Hello, I should introduce myself. I am Rubel, an avid collector of stories. I heavily collect manga, comics, books, heck just about anything that has a good story in it. I find that I tend to like fanfiction because of the "What If..."ness of it. Some of my favorite stories include "Tale Of Two Wallets" and "A Very Scary Thought" (aka Nabiki 1/2), "I Was A Teenage Dummyplug (a very well done self insert 0.0), "All The Small Things" and many others. Some of the authors I would recommend would be Jim Bader, Jurai Knight, Innortal, Mark MacKinnon, Psychosama, Skysaber, Metroanime (Gregg Sharpe), Cory Rose (ff name C.Rose), and Dr. Suekichi Kaiton. Let me know if you want some help finding some of these peoples work or if you have some to recommend to me.
Also has anyone heard of a Those Who Hunt Elves / Ranma Crossover? Me and a friend (the Oni Kawaii) were talking recently and thought the idea sounded neat. My particular take was to do an Alternate Universe with the usual crew (human crew) replaced as follows:
Nabiki for Airi since they both have very analytical ways of thinking. I think it would be interesting to see how she would react to being in a fantasy world away from her family.
Mousse (Mu Tsu) for Ritsku since they are both weopon nuts. Would he grab up a some firearms from the pile of stuff that came through the portal with them?
Ranma for Junpei. Both are heavy duty martial artists who aren't very good with thinking before speaking or doing. I wonder how hard Ranma would work at going back to his old life in Nerima. Sure he would help Nabiki and Mousse but would he want to go back to where he was treated like a possesion and/or aburden?
I am trying to think my way around this story to maybe write it down but if anyone wants to steal the idea go right ahead. Just let me read it when you're done. : )
Update 9-27
Man writing believable dialogue is a pain. So my "Spring of" story will take a while so that I can make the characters sound right. Though for anyone who bothers to check here I am planning on making the catLuna though if I have a good idea on how to do it I will reuse the prologue chapter and do an Artemis chapter or possibly even a Diana chapter.