My Stories 1
80Piper Persuaded »
PJ version of the story Ella Enchanted. Piper likes Jason. Jason likes Piper. Drew likes Jason and charmspeaks Piper into avoid Jason and charmspeaks Jason into kissing her. Piper is tormented by Drew as she has to heeds to Drew's charmspeak. Piper can charmspeak but her charmspeak isn't as strong as Drew's. In Piper's and Jason's P.O.V. A Jiper fanfic. BAD SUMMARY BUT PLEASE READ!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians, T, English, Romance, chapters: 7, words: 12k+, favs: 29, follows: 45, updated: 10/11/2014 published: 3/22/2014, Piper M., Jason G., Drew T.