Just In
Guardian-Sigil PM
Joined May '14

TV Tropes Page for Heroes Never Die, It's Hero Time: https:///pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/HeroesNeverDieItsHeroTime

I am not a professional writer, but I am passionate about what I write. With each new attempt and with each new chapter I am learning, and I continue to grow in my writing and storytelling. I learn more and get better and better. As of now I am on my third attempt on a fanfic that has been successfully updating for 4 years now. And I hope to see it through to the end.


Nue by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/Henzu-Monster-883288185

Kraab by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/Kraab-937559263

Deku's S.A.G.E. Gun by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/Deku-s-S-A-G-E-Gun-908079453

DEKU EX-MACHINA by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/DEKU-EX-MACHINA-924076509

Flight Test by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/Heroes-Never-Die-It-s-Hero-Time-Flight-Test-868776868

SixSix vs. Stain by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/SixSix-vs-Stain-874648123

Swampfire-Thing by Voidv25: https:///voidv25/art/Swampfire-Thing-935035056

Ben 10 X MHA: Uraraka Go! by Gerro223: https:///gero223/art/Ben-10-X-MHA-Uraraka-Go-869643576

Ben 10 X MHA: The Meaning of Power by Gerro223: https:///gero223/art/Ben-10-X-MHA-The-Meaning-of-Power-875209545

Ben 10 X MHA: Out of time by Gerro223: https:///gero223/art/Ben-10-X-MHA-Out-of-time-876737231

Ben 10 X MHA: Just in time by Gerro223: https:///gero223/art/Ben-10-X-MHA-Just-in-time-876773235

Ben 10 X MHA: Vilgax The Conqueror by Gerro223: https:///gero223/art/Ben-10-X-MHA-Vilgax-The-Conqueror-877613923

Anguish through fire by Weeld1: https:///weeld1/art/Anguish-through-fire-875181265

Truly a Freak by Weeld1: https:///weeld1/art/Truly-a-Freak-913172058

It Started When by Smoking-Gun-275: https:///smoking-gun-275/art/Heroes-Never-Die-It-s-Hero-Time-It-Started-When-949883159

Hisashi Midoriya by Smoking-Gun-275: https:///smoking-gun-275/art/Heroes-Never-Die-It-s-Hero-Time-Hisashi-Midoriya-949883477

Deku meets Deku 10000 by Smoking-Gun-275: https:///smoking-gun-275/art/Heroes-Never-DieIt-sHeroTime-Deku-Meets-Deku-10000-950345381

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