my name is "SmilingAnne" and I'm a now logged in reader.
I mainly like to read Star Trek, Harry Potter or Transformers fanfictions. Occasionally I will write some stories too!
What also has to be said: BRITISH OR AMERICAN ENGLISH IS NOT MY MOTHER LANGUAGE! So if you discover any spelling or grammar fails in any Fanfiction or Reviews I am awfully sorry for that! Please don't hesitate to correct me since that also improves my english knowledge. I WON'T BE ANGRY AT YOU! Promise ;)
And last but not least: For those of you who hadn't noticed: This page is called FANfictiction for a reason. It means that fans release written content of the stories they are fan of. So OF COURSE we don't own Characters and plot appearing in the original story. Otherwise this site would be completely pointless. So now that I did mention it here, consider any future Fanfiction posted here by me disclaimered.
Thanks for visiting my profile, you rock!