt with a blazing orange Omega symbol on the back. Black, fighter-type, fingerless gloves. Bright orange jacket tied around the waist by the sleeves. White combat pants and orange tactical shoes with black tread.
Info: Controls Fire.
{Blue “Azure” Hariken - Machine/Reploid}
Height: 5’11”
Info: Controls Water and Ice.
{??? ??? - Female}
Age: 25
Height: 5’10”
Info: Controls the shadows and a separate, nebulous energy.
{Yuuto “Crimson” Kugeki - Male}
Age: 29
Height: 6’
Appearance: Crimson is a pale man with a constant and rigid glare, his red eyes adding to the look. His brown hair is a bit messy, being spiked out at the back with a side swiping fringe. His bangs are dyed red.
Outfit: He wears a black long sleeve under a deep red jacket that has a high collar and the ends of it reach halfway down his legs. It's closed from the neck down to the hip, where it fans open[this alone gives him a surprisingly regal look]. In addition to this, he has black fingerless gloves. He also wears black jeans with equally black shoes, the tread is no different.
Info: Controls a Void-like Energy.
These are my own personal characters that are being created for their own story.