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My Stories 39
33What if ? Oh, my Lord, these decisions! » Most characters made decisions that make sense given the circumstances and what they knew at the time. Yet, sometimes these decisions backfire or have unintended bad consequences, but that doesn't mean they were wrong or mistaken. Let's take a look at some of these actions. What if these characters had done as fans wanted? Would things be better? I would love to read your thoughts
A song of Ice and Fire, T, English, chapters: 5, words: 7k+, favs: 12, follows: 11, updated: 1/19/2023 published: 1/12/2023, Cersei L., Eddard S./Ned, Sansa S., Tyrion L.
109Songs of Ice and Fire » This will be a collection of rock and pop songs I associate with different characters and events. The vast majority of songs are in English with a few songs being in Spanish. - Latest updates 2022: September 19: The Northern Lords (We Will Remember), Walder Drey (La Boda Roja)
A song of Ice and Fire, K+, English, chapters: 58, words: 17k+, favs: 17, follows: 12, updated: 9/22/2022 published: 8/28/2015, Cersei L., Robb S., Theon G., Joffrey B.
6 A través de estos ojos » Catelyn encuentra a Nymeria durante la guerra. Madre e hija se encuentran … por llamarlo así … Conexión: Catelyn-Nymeria-Arya… ¿Podrá Nymeria evitar la Boda Roja, juntar a Arya con su familia y ayudar a recuperar el Norte? ... Spoiler: final feliz :)
A song of Ice and Fire, K+, Spanish, Family & Angst, chapters: 12, words: 13k+, favs: 3, follows: 3, updated: 3/3/2022 published: 2/16/2022, Arya S., Catelyn T., Nymeria
12Conversaciones que nunca tuvimos (Español) » Estos personajes nunca tuvieron estas conversaciones. Pero ¿y si las hubieran tenido? 1)Arya-Cat. 2)Cersei-Robert. 3)Ned-Jon. 4)Hoster-Lysa. 5)Tywin-Joffrey. 6)Ned-Cat. 7)Joanna-Tywin. 8) Cersei-Myrcella. 9) Hoster-Brynden Tully. 10) Jon-Cat. 11) Elia Martell-Jaime Lannister. 12) Margaery-Olenna. 13) Walder Frey-Roose Bolton. 14) Hoster&Brynden Tully-Ned
A song of Ice and Fire, T, Spanish, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 14, words: 23k+, favs: 5, follows: 3, updated: 6/17/2021 published: 1/4/2021
50Conversations we never had (English) » These characters never had these conversations, but, oh, if only they had … 1) Arya-Catelyn. 2) Cersei-Robert. 3) Jon-Ned. 4) Hoster-Lysa. 5) Joffrey-Tywin. 6) Ned-Cat. 7) Joanna-Tywin. 8) Cersei-Myrcella. 9) Hoster-Brynden Tully. 10) Jon-Cat. 11) Elia Martell-Jamie Lannister. 12) Margaery-Olenna. 13) Walder Frey-Roose Bolton. 14) Hoster&Brynden Tully-Ned
Game of Thrones, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, chapters: 14, words: 22k+, favs: 45, follows: 37, updated: 6/17/2021 published: 12/9/2020, Robert B., Catelyn S., Arya S., Cersei L.
27 Through these eyes I see you (English) » Catelyn finds Nymeria while still at Riverrun during the war campaign. It is through the wolf that mother and daughter come together … well, kind of …
Game of Thrones, K+, English, Angst & Family, chapters: 12, words: 11k+, favs: 26, follows: 18, updated: 4/20/2021 published: 3/29/2021, Direwolves, Catelyn S., Arya S.
Es a través de estos ojos que te puedo ver (español) Catelyn encuentra a Nymeria durante la guerra. Madre e hija se encuentran … por llamarlo así … ONE SHOT
A song of Ice and Fire, K+, Spanish, Angst & Family, words: 707, favs: 1, follows: 2, 3/29/2021, Arya S., Catelyn T., Nymeria
111 Truths and Lies » When Robert learns that Ned might be hiding Rhaegar's son in Winterfell, he travels north to find the truth. Will he like what he finds out? What will he do once he learns the truth? What will Ned do to prevent Robert from finding out about Jon? How will the Northern Lords react?
Game of Thrones, T, English, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, chapters: 8, words: 18k+, favs: 121, follows: 115, updated: 3/19/2020 published: 2/24/2020, Jon S., Robert B., Eddard S., Catelyn S.
20 Un Largo Viaje (Traducción) » Jon no va al Muro y termina acompañando a Catelyn a Desembarco del Rey. Juntos deberán esconderse y evadir peligros mientras el continente se sumerge en problemas y se acerca cada vez más hacia una guerra civil donde diferentes facciones mienten, ocultan verdades y complotan unas contra otras. –- CATELYN Y JON EMPRENDEN UN INTERESANTE VIAJE JUNTOS.
Game of Thrones, M, Spanish, Hurt/Comfort & Angst, chapters: 12, words: 40k+, favs: 17, follows: 10, updated: 11/25/2019 published: 10/26/2019, Jon S., Robert B., Eddard S., Catelyn S.
61 A Long Journey » Jon does not go to the Wall and instead accompanies Catelyn to King's Landing. As they have to go into hiding together, events escalate and troubles stir in the continent leading different parties to lie, plot and obfuscate. Is Westeros doomed to go to war or can conflict be avoided? OR: Catelyn and Jon take an interesting road trip together.
Game of Thrones, M, English, Adventure & Hurt/Comfort, chapters: 12, words: 35k+, favs: 175, follows: 159, updated: 8/7/2019 published: 7/8/2019, Jon S., Robert B., Eddard S., Catelyn S.
4My Duty He has just seen the White Walkers. An unimaginable threat looms over the realm. He must fulfill his duty. He must warn the people of the upcoming danger … Season 1 - Episode 1: To the brave Brother of the Watch who tried to warn us all before it all happened.
Game of Thrones, T, English, Horror & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 11, follows: 6, 6/27/2019, Eddard S.
6 The Crone It was just a task, one of the many tasks she had been assigned; nothing but another target to eliminate, another name to please her God. The assassin of the Many-Faced God asks no questions and demands no explanations, she just follows orders. ... OR ... Arya has a new mission in the Riverlands.
Game of Thrones, T, English, Hurt/Comfort, words: 2k+, favs: 9, follows: 3, 2/28/2019, Arya S.
10 La Vieja Era solo una tarea más de las tantas que debía cumplir. Solo un objetivo a eliminar como los tantos otros que había eliminado antes. Solo otro nombre que debía borrar. La Asesina del Dios de Muchos Rostros no pregunta, solo cumple órdenes. ... Esta historia participa en el reto 89 'La muerte es tan... definitiva' del foro Alas Negras, Palabras Negras.
A song of Ice and Fire, T, Spanish, Angst, words: 2k+, favs: 9, follows: 2, 8/28/2018, Arya S.
4 Catharsis A/U. The Great War for the Iron Throne is finally over, but not all the wounds have healed. A cathartic conversation between two people who have a lot to say to each other: Tyrion Lannister and Catelyn Stark.
Game of Thrones, T, English, Angst, words: 3k+, favs: 24, follows: 11, 8/20/2018, Tyrion L., Catelyn S., Sansa S.
12Yo cumplí con mi deber Acaba de ver a los caminantes blancos. Una amenaza inesperada acecha al reino. Él debe cumplir con su deber. Debe avisar sobre el peligro que se avecina. ... Esta historia participa en el reto 89 'La muerte es tan... definitiva' del foro Alas Negras, Palabras Negras.
A song of Ice and Fire, T, Spanish, Supernatural & Angst, words: 1k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 8/14/2018
23 Brothers, Now and Always » Robb decides not to send Theon to his father to rally his men and looks for other alliances. Together with his friend he embarks on an adventure that will radically change both their fates and the fate of Westeros. Robb/Theon friendship... Story originally written in Spanish as part of a what-if challenge.
Game of Thrones, T, English, chapters: 7, words: 15k+, favs: 25, follows: 22, updated: 8/13/2018 published: 7/26/2018, Catelyn S., Robb S., Theon G., Edmure T.
38 And now it ends » Sometimes the line between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" can be a bit blurry, and the good guys don't always win. If the odds are not in your favour and you have made too many silly costly mistakes, sometimes you do lose and sometimes you do have to pay. Set after the events of season 7.
Game of Thrones, T, English, Adventure & Angst, chapters: 6, words: 14k+, favs: 12, follows: 13, updated: 4/26/2018 published: 4/16/2018, Jon S., Tyrion L., Sansa S., Arya S.
1 Plans of Iron and Sand There is a savage civil war raging in the Kingdom slowly bleeding it to death: five self-proclaimed Kings vying for the Crown. Dorne is not going to stay out of this vicious Game, is it? Not when they can finally get the revenge they have yearned for so long … Or: what if Dorne had backed one of the Kings in the WOTFK? Translation of a story written in Spanish
Game of Thrones, T, English, words: 2k+, favs: 13, follows: 8, 2/28/2018, Oberyn M., Balon G.
Hermanos, Ahora y para Siempre » Robb decide no enviar a Theon con su padre y busca otras alianzas. ¿Podrá Theon cambiar el destino de su amigo? Para el reto "Tomaré otro camino" del foro Alas Negras, Palabras Negras: ¿Y si Theon no hubiese ido a las Islas de Hierro?
A song of Ice and Fire, T, Spanish, Friendship & Adventure, chapters: 7, words: 10k+, favs: 5, follows: 2, updated: 1/31/2018 published: 1/27/2018, Catelyn T., Robb S., Theon G., Tyrion L.
7 Planes de Hierro y Sol Hay una violenta guerra desangrando al reino: cinco pretendientes que quieren hacerse de la corona. Dorne no se va a quedar afuera, ¿verdad? No cuando ellos pueden por fin obtener su tan ansiada venganza. - Desafio "Tomaré otro camino" del foro Alas Negras, Palabras Negras. ¿Y si Dorne hubiese apoyado a alguno de los reyes de la Guerra de los Cinco?
A song of Ice and Fire, T, Spanish, words: 2k+, favs: 2, follows: 1, 1/18/2018, Oberyn M., Balon G.
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