Author has written
Hi, all.
So a lot has changed since I last posted on this account.
I'm an adult at this point in time. Won't be too specific about that but needless to say a lot has changed from 2014-Eagle to 2018-Eagle.
I finally got a Tumblr. Totally worth it imo. I really enjoy the community there. I first was involved in the autistic community over there and I'm really glad I did. Mentally, I'm in a much, much better place. I look back at 2014-Eagle and realize that they were definitely depressed and this was one of the few places they could come hang out and not feel broken and wrong. This, tumblr, the autistic community, the geek/nerd community has really helped me be more secure in who I am and in my worth. So I'd like to thank the fandom community as a whole for that. Honestly it saved my life.
I also have an announcement to make about my slash/femslash policy... It's changed. And here's why.
I first started really wondering what the deal was with the LGBT community once I got to about 15. I didn't really understand the hatred they got even if it was a sin. I did my own research, prayed a lot. Like, a LOT. And I ultimately came to the conclusion that I'm not against it. And that honestly - I don't think it's a sin. There's a whole bunch of stuff behind that but basically, based on research I did about the basis of gay=sin in the Bible, I came to the conclusion that it doens't say it. I prayed about it so, so much too. And regardless of anyone's beliefs on that particular issue, it gives people no right to go up and shout in peoples faces and behave like jerks. That's not what Jesus said to do and that's not how I'm going to act.
In fact, I'm not straight myself.
I'm asexual demiromantic. And I've had only 2 (romantic) crushes on people of the same gender. I prayed for months to even hesitantly say I was asexual for the first time. I prayed for signs, I read the Bible. I believe God created me like this and that it's okay.
Sorry to go all rambly on you, but I felt that such a significant change from 2014-me warranted attention. But basically - I'll write queer relationships.
And if I ever hurt you with my previous policy and things I said - I apologize for that.
Anyways, less dramatic changes! I'm back into figure skating, am still in school (won't tell you what part though) and I'll still be writing. Looking back at some of my fics is so embarrassing for me cause I'm just like "These are so bad. What.". I don't regret them or the time I've spent here though.
Just needed to update my profile a bit because it no longer accurately reflected who I am.
I'm also going through removing some stuff that might make me more identifiable in my stories. Past me - you were way too talkative.