Just In
ifyouknew PM
Joined Mar '14

Hey! I'm Marianna. I like to write fanfiction, read fanfiction, and draw. I'm writing one story for The Mortal Instruments, and I plan on writing one for the Harry Potter fandom. I am a proud Slytherin, so, all the serpents out there, put your hands up! Or not... Yeah, actually, don't.

I am now an active beta reader.

My links: tumblr polyvore

A gigantic thank you to all of my readers. You rock.

I, ifyouknew, have challenged myself! I'm proud to be a part of the HPFC forum.

A short note: I have a weird sense of humour. Like, really weird sense of humour. If you decide to read my stories, then, just remember that I have warned you. Okay? Okay. (AAAH TFIOS MY FEELINGS DAMN IT! WHY DO I CONNECT EVERYTHING TO THIS EFFING BOOK?!)

Unfortunate Events links:

Chapter 8: Isabelle Clary

My favourite books/book series are Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Stravaganza, Uglies, Chronicles of Narnia, and many, many books by the amazing Zorz Sari, who passed away two years ago, sadly. I also like the two Greek authors Alki Zei and Manos Kontoleon. And who can forget Attica by Garry Kilworth? And The Fault in Our Stars, oh, God. *sniff sniff* SO BEAUTIFUL!

Ships (HP is bold, TMI is italics, PJO is underlined, OUAT is bold and italics): Dramione, Clace, Simabelle, Malec, Percabeth, Drarry, DarlingPan, CaptainSwan, SwanQueen and others I'll remember later since I have the worst memory.

My stories:

Unfortunate Events: My first fanfic on this website (or, the first one I have published at all). Humor & Romance, TMI. Clace & other ships. Mainly in Clary and Jace's perspectives, but there is the occasional Simon/Isabelle/Magnus/Alec/someone else. I'm having MAJOR writer's block with this one and it's currently being edited. [ in-progress ]

Whole: 100-word-drabble. Romance, Harry Potter. Dramione. Draco's perspective. [complete ]

How To Hope: Just a little one-shot about Draco's thoughts while he's dying. He remembers the the moment that changed his life significantly (it was late and I couldn't think of a good summary, so, yeah). For Round 1 of Prompts: Elimination Style! by paradox.bookjunkie. [complete ]

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